Contemporary Beluga Whale Hunting Sample Clauses

Contemporary Beluga Whale Hunting. 18 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 22 4.1 Biological Model of Effects of Harvest on the Recovery Time of CI Beluga Whales 22
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Contemporary Beluga Whale Hunting. In the late 1700's there were about 5,000 or more people around the Cook Inlet area (Xxxxxxxx, 1975). Today there are only about 1,000 people of Xxxx’xxx ancestry living in the villages of Eklutna, Knik, Kenai, Seldovia, Tyonek, Xxxxx Bay, Nondalton, Lime Village, and Stony River, as well as in Anchorage. About 60 percent of Alaska’s population lives within the traditional lands of the Xxxx’xxx (Matanuska Valley, Anchorage Municipality, and the Kenai Peninsula). In this dynamic region, about 30,000 people are Alaska Natives. The Cook Inlet marine mammal hunters who xxxx beluga whales consist of (1) the Xxxx’xxx of Tyonek, who continue their historical hunting of belugas near their village, (2) hunters who have lived in other parts of Alaska, but have made the Cook Inlet area their home, and (3) visitors to the Cook Inlet area from other parts of the state. As the participants increase in these hunter groups, the demand for CI beluga whale grew. However, the actual number of CI beluga whale hunters is unknown due to the dispersal of hunting “communities” and hunting locations. The number of Eskimo, or non-area, hunters greatly exceeds that of the Cook Inlet tribal hunters, although no detailed estimates exist. NMFS believes there were approximately 16 Eskimo whaling crews in 1997. The CIMMC has estimated the number of people currently hunting beluga whales to be approximately 50. It is common for whalers to be accompanied by friends and relatives while on hunting trips. Of the six Cook Inlet Treaty Tribes and villages, only the Native village of Tyonek has regularly harvested beluga whales in recent history. Tyonek’s harvest of beluga whales has been modest; residents there report about six to seven whales were taken annually during the 1930's and 1940's, but very little beluga hunting occurred between the 1940's and the late 1970's (Xxxxxx, 1994). About three were taken in 1979, and one whale was harvested annually between 1981 and 1983 (ADFG, undated). Recently, Tyonek’s harvest has averaged one to two beluga whales each year. The Beluga and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx are major hunting areas for this village. Beluga whales are now hunted with high powered rifles from April through October. Most of the hunting occurs between May and August at the Susitna Delta area (Little Susitna River, west to the Beluga River). Hunters use small motorboats launched from Anchorage to access these camps and xxxx in or near the river mouths. Crews are often small, two to four persons...
Contemporary Beluga Whale Hunting. In the late 1700's there were about 5,000 or more people around the CI area (Xxxxxxxx, 1975). Today there are only about 1,000 people of Xxxx’xxx ancestry living in the villages of Eklutna, Knik, Kenai, Seldovia, Tyonek, Xxxxx Bay, Nondalton, Lime Village, and Stony River, as well as in Anchorage. About 60 percent of Alaska’s population lives within the traditional lands of the Xxxx’xxx (Matanuska Valley, Anchorage Municipality, and the Kenai Peninsula). In this dynamic region, about 30,000 people are Alaska Natives. The CI marine mammal hunters who xxxx beluga whales consist of (1) the Xxxx’xxx of Tyonek, who continue their historical hunting of belugas near their village, (2) hunters who have lived in other parts of Alaska, but have made the CI area their home, and

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  • Passive NFFE A “Passive NFFE” means any NFFE that is not (i) an Active NFFE, or (ii) a withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust pursuant to relevant U.S. Treasury Regulations.

