Professional Learning Sample Clauses
Professional Learning. A. School-based Professional Learning
a. School-based professional learning plan, aligned with the schools Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Plan will be jointly developed by the CSI team and the school administration with input from the faculty and staff. The professional learning plan will be shared with the faculty.
b. After the plan is developed, additional recommendations for procedures and specific training options may be submitted to the principal. CSI Plans, which includes the professional development plan, are dynamic and are adjusted based on student performance data and ongoing data analysis.
c. School based professional development may be differentiated and consider teacher experience, content, and assignment. Teachers are encouraged to present alternative plans for professional learning to administrators for consideration of approval.
B. Flexible Professional Learning (FPT) The Board and the FCTA recognize that professional learning opportunities encourage collaboration, flexibility, and address both the systemic needs of the school system, as well as the professional needs of the individual teacher. Therefore, one (1) day of systemic designated professional learning will be converted to seven (7) hours of flexible professional time (thereafter “FPT”) for teachers to participate in curricular based professional learning opportunities. These activities may include: • participation in curricular based professional learning experiences. • working with colleagues or individually on systemic identified curricular priorities/initiatives. • are teacher identified, approved and entered into PeopleSoft via the Employee Self-Service module. Each school year, teachers confirm their completion of FPT through the FPT tool found in the Employee Self Service module in PeopleSoft. Teachers eligible to participate in FPT must choose their activity(ies) and enter them into PeopleSoft by October 31. An automatic approval trigger will be created in the Employee Self Service module in PeopleSoft for the FPT activities found in the dropdown list, except for the “Other” category. Teachers who choose activities in that category must have their activity(ies) approved in advance by the Principal or designee. Activities must be completed by March 1 of the school year. When a teacher does not complete the activity, a day of personal leave/or leave without pay will be processed. Activities not recorded as completed in PeopleSoft by the March 1 deadline will be treated a...
Professional Learning. Each teacher shall receive professional learning focused on the Xxxxxxxxx adopted framework and state criterion to ensure clear understanding of the evaluation process.
Professional Learning. It is recognized that an effective professional learning program is necessary to provide continuing opportunities for the professional learning of certificated employees. Therefore, the District and Association shall periodically survey certificated employees to determine staff professional learning needs. Said surveying, planning, and implementation may be with the assistance of other agencies, colleges, or universities.
A. Professional learning activities may cover the following areas:
1. Release time for classroom observation and visitation
2. Release time for professional learning
3. Workshops and classes designed to meet student needs
4. Consultant and material assistance for staff involved in curriculum improvement and innovation.
5. Clock hours (see appendix I)
B. The Association may recommend to the District topics for professional learning designed to improve the quality of instruction.
C. In the implementation of new curriculum, the District and selected staff shall develop and implement a training program for any certificated employee(s) who will be responsible for teaching the new curricular program.
D. Each federal or state project done or taken on by the District in the area of certification and teacher training will involve a representative from the professional Association and shall be appointed by the Association president or his/her designee. This professional Association representative will be actively involved in the planning [if the District receives more than forty-eight (48) hours notice], promoting, interpreting, and evaluating the project for the duration of the program. The professional Association representative should represent the level involved in the project and released time will be allowed upon the approval of the superintendent or designee when the need arises.
Professional Learning. 8-5-1 All teachers shall participate in staff-development. Staff-development can take place during staff-development days, which are designated on the district 91 calendar, and weekly faculty meetings, and up to an hour each week during the instructional day as the school schedule allows.
Professional Learning. The CAC and the Administration Cabinet will determine District professional learning related to curriculum and assessment for the year. Two (2) staff development days will be scheduled within the school year.
Professional Learning. (a) Valuable professional development is job-embedded, informed by research, done in partnership with colleagues. This does not preclude the scheduling of a valuable professional development which is not job-embedded and at which attendance is not mandatory. No information from professional development which is not job-embedded can be used in the Performance Appraisal of Experienced Teachers or the New Teacher Induction Process.
(b) The success of a Catholic Professional Learning Community (CPLC) depends largely on the environment and the climate in which it is established.
(c) Catholic Professional Learning Communities are most effective when the atmosphere within a school promotes a focus on learning, collegiality, respect for professionalism, a commitment to continuous learning, collective inquiry into best practice, innovation and experimentation to improve teaching and student learning.
