Collection Process. Students failing to make payment within the appropriate time frame, as set by the University Controller’s Office, will be subject to the University’s collections policy (please see the University Controller’s website for more information).
Collection Process. As of the execution date of this PLA, Project Personnel may be required to submit urine samples ("Preliminary Drug Screening") for the purpose of detecting the presence of drugs as part of the random, post-accident or reasonable suspicion testing, in accordance with chain of custody protocols as established by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), utilizing an instant result test cup for Preliminary Drug Screenings, such testing is to be performed on-site by an independent service provider. The results from the instant result test cup will be considered preliminary. The sample will be sent to a SAMHSA certified testing laboratory for confirmation. As of the date hereof, all Project Personnel will be required to submit to an Evidential Breath Test (EBT) for the purpose of detecting the presence of alcohol when submitting to random, post- accident or reasonable suspicion testing. Alcohol testing will not be conducted for pre-access testing.
Collection Process. (Urine Screens): The student will be notified to report to the collection site. A specimen from the student will be collected as follows and all students must follow this process: o All student must have a picture ID or be identified by the Athletic Director or Principal. No exceptions will be allowed. o Drug testing area must be secured during the testing. o Only lab technicians and students will be witness to the test. o Privacy must be kept for all students. The Athletic Director is responsible for ensuring that all of the forms are completed and signed by both parent/guardian/custodian and student. No student is to enter the collection site until forms, money and proper ID are completed. This collection procedure is subject to change because of procedural requirements by the testing agency. The School Board reserves the right to change the collection procedure to coincide with the testing guidelines set forth by the testing agency. When using rapid screens, all non-negative screens will be sent out with a chain of custody to a certified laboratory for confirmation. A Certified Medical Review Officer will verify the positive test. Any student that tests positive will have to be tested weekly for the term of a 5-week program with drug counseling at the expense of the student and/or parent. Testing will be done by Great Lakes Biomedical only so long as this is the company the school selects.
Collection Process. (Urine Screens); Other collection procedures may apply.
a. All students must have a picture ID or be identified by the Athletic Director or Principal. No exceptions will be allowed.
b. Drug testing area must be secured during the testing.
c. Only lab technicians, designated school administrator and students will be witness to the test.
d. Privacy must be kept for all students. The Athletic Director is responsible for ensuring the Informed Consent Agreement is acknowledged/agreed upon by both parent/guardian/custodian and student. No student is to enter the collection site until consent and proper identification are completed. When students arrive and cannot give a sample, they will need to start drinking water, pop or juice. After 36 oz. the human body will need to urinate. No bags, backpacks, purses, cups, containers or drinks will be allowed to enter the collection area. All coats, vests, jackets, sweaters, hats, scarves or baggy clothing must be removed before entering the collection site. Only pants and t-shirts or dresses may be worn in the collection area. Any infringement of the rules will result in the student taking the test over. Students processed by the lab technician who cannot produce a sample will be kept in a secured area to wait until they can test. If they leave this area they will not be allowed to test. They are not to have contact with anyone until after the sample is given. Students will be asked to hold out their hands and a sanitizer will be put on their hands. The bathroom personnel will add a dye to the toilet. Students will be asked to urinate directly into the collection cup given to them by the lab personnel. The lab technician will stand outside the stall and listen for normal sounds of urination. Any and all adulterations of the specimen will be detected and considered the same as a test refusal or 1st time infraction. (The lab checks every sample for adulteration, such as additives you drink or add to urine to change the sample.)
Collection Process. Collector Collecting Credit Supervisor/Manager Adhere to collection policies and strategies (incl. dispute mgt) Sales/Customer service Adhere to collection policies and strategies (incl. dispute mgt) Sales/Customer service Support Collecting
Collection Process. Drug tests shall be performed by a licensed medical laboratory under professionally recognized standards and procedures. Urine samples which are screened positive by the urinalysis test shall be verified and confirmed by gas chromatograph- mass spectrometry where each drug will be isolated and specified by chemical name. The following standards shall apply to the collection and analysis of urine samples:
A. The specimen collection will occur in a medical setting.
B. The validity of any specimen may be verified by appropriate temperature testing.
Collection Process. On occurrence of an Event of Breach, Mortgagee may foreclose this Mortgage, through the procedures established in Colombian law. Accordingly, Mortgagee shall submit a request for execution against Mortgagor. Thus, in the event that Mortgagee initiates, for the benefit of the Noteholders, jointly or separately one or several collection processes against Mortgagor for breach of the Secured Obligations, the Parties agree, effective immediately:
(a) To appoint as receiver within the process the appropriate person (natural or legal) who is nominated by Mortgagee.
(b) To designate as expert or experts for the appraisal of the Real Estate the appropriate person or persons (natural or legal) who are appointed by Mortgagee. Mortgagee may designate the receiver and expert or experts and proceed to notify the competent judge of such appointments, prior consultation (non-binding) with Mortgagor which includes the chance for the latter to give its opinion about these proposed appointments within a period not exceeding five (5) calendar days following the date on which it is notified of the proposed appointment. In any event, Mortgagor expressly states that it adheres to the appointment of the receiver and expert or experts made by Mortgagee, to the extent it meets the provisions set forth herein and that such persons meet the requirements established in subsections (a) and (b) of this Article, in accordance with the ordinal 1, paragraph (d), Article 9 of the Colombian Code of Civil Procedure.
Collection Process. Procedures when a borrower fails to make full payment by the due date:
Collection Process. The City hereby covenants and agrees to direct the Department to calculate, collect and deposit the Monthly Sales Tax Increments and the Annual Property Tax Increments for the benefit of the District as follows:
Collection Process. There will be no change in the current collection process for delinquent real property taxes of the Metropolitan Government as a result of the sale of the Tax Receivables and no impact in the way the delinquent taxpayer deals with the Metropolitan Government on matters related to delinquent real property taxes. Metro will retain total management of the collection process including the sale of the property for back taxes. Metro will continue to enforce the collection of Tax Receivables that have been sold in the same manner as if such Tax Receivables had not been sold. Collections resulting from the collection process will be forwarded to Contractor.