CSP Sample Clauses
CSP. V6.0 First-in-human clinical study with RNA-Immunotherapy combination of IVAC_W_bre1_uID and IVAC_M_uID for Individualized Tumor Therapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients
CSP. The language of CSP was first described by Hoare [Hoa85]. It is a pro- cess algebra that can be used to describe systems composed by interacting components, which are independent self-contained entities (called processes) with particular interfaces that are used to interact with the environment. In [Ros98], a new version of CSP was presented: it differs from Hoare’s ver- sion only on the treatment of alphabets. It is the later version that forms the basis of FDR, a tool that model-checks a machine-processable subset of CSP, called CSPM, which is a combination of an ASCII version of CSP with an expression language inspired on functional languages. A link between the CSP and CSPM syntaxes can be found in [Ros98]. In what follows, we briefly describe the most important CSP constructs. → The two most basic CSP processes are STOP and SKIP ; the former dead- locks, and the latter does nothing and terminates. If P is a CSP process, and a an event, then the prefixing a P is initially able to perform only a, and after performing a it behaves as P . A boolean guard may be associated with a process: given a predicate g , if the condition g is true, the process g & P behaves like P ; it deadlocks otherwise. Processes P 1 and P 2 can be combined in sequence using the sequence operator: P 1; P 2. This process executes the process P 2 after the execution of P 1 terminates. The external choice P 1 Q P 2 initially offers events of both processes. The performance of the first event resolves the choice in favour of the process that performs \ | | H | | |
CSP the provider of the services, provides the warranties specified in this section for the services. These warranties extend to you even though you do not purchase the services directly from CSP. You shall access these warranties through the Contractor. The Contractor guarantees CSP’s performance of CSP’s obligations under these warranties.
CSP. As of the Closing Date, CSP has no assets other than a minority interest in the Equity Interests of Shreveport Packaging Partners, LLC (the “JV”) and engages in no activities other than ownership of such Equity Interests. Neither CSP nor any of the Obligors has any obligation owing to the JV to supply the JV with products or any financial obligation owing to the JV.
CSP. Some studies have reported increased CSP in untreated patients with IGE, (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 2001), this was interpreted as increased intracortical inhibition to protect against seizure occurrence. In agreement with this, (Xxxxx et al., 2009) found increased CSP in 21 patients and, of further interest, in their asymptomatic relatives. Results from other studies have reported no differences between controls and patients however, in both untreated (Delvaux 2001),(Xxxxxx et al., 2009) and medicated patients (Xxxxxxxxxx et al., 2000).
CSP. If a single suprathreshold pulse is applied during voluntary tonically activated muscle contraction it produces an MEP followed by a temporary cessation of EMG activity, known as the cortical silent period (CSP). It is typically defined as the time from the end of the MEP to the return of voluntary EMG. Several observations have indicated that the silent period is a separate phenomenon from the MEP. For example, it can be evoked at lower stimulus intensities than the MEP (Xxxxxx et al., 1992)Furthermore, changes in the background contraction and stimulus intensity have different effects on the silent period and MEP (Inghilleri et al. 1993). There are thought to be two components to the silent period, the first spinal in origin, the second cortical. For example, there is evidence that spinal excitability is decreased during the early part of the silent period with reduced H-reflex amplitudes, (Xxxx et al., 1991). It is thought that the later part is generated exclusively by long lasting inhibition originating within the motor cortex, for example, the duration of CSP is consistent with the duration of the (IPSP) elicited by GABAb receptor activation in pyramidal cells (Xxx et al., 2009). This is supported by the lengthening of the CSP by medications which increase the availability of GABAb in the synaptic cleft, tiagabine, (Xxxxxxx et al., 1999) and vigabatrin (Xxxxxxxxxxx et al., 2004). It is difficult to fully accept this as conclusive evidence that GABAb is involved however as these medications also facilitate GABAa availability, (Xxxxxxx et al., 1996).
CSP. Nothing herein shall restrict FDC or its Affiliates from hosting a site providing or offering Pay Anyone and/or Bill Xxxsentment and Payment Services of a third party via distribution or transmission of computer software and/or informational content of such third party, where such hosting activities are generally conducted for other parties and the fee or consideration arrangements therefore are arms' length transactions of the type generally made; provided, however, that if the site is hosted by and for FDC or any of its Affiliates, FDC and its Affiliates will be required to comply with the other provisions of this Agreement; provided, further, that FDC or its Affiliates will not host a site for a third Person offering an FDC branded Pay Anyone or Bill Presentment and Payment product or service which would otherwise violate the terms of this Agreement. As used herein, "hosting" means the transmission or publication of another's products or services, which may be accomplished through use of the hosting party's equipment and facilities, where the hosting party does not create or control the hosted products or services, but rather is acting as a transmitter or publisher of such products or services.
CSP accepts CSM’s agreement mentioned in Clause 2.2 above to perform all liabilities and obligations of Terra in the place of Terra; and
CSP. Notwithstanding anything in the CSP’s standard contract documents or terms and conditions to the contrary, any right or obligation of the CSP to defend any Governmental Entity or its employees, officers, board members, agents, representatives, officials, or other like individuals shall be modified/amended solely to include an obligation to indemnify and hold harmless the Governmental Entity and its employees, officers, board members, agents, representatives, officials, or other like individuals. For the avoidance of doubt, the CSP shall have no right to defend any Governmental Entity or its employees, officers, board members, agents, representatives, officials, or other like individuals or be deemed to have been granted settlement authority as it relates to any claims made against any Governmental Entity or its employees, officers, board members, agents, representatives, officials, or other like individuals.
CSP. New Xxxxxx CSP Awards
(a) Worldpay employees who were granted CSP Awards as part of their recruitment package, and who continue to hold such CSP Awards as at the Effective Date will receive an award in respect of Vantiv Stock in exchange for their CSP Awards (each a “New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award”) on the following terms. The number of Worldpay Shares that are exchanged will include a number in respect of any dividend equivalents, to the extent provided for under the terms of the relevant CSP Award:
(i) the number of Vantiv Stock subject to each New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award will be calculated by using the following formula: (B x £C) / £D = E, where: ‘B’ is the number of Worldpay Shares subject to the original CSP Award (including any accrued dividend equivalents thereon); ‘£C’ is the aggregate value of (i) the cash and (ii) the closing price of the Vantiv Stock payable to Worldpay Shareholders per Worldpay Share on the Effective Date (which price will be converted into pounds sterling using the exchange rate on Bloomberg at 6.00pm (GMT) on the Effective Date); ‘£D’ is the closing price of a Vantiv Stock on the Effective Date (which price will be converted into pounds sterling using the exchange rate on Bloomberg at 6.00pm (GMT) on the Effective Date); and ‘E’ is the number of Vantiv Stock subject to the New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award, rounded down to the nearest whole share.
(ii) All other material terms and conditions of the original CSP Awards to which the New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Awards relate (including the right to dividend equivalents, should dividends become payable) will continue to apply including (but not limited to) the original vesting periods, SAVE THAT if the holder of a New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award ceases to be an employee before the original vesting date for any reason other than as a Bad Leaver, the New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award will not lapse, but continue to vest in accordance with its terms on its original vesting date subject to pro-rating for time which will apply in respect of the period of time that has elapsed since the original date of grant and the date of termination as compared to the original vesting period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Vantiv reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to permit vesting in full (as it sees fit on a case by case basis). Any New Xxxxxx Rollover CSP Award held by a Bad Leaver will lapse and cease to be exercisable in its entirety. General CSP Awards
(b) All other holders of CSP Awards who ...