Community Recovery Sample Clauses
Community Recovery. Definition: Community Recovery is the ability to collaborate with community partners, e.g., healthcare organizations, business, education, and emergency management) to plan and advocate for the rebuilding of public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health systems to at least a level of functioning comparable to pre-incident levels and improved levels where possible.
Community Recovery. For a complete list of all 15 public health preparedness capabilities, visit xxxxx://
Community Recovery. The ability of a community, through public health agencies, to develop, maintain, and utilize collaborative relationships among government, private, and community organizations to develop and utilize shared plans for responding to and recovering from disasters and public health emergencies.
Community Recovery. Function 1: Identify and monitor public health, medical and mental/behavioral health system recovery needs Task 1. LPHA shall begin the process of Continuity of Operations Planning. Performance Measure 2.1: Identify and document critical services that must continue when LPHA resources are limited. Performance Measure 2.2: Identify and document resources that may be temporarily reassigned to LPHA programs under stress during an emergency. Performance Measure 2.3: Identify and document order of succession of public health authority in the LPHA.
Community Recovery. Introduction Capability Functions This capability consists of the ability to perform the following functions:
1. Identify and monitor public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery needs
2. Coordinate community public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery operations
3. Implement corrective actions to mitigate damages from future incidents Community Recovery Evaluation Tool Incident Categorization
1. Type of incident: [Select one] □ Extreme weather (e.g., heat wave, ice storm) □ Flooding □ Earthquake □ Hurricane/tropical storm □ Hazardous material □ Fire □ Tornado □ Biological hazard or disease, please specify □ Radiation □ Other*, please specify
2. Health-related outcomes, if known • Number of injured o Number of injured ≤ 18 years • Number of ill (physical, mental/behavioral) o Number of ill ≤ 18 years • Number of exposed (biological, chemical, radiological) o Number of exposed ≤ 18 years • Number of fatalities o Number of fatalities ≤ 18 years Please indicate whether these are estimates or exact. [Select one] Please describe how these data were collected.
3. Name and date of the incident.
4. Approximate duration of recovery in days (please define start and stop dates, and indicate if ongoing) □ Indicate if recovery is ongoing [Yes/No]
a. If no, indicate approximate end date of recovery 5. Was a public health emergency declared by any authorized official for the impacted area? [Yes/No]
Community Recovery. Medical Surge
Community Recovery. Issue Strategies Performance Indicators
Community Recovery. This deliverable requirement will help cover this gap. The purpose is to create a framework from which a full plan will emerge. Write either a stand-alone document or a section into a current plan for supporting community recovery operations following a disaster. This planning component does not have to be detailed; a high-level overview will be sufficient. It should encompass the purpose, scope of recovery, roles, responsibilities, local partners, access and functional needs, and a caveat for providing service as-able. The first step is to identify and review potential public health needs during disaster recovery with community and response partners. These partners should also understand the scope and roles of public health during recovery. Keep in mind that your roles should not go beyond the currently available services you provide. Sharing this information is critical to recovery planning. Remember that recovery is more than just returning to the previous status after a disaster. It is an opportunity to establish a modern and up-to-date standard. Consider sharing and gathering input for your recovery framework with these partners. • Emergency manager • School administrators • Hospital administrators or emergency managers • Local health officials • Local elected leadership • Social service representatives Public health recovery is a broad endeavor. You will need many more partners from several community sectors to do full recovery planning, but public health is the current focus. Public health recovery activities (operations) should include the following. • Restore services • Provide long-term follow-up to those affected • Implement recommendations from after-action reports • Ensure sustained, basic and surge capacities of public health resources • Address the psychosocial needs of impacted populations and responders This is a framework, not a full plan, so details and processes are not needed. Keep it high-level. DPHHS PHEP will provide guidance and technical assistance. A template will be developed in the coming budget period.
Community Recovery. Key Measurement Terms
Community Recovery. Introduction <.. image(Heavy Construction Equipment moving soil for construction Public Domain Image #1735 from xxxx:// ) removed ..> This capability includes activities related to the recovery of public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health systems and services, including planning, advocacy, collaboration, and monitoring by health departments and community partners. These activities enable public health departments to prepare for alternative delivery and continuity of services during response and recovery operations as well as to plan for the restoration of impacted services.