Complimentary items. Service Gratuity Not Included" shall be printed on all coupons for food and beverage in the Restaurant.
Complimentary items. Where any employee is directed by management to deliver a complimentary food and/or beverage item, microwave, refrigerator and/or flower arrangement to a guest room (excluding turndown service), he/she shall be paid as follows: - effective December 1st, 1999 - $2.00
Complimentary items. “Service Gratuity Not Included shall be printedon all coupons for food and beverage in the Restaurant. APPENDIX B HEALTH AND WELFARE PLAN PART A: The Company shall provide each full-time employee covered by this Agreement with:
Complimentary items. All terms and conditions related to this agreement mentioned in the Bank’s application forms and/or brochures, in addition to any further obligations that might arise, shall constitute complimentary and integral part of this agreement and is binding on both parties.
Complimentary items. The Company will pay a gratuity of one dollar ($1.00) per deliv- ery, to a maximum of two dollars ($2.00) per tray, for complimen- tary food and beverage items delivered through Room Service. If a Room Service employee is not available to make the delivery, then whoever makes the delivery will receive the gratuity. In the case of customer generated complimentary items, where the num- ber of rooms into which such items are delivered exceed fifteen
Complimentary items. The Company will pay a gratuity of one dollar ($1.00) per delivery, to a maximum of two dollars ($2.00) per tray, for complimentary food and beverage items delivered through Room Service. If a Room Service employee is not available to make the delivery, then whoever makes the delivery will receive the gratuity. In the case of customer generated complimentary items, where the number of rooms into which such items are delivered exceed fifteen (15) for a single customer, a gratuity of one dollar ($1.00) per item will be paid to whoever delivers the items.
Complimentary items. Where any employee is directed by management to deliver a complimentary food and/or beverage item
Complimentary items. Where any employee is directed by management to deliver a complimentary food beverage item and/or flower arrangement to a guest room (excluding turndown service), shall be paid as follows: effective December
Complimentary items will be paid at the rate agreed upon in the customer’s contract. The Employer will not lose business based upon the customer refusing to pay the complimentary item charge.