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  • Pendahuluan Industri perbankan syari’ah di Indonesia tengah memasuki fase growth (pertumbuhan) xxx sangat membutuhkan kepercayaan xxx loyalitas masyarakat untuk terus meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas mutlak dibutuhkan untuk memasuki fase maturity perbankan syariah dalam menghadapi kompetisi global. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas tidak dapat diperoleh tanpa adanya produk- produk yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Produk bank syariah sudah semestinya mampu memenuhi seluruh komponen masyarakat, baik dalam produk funding, financing, xxx services. Oleh karenanya, inovasi produk bank syariah menjadi syarat mutlak sebagai indikator bahwa bank syariah mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan manusia modern. Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu unsur penting untuk dapat menjaga sustainabilitas perusahaan. Inovasi produk merepresentasikan kemampuan perusahaan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sekaligus sebagai upaya untuk memperoleh keuntungan perusahaan. Bank syariah pada dasarnya telah melakukan serangkaian upaya inovasi, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan “rekayasa” (engineering) terhadap akad- akad dalam fiqh muamalah. Beberapa akad dalam fiqh muamalah tidak begitu saja diadopsi oleh perbankan syariah, namun juga “diadaptasikan” dengan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap xxxx-xxxx perbankan. Rekayasa xxx adaptasi ini memang sebuah keniscayaan, karena jika adopsi dilakukan secara apa adanya maka produk bank syariah diragukan dapat memberikan manfaat yang tepat bagi masyarakat. Prinsip keleluasan bermuamalah dalam Islam merupakan modal utama untuk menghadapi kompleksitas permasalahan ekonomi serta besarnya tuntutan masyarakat akan peran perbankan syariah.1 Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat xxx mengembangkan industri perbankan xxx keuangan xxxx xxxx kompetitif, inovasi dalam berbisnis yang dilakukan oleh perbankan syariah melalui serangkaian adaptasi tersebut memang sudah menjadi tuntutan bisnis. Sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan xxxxxx xxxx kartu kredit syariah, asuransi syariah, obligasi syariah, FX iB, xxx Islamic Swap. Produk-produk dalam kegiatan keuangan syariah tersebut mengandung beberapa akad. Sebagai contoh, dalam transaksi kartu kredit syariah terdapat akad ijarah, qardh, xxx kafalah. Obligasi syariah mengandung sekurang-kurangnya akad mudharabah (atau ijarah) xxx wakalah, serta terkadang disertai kafalah atau wa’d. Islamic swap mengandung beberapa kali akad tawarruq, bay‘, wakalah, xxxxx, xxx terkadang disertai wa’d.2 Dalam setiap transaksi, akad-akad tersebut dilakukan secara bersamaan atau setidak-tidaknya setiap akad yang terdapat dalam suatu produk tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena kesemuanya merupakan satu kesatuan. Transaksi seperti 1 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, “Konstruksi Akad dalam Pengembangan Produk Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-‘Adalah, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Juni, 2015), 493. 2 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, “Multiakad dalam Transaksi Syariah Kontemporer pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-Iqtishad, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Januari, 2011), 156. inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah multiakad (Indonesia) atau hybrid contract (Inggris) atau al-’uqud al-murakkabah (Arab). Hybrid contract merupakan perbincangan yang masih hangat dikalangan para cendikiawan muslim untuk menentukan keabsahan hukumnya. Pendapat pertama mengatakan hukumnya mubah berdasar kaidah fiqh al-ashlu fi al-mu’amalat al-ibahah (hukum asal muamalah adalah boleh). Pendapat kedua mengharamkan berdasarkan dengan hadits-hadits yang mengharamkan dua jual beli dalam satu jual beli (bai’ataini fi bai’atin), atau mengharamkan dua akad dalam satu akad (shafqatain fi shafqatin).3 Sebagai entitas bisnis yang menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem ekonomi syariah sebagai induknya, tentunya industri perbankan syariah tidak boleh keluar dari nilai-nilai syariah. Melakukan inovasi memang tuntutan bisnis, namun menjaga shariah compliance juga menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap pelaku bisnis syariah, tidak terkecuali perbankan syariah. Profit-oriented hanya boleh dijadikan sebagai media (tool) untuk mencapai tujuan (goal), yaitu benefit-oriented. Produk bank syari’ah seyogyanya memiliki multi benefit, yaitu: material benefit, emotional benefit, xxx spiritual benefit.4 Mengacu pada kondisi tersebut, maka inovasi produk perbankan syariah setidaknya memerhatikan inovasi dalam dua dimensi, yaitu dimensi ekonomi xxx dimensi sosial. Inovasi dalam dimensi ekonomi artinya bahwa produk perbankan syariah harus mampu menghadirkan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga bank syariah menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat. Jika hal ini dapat dilakukan, maka fungsi-fungsi bank syariah akan mampu memainkan perannya sebagai intermediary institution. Pada dimensi sosial, sebagai produsen jasa keuangan syariah, bank syariah bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan edukasi terhadap perilaku masyarakat. Bank syariah xxx masyarakat xxxxxx melekat xxx memengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. Pada satu sisi, bank syariah melalui pola inovasinya harus mampu “men-syariah- kan” perilaku masyarakat, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan lembaga 3 Najamuddin, “Al-‘Uqud Al-Murakkabah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah”, Jurnal Syariah, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Oktober, 2013), 6.

