P a g e Sample Clauses

P a g e. 3. In an Emergency Situation after the Day Ahead Firmness Deadline, holders of curtailed Long Term Transmission Rights shall be entitled to compensation calculated as the Long Term Transmission Rights in MW per hour corresponding to the difference between the allocated Long Term Transmission Rights held by the Registered Participant before and after the curtailment multiplied by a price calculated as follows: (a) the Market Spread at the concerned Bidding Zone border for the concerned hourly period only in case the price difference is positive in the direction of the curtailed Long Term Transmission Rights; or (b) the Marginal Price of the initial Auction if the day-ahead price is not calculated at least in one of the two relevant Bidding Zones.
P a g e. Filtering
P a g e. The Buyer is liable for any and all stamp duty (including interest, fines and penalty taxes) payable on this Contract, or any instrument giving effect to this Contract. The Buyer indemnifies the Seller against all Costs, damages, losses, liability, fees payable, expenses related to that stamp duty.
P a g e. 15.10 If Limestone is entitled to reimbursement, credit or payment from Subcontractor under or pursuant to the Contract Documents, Subcontractor shall make payment promptly to Limestone upon demand. In the event such payment is not made, however, Limestone shall have the option (i) to deduct an equal amount of any payment then or thereafter due Subcontractor, or (ii) to issue a Change Order reducing the Contract Sum by an equal amount. 15.11 Subcontractor shall pay for all royalties and license fees which may be due to the inclusion of any patented or copyrighted materials, methods or systems selected by the Subcontractor and incorporated in its Work. Subcontractor shall defend, indemnify and hold Limestone harmless from all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights or copyrights arising out of such selection. 15.12 The parties agree that Subcontractor was hired on the basis of his experience and reputation in the industry and Subcontractor shall have no right to assign all or any part of this Agreement or Subcontractor’s rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Limestone. 15.13 Notwithstanding anything in the Contract Documents or this Agreement to the contrary, Limestone’s duty to pay Subcontractor is subject to Limestone’s receipt of payment from the Owner for the Scope of Work. Limestone’s receipt of payment from the Owner for the Scope of Work is a condition precedent to Limestone’s duty to pay Subcontractor any and all amounts under this Agreement or otherwise related to the project. The subcontractor expressly assumes the risk of Owner’s non-payment (for any reason or no reason at all) or financial failure. 15.14 In connection with the performance of the Scope of Work, Subcontractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual preference, disability, veteran status or any other state or federally recognized protected classification. Subcontractor agrees to fully comply with any and all laws, statutes, regulations, orders, and directives presently or hereafter imposed by local, state or federal governments, or any agencies thereof, with respect to nondiscrimination in employment, civil rights and fair employment practices. 15.15 The terms of this Agreement are to be considered complimentary. However, in the event that such interpretation is not possible, the order of precedence of the documents forming this...
P a g e. Collective Bargaining Unit 1
P a g e. In the event an employee, fails to apply for or maintain his/her membership in the Union, after notice of his/her obligation to do so and opportunity to correct any failure to apply of failure to maintain membership, the Union may give the Company notice of this fact and the employment of such employee may be terminated by the Company.
P a g e. Any Goods being returned must be returned in brand new condition and packaged in their original packaging, including all packing materials, manuals, warranty cards, and accessories. Goods must be free of any damage. Goods that have been installed or attempted to be installed cannot be returned under this clause. The risk in the Goods shall pass to the Customer immediately upon delivery of the Goods to the Customer if Ektimo organises the freight or upon dispatch of the Goods to the Customer if freight is organised by and/or put on a freight account belonging to the Customer. With the exception of the above warranties and any otherwise expressly provided in writing by Ektimo to the Customer, to the maximum extent permitted by law: (a) no warranty, condition, description or representation on the part of Ektimo is given or implied or has been given or is to be implied from anything said or written in the negotiations between the parties or their representatives in connection with the supply of the Goods; and (b) any statutory or other warranty, condition, description or representation, express or implied as to the state, quality or fitness of the Goods is expressly excluded, however nothing in these Terms and Conditions derogates from or excludes any warranties or conditions necessarily implied by any statute or other applicable law.
P a g e. The Buyer cannot: (a) make any claim (for damages or otherwise); (b) make any requisition; (c) object; (d) deduct from any monies otherwise payable to the Seller; (e) retain any monies otherwise payable to the Seller; (f) rescind this Contract; (g) terminate this Contract; (h) require the Seller to undertake any works (remediation, rectification or otherwise) to the Property; (i) require the Seller to undertake any works (remediation, rectification or otherwise) to property adjacent to the Property; (j) require the Seller to obtain any documents, certificates, approvals or similar; or (k) delay Completion; in relation to: (l) any matter referred to in this Contract (unless specifically provided for in this Contract or implied into this Contract at law and cannot be contractually excluded); or (m) any matter referred to in these Special Conditions (unless specifically provided for in this Contract or implied into this Contract at law and cannot be contractually excluded).
P a g e. The Scriptures
P a g e. Recommendation Reasons for Recommendation BILL #2463 ORDINANCE #2463 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD, MISSOURI, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD, MISSOURI TO EXECUTE A SOLID WASTE LICENSE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WILDWOOD WITH WASTE CONNECTIONS OF MISSOURI, INC. FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE, RECYCLING AND YARD WASTE COLLECTION, HAULING AND DISPOSAL WITHIN THE CITY OF WILDWOOD WHEREAS, Missouri Revised Statutes Sections 70.220 through 70.325, as amended, authorize political subdivisions to contract and cooperate with any private corporation for the planning, development, construction, acquisition, or operation of any public improvement or facility, or for a common service; and