CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled, and interpreted by reference to the Township Charter, ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Township, and any present or past benefits which are enjoyed by the Police Chief covered by this Agreement, that have not been included in the Contract Agreement, shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All employment conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled and interpreted by reference to either Borough Ordinance or Rules and Regulations of the Police Department for the Borough, and any present or past benefits which the Chief customarily enjoys, but that have not been specifically included in this Agreement, shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled and interpreted by reference to the City's Chapter, ordinance and rules and regulations of the Fire Department of the City. Any present benefits not covered by this agreement which are enjoyed by employees shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the signing date of this Agreement as established by the Township’s Charter, Ordinances and Rules and Regulations of the Division of Police the Township of Robbinsville in force on said date shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce, or otherwise detract from any Employee’s benefits existing prior to its effective date and accordingly, such Employee’s benefits shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled, and interpreted by reference to the Township’s Charter, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the Township and pertinent Rules and Regulations of the Union. Upon retirement, all employees mentioned in this Agreement, shall retain and enjoy all medical, optical, dental, health, and prescription benefits as other employees employed by the Township of Mullica. Any and all-present benefits which are enjoyed by the employees covered by this Agreement that have not been included in the contract shall be continued according to past practice. Employees hired after January 1,2011 are not entitled to receive employer paid medical, optical, dental, health or prescription benefits upon retirement.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled and interpreted by reference to the City Charter, Ordinance Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City, Rules and Regulations of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, Laws of the State of New Jersey and the Constitution of the United States of America. Any present or past benefits which are enjoyed by the employees covered by this Agreement that have not been included in this contract shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT l9.l All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled and interpreted by reference to the Authority's Charter, Rules and Regulations of the Union. Any of all present benefits which are enjoyed by employees covered by this Agreement that have not been included in the contract shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. A. All conditions not covered by this Agreement shall continue to be governed, controlled and interpreted by reference to the City's Charter and ordinances, and any present benefits which are enjoyed by employees covered by this Agreement, that have not been included in the contract, shall be continued.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. All benefits, terms and conditions of employment presently enjoyed by Employees hereunder that have not been included in this Agreement shall be continued in full force and effect.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS NOT COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment applicable on the signing date of this Agreement as established by the Township’s Charter, Ordinances and Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Township of Washington in force on said date shall continue to be so applicable during the term of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce, or otherwise detract from any Employee’s benefits existing prior to its effective date and accordingly, such Employee’s benefits shall be continued.