Education Incentive A. The following monthly education incentive pay will be paid to each employee upon completing the listed degree and providing proof of completion to the Agency. Associate Degree Two percent (2%) Bachelor Degree Four percent (4%) B. The above percentages will be based upon the employee’s base rate of pay. C. An employee will be entitled to one (1) education incentive pay only. D. Degrees must be from an accredited institution of higher education.
Performance Improvement Plan timely and accurate completion of key actions due within the reporting period 100 percent The Supplier will design and develop an improvement plan and agree milestones and deliverables with the Authority 3.2 The Authority may from time to time make changes to the KPIs measured as set out in paragraph 3.1 above and shall issue a replacement version to the Supplier. The Authority shall give notice In Writing of any such change to the KPIs measured and shall specify the date from which the replacement KPIs must be used for future reports. Such date shall be at least thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the notice to the Supplier.