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SERVICE GRATUITYA member hired on contract on or after September 1, 1998, will be entitled to benefit from the following plan, subject to the terms described below: a) A member will upon successful completion of his/her probationary period, be enrolled in the Service Gratuity Plan. b) The Service Gratuity Plan will generate a one-time service gratuity payment of $5,500.00 which may be deposited into an RRSP in the member’s name and at the member’s discretion and will be paid in the month following ten (10) years of continuous employment.. c) In order to qualify for a service gratuity the member’s last period of ten
SERVICE GRATUITY. 39.1.1 A Member hired on contract on or after September 1, 1998, will be entitled to benefit from the following plan, subject to the terms described below: a) A Member will upon successful completion of their probationary period, be enrolled in the Service Gratuity Plan. b) The Service Gratuity Plan will generate a one-time Service Gratuity payment of $5,500.00 which will be paid to the Member in the first month of the member’s eleventh (11) continuous year of employment. c) In order to qualify for a Service Gratuity, the member’s last period of ten (10) years continuous employment must have commenced on or after September 1, 1998, and the Member must remain in the employ of the Board, for an additional four months past the 10th anniversary of the date the teacher became a probationary Member under this Collective Agreement. d) When a permanent contract is terminated, for any reason, and the Member has less than ten
SERVICE GRATUITYUpon retirement each employee shall be entitled to a service in accordance with Board Policy. (Retirement means the act of ceasing to be employed by the Board upon becoming eligible for and accepting a pension.) In the event of an employee dying while employed with the Board, payments of a service gratuity shall be made by the Board to the personal representative or the estate of the said employee in accordance with Board Policy.
SERVICE GRATUITY. 18:04:01 Upon retirement each E.A. not on the S.T.D. plan shall be granted a gratuity for a period equal to the unexpended portion of accrued sick leave credits in accordance with the following formula. In no case shall the years of service exceed 30 years and the days credit in the reserve exceed 240 days. Formula: NY x 50 x S x DR 30 x 100 x 240 Definition of symbols used in the formula: NY - Number of years served with the Lakehead District School Board or its constituent boards prior to amalgamation. DR - Number of days remaining in the Cumulative Sick Leave Bank at time of retirement.
SERVICE GRATUITY. 30.01.01 Each member, upon leaving the service of the Federation after five (5) or more years, shall be granted a gratuity that is equal to the unexpended portion of accumulated sick leave days up to a maximum of two hundred and forty (240) days and a maximum of fifty per cent (50%) of salary received in the last twelve (12) months of employment with Federation. 30.01.02 A member who elects to change from full-time to part-time employment in the last year of employment with the Federation, shall have salary treated as the last twelve (12) months annualized for purposes of calculating the service gratuity. 30.01.03 A member who takes an unpaid leave in the last year of employment with the Federation shall have the member’s service gratuity calculated using the salary the member would have received had they not been on leave.
SERVICE GRATUITYA member hired on contract on or after September will be entitled to benefit from the following plan, subject to the terms described below:
SERVICE GRATUITY. The Company agrees to pay a gratuity of fifteen percent (15%) of the Company’s cost of the item being delivered as a to the employee making the delivery. The cost of such items has been pre- determined by the Company. There shall be an automatic gratuity in the amount of percent (15%) added to the total of all goods and services delivered by Room Service. The entire amount of the gratuity shall be paid to the employee making the delivery.
SERVICE GRATUITY. 13:01 The Employer shall pay a teacher a service gratuity based on the following eligibility requirements: The teacher has ten (10) or more years of continuous service immediately prior to employment termination, or has twenty (20) or more years of total service; and, meets one (1) of the following criteria: (a) The teacher terminates his/her permanent contract at age fifty-five (55) or more; or (b) The teacher terminates his/her permanent contract having thirty (30) or more years of service; or (c) The teacher's employment terminates because of disability, death, or his/her contract is terminated under Section 90 of the School Act. (a) For the purpose of this sub-section, service shall mean service with an Employer in P.E.I. (b) The service gratuity shall be based on four (4) days pay per year of service, including fractional years, for which the teacher was required to contribute to the Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Island Teachers' Superannuation Fund, not to exceed one hundred (100) days during the teacher's career. Leave of absence without pay is not to be used in the calculation of the service gratuity. (c) The service gratuity shall be calculated according to the following formula: number of days accumulated under 13:02(b) x salary grid figure 196 plus any applicable administrative allowance in effect on date of termination (d) Remuneration accruing to the teacher as a result of his/her holding an acting administrative position shall not be considered for the purposes of Subsection 13:02(c) . (e) The service gratuity is payable, upon application, in a lump sum within thirty (30) days of the date of contract termination or within ninety (90) days of contract termination where the termination is by reason of application of Section 90 of the School Act. (f) Notwithstanding Subsection 13:03(e), the teacher who is eligible to receive a service gratuity may elect not to receive the gratuity until January of the year following his/her employment termination. 13:03 In the event of the death of a teacher, the service gratuity shall be payable to the teacher's beneficiary, if named; otherwise to his/her estate. 13:04 A teacher claiming benefits under this section because of disability shall be required to produce evidence that the teacher has been granted a disability pension under the Teachers’ Superannuation Act. 13:05 For the purpose of 13:01, leaves granted under this Agreement shall not constitute a break in service. 13:06 Subject to the approval of the Employer, teache...
SERVICE GRATUITY. Note: Further information regarding service gratuities can be found in Part A (C6) and Part A (Appendix A) of this collective agreement 9.1. Retirement Gratuities were frozen as of August 31, 2012. A teacher is not eligible to receive a sick leave credit gratuity or any non-sick leave credit retirement gratuity (such as, but not limited to, service gratuities or RRSP contributions) after August 31. 2012, except a sick leave credit gratuity that the teacher had accumulated and was eligible to receive as of that day.
SERVICE GRATUITY. Note: Further information regarding service gratuities can be found in Part A (Appendix A) and Part A (LOA #6 Status Quo Items- retained for Historical Reference Only) of this collective agreement.