CON Sample Clauses

CON. A certificate of need or similar certificate, license or approval issued by the State Regulator for a Borrowing Base Asset.
CON. A certificate of need or similar certificate, license or approval issued by the State Regulator for a Pool Property.
CON. Res. 83—17 Fiscal year 2004: (A) New budget authority, ¥$56,315,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$56,315,000,000. Fiscal year 2005: (A) New budget authority, ¥$46,463,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$46,463,000,000. Fiscal year 2006: (A) New budget authority, ¥$50,461,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$50,461,000,000. Fiscal year 2007: (A) New budget authority, ¥$48,179,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$48,179,000,000. Fiscal year 2008:
CON. No. 4(x)(A) Page no ….. Yes ….. No …...
CON. Res. 83—31 (2) the States of Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming, Washington, Florida, Nevada, and South Dakota have no State income tax; (3) the citizens of those seven States continue to be treated unfairly by paying significantly more in taxes to the Govern- ment than taxpayers with an identical profile in different States because they are prohibited from deducting their State sales taxes from their Federal income taxes in lieu of a State income tax; (4) the design of the Federal tax code is preferential in its treatment of States with State income taxes over those without State income taxes; (5) the current Federal tax code infringes upon States’ rights to tax their citizens as they see fit in that the Federal tax code exerts unjust influence on States without State income taxes to impose on their citizens; (6) the current surpluses that our Government holds pro- vide an appropriate time and opportunity to allow taxpayers to deduct either their State sales taxes or their State income taxes from their Federal income tax returns; and (7) over 50 Members of the House of Representatives have cosponsored legislation to restore the sales tax deduction option to the Federal tax code.
CON. Res. 49—2
CON. 14 The applicant shall prepare, implement, and maintain a Construction Impact Mitigation Plan which shall be designed to:  Prevent material traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway network;  Minimize parking impacts both to public parking and access to private parking to the greatest extent practicable;  Ensure safety for both those constructing the project and the surrounding community; and  Prevent substantial truck traffic through residential neighborhoods.  The Construction Impact Mitigation Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the following City departments: Environmental and Public Works Management (EPWM); Fire; Planning and Community Development; and Police to ensure that the Plan has been designed in accordance with this mitigation measure. This review shall occur prior to commencement of any construction staging for the project. It shall, at a minimum, include the following:  A detailed traffic control plan for work zones shall be maintained which includes at a minimum accurate existing and proposed: parking and travel lane configurations; warning, regulatory, guide and directional signage; and area sidewalks, bicycle lanes and parking lanes. The plan shall include specific information regarding the project’s construction activities that may disrupt normal pedestrian and traffic flow and the measures to address these disruptions. Such plans must be reviewed and approved by the Transportation Management Division prior to commencement of construction and implemented in accordance with this approval.  Work within the public right-of-way shall be performed between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., including: dirt and demolition material hauling and construction material delivery. Work within the public right-of-way outside of these hours shall only be allowed after the issuance of an After Hours Permit.  Streets and equipment shall be cleaned in accordance with established EPWM requirements.  Trucks shall only travel on a City-approved construction route. Truck queuing/staging shall not be allowed on Santa Xxxxxx streets. Limited queuing may occur on the construction site itself.  Materials and equipment shall be minimally visible to the public; the preferred location for materials is to be on-site, with a minimum amount of materials within a work area in the public right-of-way, subject to a current Use of Public Property Permit.  Any requests for work before or after normal construction hours within the public right-of-way shall be su...
CON. ‌ The Consultant is adv of June 2006 and Apr of Civil Engineers, in documents may be obt Each item of data giv to which it mainly appl Part two - Data University of Venda Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of Mechanical Engineering Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda’s Thohoyandou campus tract Data ised to read the NEC3 Professional Service Contract (Third edition with amendments il 2013) and the relevant Guidance Notes and Flow Charts, published by the Institution order to understand the implications of this Data which is required. Copies of these ained from the Engineering Contract Strategies (telephone (00) 000 000 0000). en below is cross-referenced to the clause in the NEC3 Professional Service Contract ies. provided by the Consultant
CON. 11 Construction haul truck and materials delivery traffic shall avoided residential areas whenever feasible
CON. Res. 193. Concurrent resolution ex- pressing the support of Congress for activi- ties to increase public participation in the decennial census.