(d) A teacher’s Annual Learning Plan will inform Professional Learning opportunities funded through the professional learning allocation pursuant to the PDT Agreement and CPLC.
Professional Learning. It is the philosophy of USD 385 Andover Public Schools that a combination of effective professional learning and educational experience leads to the professional growth of our staff. A highly effective educator is one of the most important factors in student achievement. Effective professional learning is fundamental to student learning. Professional learning increases educator effectiveness and results for all students. The Professional Development Council will facilitate the professional learning process of licensed staff members so that they possess the knowledge and skills necessary to improve student achievement. Professional learning will be aligned with the district’s mission and goals established by the USD 385 Board of Education. In addition, we will identify, create, and promote research-based professional learning.
1. The Board advocates continuing growth for all staff and expects staff to seek opportunities and to participate in the school district’s professional learning.
2. The Board supports the district’s professional learning program. The Professional Development Council (PDC) for USD #385 exists to advise the Board regarding development and implementation of the professional learning events in the district. The Assistant Superintendent for Academic Affairs will coordinate with the Superintendent, building principals, team leaders and the PDC for implementation of these activities. The function of the district PDC shall be:
a. to serve as representative of the licensed personnel
b. to develop operational procedures
c. to research and recommend best practices which complement school improvement plans
d. to recommend to the governing body of the education agency approval or disapproval of professional learning goals for renewal of certification/license
e. to serve as liaison and/or arbitrator on professional learning issues
f. to clarify the decision-making process to district staff as needed
g. to approve or deny impact points for movement on pay schedule h. to provide support activities which complement school improvement plans i. to elect up to two members per school to serve on the district council
j. to elect a district chairperson by June 1
k. to monitor, cross-reference and review professional learning goals and PDC points for renewal of license and movement on the pay schedule l. to approve all professional learning activities before proceeding to the Application Level
m. to provide leadership, annual training, and support of effecti...
Professional Learning. 8-5-1-1 All teachers shall participate in staff-development. The purpose of staff- development is to build capacity with a specified group to meet an identified need within our system. Staff-development can take place during designated staff-development days, weekly faculty meetings, and up to an hour each week during the instructional day as the school schedule allows.
Professional Learning. 261 The Board shall have the right each year to assign Members to participate in seven and one- half (7½) hours according to Article 2.09 (C) and up to an additional twenty-two and one-half (22½) hours of professional learning which will typically be used on a grade level, department level, building level or district-wide basis. The activities to obtain the professional learning hours shall be scheduled: On a professional learning day at the beginning of the school year on the weekday immediately prior to the first teacher workday, and/or; On a workday, outside the normal work hours, and/or; On a day that is not contractual such as weekends or the summer months
Professional Learning. 25.01 In addition to approved professional learning experiences outside of the district, the Administration and SHTA members will collaborate to create and implement high quality in-district professional learning opportunities consistent with the District's Strategic Plan.
25.02 To maintain Excellence in Education, the Board shall budget a special fund of $125,000 per year for the purpose of assisting those teachers working toward obtaining their first Master’s when such a Degree is in their teaching field or in a related education field. All remaining funds shall be used to assist those teachers working beyond their first Master’s and Graduate level work provided such course work is in their teaching field or in a related education field of study. The Board shall pay tuition cost up to $150.00 per credit hour.
25.03 All teachers completing graduate level work shall submit to the Director of Human Resources the necessary documentation demonstrating the successful completion of such course work prior to December 1 of each calendar year. The Director of Human Resources shall total all legitimate claims for reimbursement. If the total is less than $125,000, then each claimant shall be paid up to the amount specified in § 25.02. If the total is more than $125,000 then an equitable distribution of funds shall be made based upon a fractional cost per graduate hour completed. In no case shall the total of payments exceed $125,000 in any given calendar year. Each claimant shall receive notification of the amount he/she is to receive no later than January 15 of the next calendar year. No payment shall be made for correspondence courses.
25.04 The Treasurer, within thirty (30) calendar days after notification by the Director of Human Resources, shall issue a separate check in the amount specified by the administrator in charge of personnel to the teacher. Deductions mandated by law shall be made.
25.05 The Director of Human Resources shall forward to the President of SHTA a notification showing names, hours and amount of payment to each teacher.