Coverage Minimum Limits Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Automobile Liability including coverage for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles $1,000,000 per occurrence
Coverage Minimum Requirement Commercial General Liability Insurance, including Bodily Injury, Personal Injury, Property Damage, Advertising Injury, and Medical Payments Each Occurrence General Aggregate $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Automobile Liability Insurance - Any Auto Each Occurrence General Aggregate $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Professional Liability $ 1,000,000 Workers Compensation Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $ 1,000,000
Minimum Insurance Requirements Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries or death to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of that work by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or sub-contractors. Coverage - Coverage shall be at least as broad as the following:
Spousal Coverage Any new Participants to the COG, after June 30, 2015, with working spouses who have the ability to be covered under an insurance plan through his/her place of employment, will be required to take his/her plan as their primary plan. This provision does not apply to a participant who had insurance with one COG employer and immediately thereafter, moved to another COG employer. If the spouse is required to pay forty (40%) percent or more of the premium with his/her employer, the requirements of this section shall not apply.
Coverage Limits By requiring insurance, the State of Washington and DSHS do not represent that the coverage and limits required in this Contract will be adequate to protect the Contractor. Such coverage and limits shall not limit the Contractor’s liability in excess of the required coverage and limits, and shall not limit the Contractor’s liability under the indemnities and reimbursements granted to the State and DSHS in this Contract.
Minimum Limits The minimum limits to be maintained by the School (inclusive of any amounts provided by an umbrella or excess policy) shall be $1 million per occurrence/$3 million annual aggregate.
Coverage Types and Policy Limits The types of coverage and policy limits required from the Contractor are specified in Paragraph B Insurance Requirements below.
Minimum Balance Requirements To be a member and maintain Accounts with Us You must purchase 1 share in the Credit Union. The par value of a share in this Credit Union is $5.00. If the balance in Your primary share Account drops below 1 share ($5.00), at any time, We may, at Our option, close Your Account. Nonsufficient Funds Returns. Any share draft or pre-authorized transfer, or transaction made through the use of a debit card, or other electronic means, as is applicable (including any in-person transaction), that is presented to Us for payment on Your Account when Your Account lacks sufficient collected funds to pay any such item may, at Our option, be returned for nonsufficient funds or We may honor any such item and charge You a fee for doing so. Overdraft Balance Calculation. When processing transactions that debit or credit Your Account, We start each Business Day with Your final Account balance from the preceding Business Day. The final balance takes into account all of the debit and credit transactions that were settled that Business Day pursuant to Our Funds Availability Policy, as well as any other debits or credits to Your Account that were finally settled that day, as described above in the "Deposit of Items" and "Collection and Processing of Items" sections of the Account Agreement. This starting balance at the beginning of a Business Day (the preceding Business Day's final balance) is sometimes referred to as Your "actual balance."
Coverage Term All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or services required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement are satisfactorily performed, completed and formally accepted by the City, unless specified otherwise in this Agreement.
Hospitalization Insurance A) Effective January 1, 2012, all eligible employees shall be enrolled into Blue Cross Blue Shield Community Blue 4 (CB4) medical plan with a closed formulary $5 generic/$40 preferred brand/$80 non-preferred brand prescription drug card. The CB4 medical plan shall include a $500 single/$1,000 couple/family first dollar deductible, after which coinsurance will be provided at 80% with an annual employee maximum co-insurance out of pocket at $1,500 single and $3,000 family. In accordance with Health Care Reform preventative care is covered 100%. Copays shall include $30 for office visits, $30 for urgent care, and $150 for emergency room visits. Effective July 1, 2019 the City will also provide Blue Cross Blue Shield Simply Blue PPO with a $5 generic/$40 preferred brand/$80 non-preferred prescription drug card as a voluntary option for employees. Effective January 1, 2012, the City shall establish a Cafeteria Plan Section 125 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for qualified medical expenses compliant with all IRS regulations. Employees may elect to contribute into the FSA on a pre-tax basis up to a limit set by the employer in compliance with IRS regulations and Health Care Reform. Employees must establish their contributions each calendar year, and the amount may not be altered unless the employee experiences a qualifying event as defined by the IRS. The City shall not contribute into the employee’s FSA for calendar year 2011, 2012 or 2013. Effective with calendar year 2014 the City’s contribution into the FSA will be in accordance with Article IV Section 5. Qualified purchases during the calendar year using FSA funds must be submitted for reimbursement no later than the last day of February the following calendar year. Any money contributed into the FSA and not spent will be forfeited by the employee. Effective July 1, 2019 the FSA plan year shall be July through June to coincide with the medical plan year. Qualified purchases during the plan year using FSA funds must be submitted for reimbursement no later than the last day of September following the close of the plan year June 30th. Any money contributed into the FSA and not spent will be forfeited by the employee, except for the amount allowed by IRS regulations. The City reserves the right to self insure any and all medical insurance plans as described in this Collective Bargaining Agreement at the City’s sole discretion.