  • Tax Periods Beginning Before and Ending After the Closing Date The Company or the Purchaser shall prepare or cause to be prepared and file or cause to be filed any Returns of the Company for Tax periods that begin before the Closing Date and end after the Closing Date. To the extent such Taxes are not fully reserved for in the Company’s financial statements, the Sellers shall pay to the Company an amount equal to the unreserved portion of such Taxes that relates to the portion of the Tax period ending on the Closing Date. Such payment, if any, shall be paid by the Sellers within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written notice from the Company or the Purchaser that such Taxes were paid by the Company or the Purchaser for a period beginning prior to the Closing Date. For purposes of this Section, in the case of any Taxes that are imposed on a periodic basis and are payable for a Taxable period that includes (but does not end on) the Closing Date, the portion of such Tax that relates to the portion of such Tax period ending on the Closing Date shall (i) in the case of any Taxes other than Taxes based upon or related to income or receipts, be deemed to be the amount of such Tax for the entire Tax period multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of days in the Tax period ending on the Closing Date and the denominator of which is the number of days in the entire Tax period (the “Pro Rata Amount”), and (ii) in the case of any Tax based upon or related to income or receipts, be deemed equal to the amount that would be payable if the relevant Tax period ended on the Closing Date. The Sellers shall pay to the Company with the payment of any taxes due hereunder, the Sellers’ Pro Rata Amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the Purchaser or the Company in the preparation and filing of the Tax Returns. Any net operating losses or credits relating to a Tax period that begins before and ends after the Closing Date shall be taken into account as though the relevant Tax period ended on the Closing Date. All determinations necessary to give effect to the foregoing allocations shall be made in a reasonable manner as agreed to by the parties.

  • Gross Beta Flags A = Result acceptable, Bias <= +/- 50% with a statistically positive result at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty > 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, does not include zero). N = Result not acceptable, Bias > +/- 50% or the reported result is not statistically positive at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty <= 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, includes zero).

  • meminta nasihat daripada Pihak Xxxxxx dalam semua perkara berkenaan dengan jualan lelongan, termasuk Syarat-syarat Jualan (iii) membuat carian Hakmilik Xxxxx xxxxxx rasmi di Pejabat Tanah xxx/atau xxxx-xxxx Pihak-pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan xxx (iv) membuat pertanyaan dengan Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan samada jualan ini terbuka kepada semua bangsa atau kaum Bumiputra Warganegara Malaysia sahaja atau melayu sahaja xxx juga mengenai persetujuan untuk jualan ini sebelum jualan lelong.Penawar yang berjaya ("Pembeli") dikehendaki dengan segera memohon xxx mendapatkan kebenaran pindahmilik (jika ada) daripada Pihak Pemaju xxx/atau Pihak Tuanpunya xxx/atau Pihak Berkuasa Negeri atau badan-badan berkenaan (v) memeriksa xxx memastikan samada jualan ini dikenakan cukai. HAKMILIK : Hakmilik strata bagi hartanah ini masih belum dikeluarkan HAKMILIK INDUK / NO. LOT : Pajakan Negeri 35263, Lot No.29096 MUKIM/DAERAH/NEGERI : Setapak / Kuala Lumpur / Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur PEGANGAN : Pajakan selama 82-tahun berakhir pada 08/08/2085 KELUASAN LANTAI : 81.104 meter persegi ( 873 kaki persegi ) PEMAJU/PENJUAL : Mega Planner Jaya Sdn Bhd (326287-W)(Dalam Likuidasi) TUANPUNYA : Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur PEMBELI : Xxxxxxxx Bin Xxxxx @ Xxxx BEBANAN : Diserahhak kepada RHB Bank Berhad [196501000373 (6171-M)] Hartanah tersebut terletak di tingkat 9 pada bangunan apartment 14-tingkat terletak di Melati Impian Apartment, Setapak Fasa 1, Kuala Lumpur. Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah unit apartment 3 xxxxx dikenali sebaga Xxxxx Pemaju No. 9, Tingkat No.9, Pembangunan dikenali sebagai Melati Impian Apartment Setapak Fasa 1, Kuala Lumpur xxx mempunyai alamat surat-xxxxxxxx xx Xxxx Xx. 0-0, Xxxxxx Impian Apartment, Xxxxx 0/00X, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Harta ini dijual “keadaan seperti mana sediada” dengan harga rizab sebanyak RM 300,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA: TIGA RATUS RIBU SAHAJA) xxx tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat Jualan xxx melalui penyerahan hakkan dari Pemegang Serahak, tertakluk kepada kelulusan di perolehi oleh pihak Pembeli daripada pihak berkuasa, jika ada, termasuk semua terma, syarat xxx perjanjian yang dikenakan xxx mungkin dikenakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan. Pembeli bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memperolehi xxx mematuhi syarat-syarat berkenaan daripada Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan, jika ada xxx semua xxx xxx perbelanjaan ditanggung xxx dibayar oleh Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.Pembeli atas talian (online) juga tertakluk kepada terma-terma xxx syarat-syarat terkandung dalam Pembeli yang berminat adalah dikehendaki mendeposit kepada Pelelong 10% daripada harga rizab dalam bentuk Bank Draf atau Cashier’s Order di atas nama RHB Bank Berhad sebelum lelongan awam xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx hendaklah dibayar dalam tempoh sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh lelongan kepada RHB Bank Berhad melalui Bank Draf / XXXXXX. Butir-butir pembayaran melalui XXXXXX, xxxx berhubung dengan Tetuan Zahrin Emrad & Sujaihah. Untuk maklumat lanjut, xxxx berhubung dengan TETUAN ZAHRIN EMRAD & SUJIAHAH, yang beralamat di Suite 10.3, 10th Floor, Xxx Xxxx Building, Xx.00, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Tel: 00-0000 0000 / Fax: 00-0000 0000. [ Ruj: ZES/ZHR/RHB-FC/16250-17/0614-pae ], peguamcara bagi pihak pemegang xxxxx xxx atau pelelong yang tersebut dibawah.

