COMPLIANCE WITH TSA. A. The Operator agrees, as a condition of inclusion on the rotation tow list, to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this TSA. Furthermore, the Operator agrees that failure by the Operator, his/her agents, or Employees to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for written reprimand (as defined in Attachment A), suspension, or termination from the SBSD rotation tow list(s). Alleged violations of the TSA will be investigated by the local SBSD station covered by the Agreement. The Operator will be notified of the local SBSD station’s findings within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the investigation.
COMPLIANCE WITH TSA. The Operator agrees to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this TSA. Furthermore, the Operator agrees that failure by the Operator, his/her agents, or Employees to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for written reprimand (as defined in Attachment A), suspension, or termination from the RCPD rotation tow list(s). Alleged violations of the TSA will be investigated by the RCPD. The Operator will be notified of the RCPD’s findings within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the investigation.
COMPLIANCE WITH TSA. A. The operator agrees, as a condition of inclusion on the rotation tow list, to comply with the terms and conditions of the TSA during the entire term of the TSA. Furthermore, the operator agrees that failure by the operator or the operator’s agent to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for written reprimand, suspension, or termination from the PRPD rotation tow lists.
B. The operator further agrees, as a condition of inclusion on the rotation tow list, to provide to the PRPD, each July 1 that the TSA is in effect, written evidence demonstrating that the operator has a current TSA with the CHP. Termination of the TSA with the CHP shall automatically terminate this PRPD TSA.
C. Alleged violations of the TSA will be investigated by the PRPD. The operator will be notified in writing of the PRPD’s findings within 30 calendar days of the conclusion of the investigation.
COMPLIANCE WITH TSA. A. The Operator agrees, as a condition of inclusion on the rotation tow list, to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this TSA. Furthermore, the Operator agrees that failure by the Operator, his/her agents, or Employees to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for written reprimand (as defined in Attachment A), suspension, or termination from the SBSD rotation tow list(s). Alleged violations of the TSA will be investigated by the local SBSD station covered by the Agreement. The Operator ZLOO EH QRWLILHG RI WKH findings within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the investigation.
COMPLIANCE WITH TSA. A. The company agrees, as a condition of inclusion in the tow program, to comply with the terms and conditions of this TSA. Furthermore, the company agrees that failure to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for immediate disciplinary action.
B. A violation of the equipment requirements, related to safety, shall be cause for immediate suspension. The suspension shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed and/or WPD has inspected the equipment and concluded the company is in compliance.
C. A violation of safe loading requirements of a tow truck may be cause for disciplinary action.
D. A violation of intentionally overcharging or a pattern of overcharging shall be cause for immediate suspension. The suspension shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed or proof or reimbursement to the aggrieved customer has been provided to WPD.
E. Any unsatisfactory terminal evaluation rating issued by the Motor Carrier Safety Unit (MCSU) shall be cause for suspension. The suspension shall remain in effect until proof of a satisfactory compliance rating from the MCSU has been provided to WPD.
F. Allowing an incompetent tow truck driver to respond to a WPD call may be cause for disciplinary action on the Operator.
G. A company’s tow truck driver responding to a WPD call, for whom the following information has not been submitted and approved by WPD shall be cause for disciplinary action:
i. A valid City of Watsonville business license for the tow truck company.
ii. Documentation indicating completion of a TSAAC approved tow truck driver training program within the past five (5) years.
iii. Enrollment in an annual random drug testing program and EPN program.
iv. Valid tow company permit issued by the City of Watsonville.
H. Tow companies shall not record (i.e., videotape, photograph, etc.) a scene unless it is for official use by the tow company for business-related reasons.
i. The on-scene investigating officer or incident commander shall make the determination when a tow company may record a scene for tow related business reasons.
ii. In the event a tow company is determined to be in violation of this provision, the Operator shall immediately surrender any such recording device to WPD or the designated law enforcement agency.