Medical Review Officer. The Medical Review Officer (MRO) shall be a licensed physician who has a knowledge of substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual’s positive test result together with the employee’s medical history and any other relevant biomedical information.
Medical Review Officer a licensed physician (medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy) responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by an employer’s drug testing program who meets the qualifications as listed in 49 C.F.
Medical Review Officer. The City shall employ and/or contract with a Medical Review Officer, who is qualified by the State Board of Health. .141 The Medical Review Officer shall receive test results from the testing facility and evaluate those results in conjunction with the subject employee and/or applicant. The MRO may only report that the results were positive or negative.
Medical Review Officer. The Medical Review Officer shall be chosen by the Employer and must be a licensed physician with knowledge of substance abuse disorders. The Medical Review Officer shall be familiar with the characteristics of drug tests (sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value), the laboratories running the tests and medical conditions and work exposures of the employees. The role of the Medical Review Officer will be to review and interpret the positive test results. The Medical Review Officer must examine alternate medical explanations for any positive test results. This action shall include conducting a medical interview with the affected employee, review of the employee’s medical history and review of any other relevant biomedical factors. The Medical Review Officer must review all medical records made available by the tested employee when a confirmed positive test could have resulted from legally prescribed medication.
Medical Review Officer. Any person serving as a Medical Review Officer (MRO) for the Company must be a licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy with knowledge of substance abuse disorders, issues relating to adulterated and substituted specimens, possible medical causes of specimens having an invalid result, and applicable DOT agency regulations. In addition, the MRO shall keep current on applicable DOT agency regulations and comply with the DOT qualification training and continuing education requirements. The MRO is responsible for performing the following functions, in addition to those specified in the DOT regulations:
1. Reviewing the results of UPS Freight’s drug testing program.
2. Receiving all positive and negative drug test reports as prescribed under the DOT regulations, and making all reports of drug test results to the Employer.
3. Within a reasonable time, notifying an employee of a confirmed positive test result.
4. Reviewing and interpreting each confirmed positive test result in order to determine if there is an alternative medical explanation for the specimen’s testing positive. The MRO shall perform the following functions as part of the review of a confirmed positive test results:
a. Provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss a positive test result.
b. Review the employee’s medical history and relevant biomedical factors. A driver is allowed to use a controlled substance (except for methadone) only when taken as prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner who is familiar with the driver’s medical history and assigned duties.
c. Review all medical records made available by the employee to determine if a confirmed positive test resulted from legally prescribed medication or other possible explanation.
d. Verify that the laboratory report and assessment are correct.
5. Processing an employee’s request to test the split sample. Such testing will be conducted at the employee’s expense. The employee shall be reimbursed by UPS Freight for any such expense should the retest provide a negative result. If a reanalysis is negative, then the MRO will declare the test cancelled.
Medical Review Officer. A Medical Review Officer ("MRO") shall verify all positive test results. The MRO must be a licensed physician. The MRO shall be a member of the American Society of Addictive Medicine ("ASAM") if available. If no ASAM members are available, the MRO shall be certified by the Medical Review Officers' Certification Council. The Union shall approve all MRO's. Upon verification of a positive test result, the MRO shall refer the affected Employee to ARP for assessment and referral to treatment, if appropriate.
Medical Review Officer i. The Medical Review Officer (MRO) must be a licensed physician in the State of Ohio. The MRO may not have any business relationship with the laboratory used for testing that causes a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest as defined under D.O.T. guidelines.
Medical Review Officer. 1. The City shall contract for a Medical Review Officer (MRO), who will be responsible for the determination of positive drug tests.
2. The laboratory shall report all drug test results to the MRO. The MRO shall review all positive drug tests against the information provided by the employee (prior to the drug test being administered) on the questionnaire and will contact the employee to determine if there is a valid explanation for the positive test result.
3. If the MRO determines there is a valid explanation for the positive drug test, the test shall be reported as negative.
4. If no valid explanation is determined for the positive test results, then the test shall be reported as positive. However, should the employee exercise his or her option to have the split sample tested and the result does not confirm the positive result, the test shall be reported as negative.
5. The MRO shall examine all employees, prior to submission to a drug test, who have been sent for a drug test based upon reasonable suspicion. The purpose of the examination is to determine if there is in fact reasonable suspicion to test the employee. If the MRO determines that there is no reasonable suspicion for testing, based upon physical symptomology, that employee is then returned to the supervisor for action.
6. When the MRO reports a positive result to the Fire Department, it shall be given in writing directly to the Deputy Chief who shall keep the result confidential and shall not share it with anyone except the Fire Chief and the Administrative Services Director when making a decision as to action to be taken based upon the positive result. Privacy rights of the employee and the employee’s right to inspect his own drug test report will follow DOT guidelines and federal and California law.
Medical Review Officer. A certified Medical Review Officer who is a medical physician shall review with the employee/applicant all positive test results concerning that employee/applicant within five
Medical Review Officer. The Medical Review Officer (MRO) must be a licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy with knowledge of alcohol abuse disorders. The MRO is responsible for performing the following functions:
1. Reviewing the results of the City's alcohol testing program.
2. Reviewing all positive and negative alcohol test reports, and making all reports of alcohol results to the City.
3. Authorizing the confirmatory testing of the second sample when an initial test result is positive.
4. Within a reasonable time, notifying an employee of a confirmed positive or negative test result.