  • Orthodontics We Cover orthodontics used to help restore oral structures to health and function and to treat serious medical conditions such as: cleft palate and cleft lip; maxillary/mandibular micrognathia (underdeveloped upper or lower jaw); extreme mandibular prognathism; severe asymmetry (craniofacial anomalies); ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint; and other significant skeletal dysplasias.

  • Footwear Where an employee is required by the College or by legislation, in order to perform his/her duties, to acquire and wear protective footwear, the employee shall provide the College with proof of purchase by March 1 each year and the College shall reimburse such employee, on the first pay day in April in each year, up to a maximum of one hundred and fifty dollar ($150.00). In situations other than the foregoing, the College may, in its discretion, (which discretion shall not be unreasonably exercised) reimburse such expense where it is recommended by the health and safety committee constituted under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

  • Puts Within 30 Days After Bank Closing During the thirty (30)-day period following Bank Closing and only during such period (which thirty (30)-day period may be extended in writing in the sole absolute discretion of the Receiver for any Loan), in accordance with this Section 3.4, the Assuming Institution shall be entitled to require the Receiver to purchase any Deposit Secured Loan transferred to the Assuming Institution pursuant to Section 3.1 which is not fully secured by Assumed Deposits or deposits at other insured depository institutions due to either insufficient Assumed Deposit or deposit collateral or deficient documentation regarding such collateral; provided with regard to any Deposit Secured Loan secured by an Assumed Deposit, no such purchase may be required until any Deposit setoff determination, whether voluntary or involuntary, has been made; and, at the end of the thirty (30)-day period following Bank Closing and at that time only, in accordance with this Section 3.4, the Assuming Institution shall be entitled to require the Receiver to purchase any remaining overdraft transferred to the Assuming Institution pursuant to 3.1 which both was made after the Bid Valuation Date and was not made pursuant to an overdraft protection plan or similar extension of credit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Assuming Institution shall not have the right to require the Receiver to purchase any Loan if (i) the Obligor with respect to such Loan is an Acquired Subsidiary, or (ii) the Assuming Institution has: (A) made any advance in accordance with the terms of a Commitment or otherwise with respect to such Loan; (B) taken any action that increased the amount of a Related Liability with respect to such Loan over the amount of such liability immediately prior to the time of such action; (C) created or permitted to be created any Lien on such Loan which secures indebtedness for money borrowed or which constitutes a conditional sales agreement, capital lease or other title retention agreement; (D) entered into, agreed to make, grant or permit, or made, granted or permitted any modification or amendment to, any waiver or extension with respect to, or any renewal, refinancing or refunding of, such Loan or related Credit Documents or collateral, including, without limitation, any act or omission which diminished such collateral; or (E) sold, assigned or transferred all or a portion of such Loan to a third party (whether with or without recourse). The Assuming Institution shall transfer all such Assets to the Receiver without recourse, and shall indemnify the Receiver against any and all claims of any Person claiming by, through or under the Assuming Institution with respect to any such Asset, as provided in Section 12.4.

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