Community Organizations. The Board shall also pay up to $2,500 per year for actual and necessary annual dues, membership fees and related expenses for membership in community service and civic associations. Xx. Xxxxx is expected to establish and maintain good relationships with persons and entities who are in a position to aid and assist in advancing the interests of the Board.
Community Organizations. Working with local community organizations can enhance community engagement initiatives and increase outreach.
Community Organizations. (a) Contact with community organizations, particularly those promoting career opportunities for women, including, but not limited to, all of the community organizations listed in Exhibit B of this Agreement. Contacts shall consist of at least the following:
i. written contact by TDOT's Civil Rights office at least twice a year providing a copy of the brochure described in this Agreement, along with job descriptions for the HMWI and TAI job classifications;
ii. quarterly telephone contact by TDOT's Civil Rights office, which shall be logged for record keeping purposes; and
iii. in the event that TDOT should cease to have continuous vacancies for both the HMWI and TAI positions, then TDOT's Civil Rights office shall provide notification of all HMWI and TAI vacancies to all national and state organizations, and any local organizations within the TDOT region where the vacancy occurs, on the list of community organizations in Exhibit B of this Agreement. Notice shall be provided within a reasonable time of a vacancy's occurrence.
(b) All written contacts with community organizations shall state (a) that TDOP is accepting applications for HMWI and TAI positions; (b) describe the benefits available to TDOT employees; (c) provide an overview of the HMWI and TAI job classifications; (d) explain how and where to apply and
Community Organizations. All organizations and ad hoc bodies with a primary purpose, which is not private or commercial and whose membership is comprised of fifty percent (50%) or more of Clear Lake residents. This category shall also include 501(C)3 not-for-profit organizations. Private Resident / Organizations: Clear Lake citizens and organizations renting for self-interest (parties, showers, business meetings, etc.). This category shall also include all public or private groups comprised of less than fifty percent (50%) Clear Lake residents. Deposit Office Use: Staff Initials ______ _
Community Organizations. If not previously sent by the Developer, a Selected Developer will be required to send a letter to each of the community organizations with which its representatives met to inform them as to how the Proposal presented to WMATA addresses their issues or concerns. A copy of this letter must also be submitted to WMATA.
Community Organizations. In summer 2019, the Ministry of Education consulted, virtually, all at the same time, Association francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario (AFÉSEO), Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO), Parents partenaires en éducation (PPE) and Regroupement étudiant franco-ontarien (RÉFO). The Ministry of Education renewed its support to ensure the vitality of both the French-language communities and the French-language educational partners. Thanks to the additional federal funding, the Ministry of Education increased the portion of the federal funding allocation paid to community stakeholders from the 2020-21 school year. The Ministry of Education anticipates to virtually consult, individually, community stakeholders each spring throughout this Agreement.
Community Organizations. The Board shall also pay for actual and necessary annual dues, membership fees and related expenses for membership in community service and civic associations. Jazz Parks is expected to establish and maintain good relationships with persons and entities who are in a position to aid and assist in advancing the interests of the Board.
Community Organizations. The Proposal must identify each of the community organizations that the Developer has met with and the meeting dates, the specific information that the Developer shared, the reaction of each community organization to the proposed development concept, the issues raised by each community organization, and how the Proposal addresses these issues. (General statements that a particular person “provided input” or “liked our plans” are not sufficient.) By “community organizations,” WMATA means local and broader-based civic associations, nearby tenants’ organizations, and other citizens’ groups that might be expected to take an interest in the project. Broad outreach is desired.