Core Modules Sample Clauses

Core Modules. The Core Tab contains the most used modules of the MGMS content system. It includes: DesignMaster. Uploading images Issue Tracking. Creating, viewing and assigning project issues Menu Manager. Managing menu items OCMail. Email Program for opt-in or opt-out email campaigns Pagemaster. WYSIWYG Editor for adding and changing web pages instantly QuickDesign. Change page and text color OpportunityCode Site Content Tab 2. Site Content Tab. The Site Content Tab includes a variety of user modules to improve the performance of a site. Announcement. Post announcements to a page Bulletin Board. A bulletin board for chatting amongst users Content Rotator. Scheduling page rotation in a site External Links. Internal site linking out Form Generator. Generating forms and placing on the site to collect information Issue Tracking. Creating, viewing and assigning project issues Link to Us. Allow other sites to link in to you. Photo Album. Creating a photo album on a site Site Map. Creating an automated site plan MChamber. MChamber is a program to combine several related websites together into one link page so visitors can find information quicker. It's similar to an Auto Mall concept. Webstatistics Report. Complete statistics on site traffic 3. Administration Tab The Administration Tab includes the following: 1.
Core Modules. Each module is an independently-controlled thermal cycler fluorometer • Solid state, non-moving parts for robust performance • Incorporates four-channel optical detection • High-intensity LEDs, silicon photodetectors, and multiple filters aflow simultaneous exitation and detection of four different special bands • Starter system includes one processing block, manual, computer and accessory kit • Expand by linking up to six processing blocks to one computer system The Smart Cycler II System’s optics allow the measurement of fluorescence in four channels at the same time. High intensity LEDs and optical filters are optimized for spectral separation. The instrument’s calibration allows use of FAM or SYBR® Green in Channel 1, Cy3 or TET in Channel 2, Texas Red (TxR) in Channel 3, and Cy5 in Channel 4. Multiplex assays allow the detection of several targets within a single sample. The use of multiple fluorescent dyes permits detection of signal in up to four channels at one time on the Smart Cycler system. Various detection chemistries can be used with the Smart Cycler optics, including TaqMan® and Molecular Beacons probes, Amplifluor™ and Scorpion™ primers, and intercalating dyes such as SYBR® Green.
Core Modules. The Negotiating your learning agreement module defines the pathway for the remainder of my studies on this course, and involves considerable reflection on my previous personal and professional learning. It will enhance my skills in these areas and teach me to integrate this reflection with an analysis of the needs of my organisation in order to develop an appropriate plan for my future development. These skills will also enhance my ability to construct and analyse courses in development – an essential skill for my work as a learner supervisor on the Masters by negotiated learning and for other awards I am involved in developing. The process will improve my understanding of learning outcomes and how these fit together to make a coherent and effective programme of study. Reflection is a fundamental skill for all Masters level study and particularly so for the Masters by negotiated learning. This reflective practice module will improve my reflective skills and provide an opportunity for me to learn together with other professionals in face-to-face sessions, further enhancing my appreciation of the learner perspective on this award. The ability to continually and effectively reflect upon one’s work in order to learn lessons for future practice is of vital importance in my clinical work – and forms the basis for the newly introduced appraisal process in medicine that all doctors (including myself) need to participate in once a year.
Core Modules. The contents of the six core topics must be included in the academic programme however they may be re-structured into different modules. In each case, the content of each module is given.
Core Modules. Core modules are going to be the orchestrators between input and output modules. These are the modules planned in Antalya MAtchUP: ● MQTT broker: MQTT is a machine-to-machine "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. ● Hadoop: To be used for big data functionalities and distributed processing: ● Elasticsearch and Kibana: Kibana will be used aligned with Elasticsearch for the visualization of the platform. ● Xxxxx: Xxxxx will act as one of the central messaging and integration element between other components and Elasticsearch/Hadoop as depicted in the preliminary architecture (Figure 6). ● Open Data Portal: The Antalya Open Data Portal that is implemented during MAtchUP. ● Co-Creation Portal: Decidim based Antalya co-creation portal for citizen engagement activities.
Core Modules. Core modules are the orchestrators between input and output modules. These are the modules planned in Antalya MAtchUP: ● MQTT broker: MQTT is a machine-to-machine "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. ● Hadoop: To be used for big data functionalities and distributed processing: ● Elasticsearch and Kibana: Kibana will be used aligned with Elasticsearch for the visualization of the platform. ● Xxxxx: Xxxxx will act as one of the central messaging and integration element between other components and Elasticsearch/Hadoop as depicted in the preliminary architecture (Figure 6).
Core Modules. Customer Value Maximisation New Customer Acquisitions Customer Boomerang Education and Support Fee Structure Terms of Service Contract Details
Core Modules. Each module is an independently-controlled thermal cycler fluorometer · Solid state, non-moving parts for robust performance · Incorporates four-channel optical detection [***] indicates material that has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment. The omitted material has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. · High-intensity LEDs, silicon photodetectors, and multiple filters aflow simultaneous exitation and detection of four different special bands · Starter system includes one processing block, manual, computer and accessory kit · Expand by linking up to six processing blocks to one computer system [***] indicates material that has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment. The omitted material has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Smart Cycler II System’s optics allow the measurement of fluorescence in four channels at the same time. High intensity LEDs and optical filters are optimized for spectral separation. The instrument’s calibration allows use of FAM or SYBR ® Green in Channel 1, Cy3 or TET in Channel 2, Texas Red (TxR) in Channel 3, and Cy5 in Channel 4. Multiplex assays allow the detection of several targets within a single sample. The use of multiple fluorescent dyes permits detection of signal in up to four channels at one time on the Smart Cycler system. Various detection chemistries can be used with the Smart Cycler optics, including TaqMan ® and Molecular Beacons probes, Amplifluor™ and Scorpion™ primers, and intercalating dyes such as SYBR ® Green.
Core Modules. As mentioned in the RFP document
Core Modules