Current Actions. On September 16,
Current Actions. On July 22, 2016, the
Current Actions. The EIA proposes the following changes: The EIA proposes the following changes to the form: • Eliminate Schedule 2, Capacity for Existing Generators in Reporting Year, as this information will be subsumed in Schedule 3. • Modify Schedule 3. Historical and Projected Demand and Capacity. The categories will explain the differences between net capacity reported to EIA by its respondents on the Form EIA–860 and the Planned Capacity Resource data reported by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) on Schedule 3, Reconciliation between Total Generation Regional Capacity and Planned Regional Capacity Resources (summer, winter). It is proposed that reporting on Form EIA–411 become mandatory for all electric generators who are connected to the electricity grid. Over time, as utilities have sold their generating assets, the Form EIA–411 submission has become less inclusive of the entire electric power industry. Mandatory collection authority for Form EIA–411 is necessary for EIA to collect the comprehensive information needed for public and private analysts to accurately monitor the current status and trends of the electric power industry, as well as to evaluate the future of the industry. This change in the reporting obligation for the EIA–411 is consistent with NERC’s data program requirements because membership in NERC is now mandatory and data filing requirements by its members are also mandatory. It is proposed to reduce the due date for the form from 40 to 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting month to aid in validating the data against other survey data and to release the data to the public sooner. Schedule 1. Part C. Sales to Ultimate Customers, Delivery Only Service Additional requirement to provide the names of the energy service providers for whom distributors deliver electricity. In addition to the information previously reported to EIA on the forms being superseded by the EIA–923, EIA proposes to collect the following additional items: Schedule 2. Plant-Level • Commodity cost (only for coal and natural gas) for the quantity of fuel receipts. • Mercury content for the quality of fuel received (only for coal). • Primary and secondary mode of transportation (only for coal and natural gas). • Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) identification number (for coal mine type and location). • Also, all fossil fueled plants, including those which report to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on the FERC Form 423 and...
Current Actions. CBP proposes to Type of Review: Extension (without Affected Public: Businesses. Estimated Number of Respondents: Estimated Number of Annual Responses per Respondent: 25. Estimated Total Annual Responses: Estimated Time per Response: 7 minutes. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 41,548. Agency Clearance Officer, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Current Actions. We are submitting this information collection as a revision. The estimated number of responses and the estimated total annual burden hours have decreased because the number of respondents has decreased. Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. Affected Public: Business or other for- profit. Estimated Number of Responses:
Current Actions. We are submitting this information collection as a revision. The information collections, the
Current Actions. There is no change in the paperwork burden previously approved by OMB. This form is being submitted for renewal purposes only. Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection. Affected Public: Individuals or households, Businesses and other for- profit organizations. Estimated Number of Respondents:
Current Actions. Dow, under U.S. EPA and MDEQ oversight, is addressing potential acute or near-term exposure risks at eligible properties in the floodplain through interim exposure controls pursuant to the May 26, 2011, AOC. Dow placed interim exposure controls at many floodplain properties, primarily in 2011 and 2012. As the floodplain work discussed below (January 8, 2015, AOC) is being implemented, the need for interim exposure controls at eligible properties is being superseded. However, this AOC remains open until floodplain obligations are met. Response options are generally developed and implemented in an upstream-to-downstream, segment-by-segment fashion for in-channel sediment and riverbanks. Pursuant to the February 8, 2017 AOC, Dow started cleanup of SMAs and BMAs in Segments 4 & 5 in 2017, with construction largely complete in 2019. Pursuant to the May 21, 2019 AOC, Dow started cleanup of SMAs and BMAs in Segments 6 & 7 in 2019 and work is expected to be largely complete in 2021. The work required by these NTCRAs is ongoing, ensuring the native vegetation planted on the BMAs is well established, and post-removal site controls are developed and implemented. Dow, with oversight by U.S. EPA and MDEQ, is cleaning up dioxin-contaminated soil in frequently flooded areas along the Tittabawassee River pursuant to the January 8, 2015, AOC. The eight-year floodplain includes about 4,500 acres and extends along 21 miles of the river below Dow’s Midland plant. Not all areas in the floodplain will need a cleanup. U.S. EPA is assessing more than 700 properties to determine if a cleanup is needed and the most appropriate approach at eligible properties. Dow began cleanup of the first floodplain properties in the summer of 2015, and floodplain cleanup is an ongoing, multi-year project.
Current Actions. In acknowledgement of the afore mentioned, these authorized representatives of the GovernmentUniversity and the Department do hereby indicate their consent.
Current Actions. On April 6,2019, the PRP’s contractor mobilized on-site and, under EPA oversight, began transferring waste from compromised totes to a 20,000-gallon frac-tank as an emergency response. April 8, 2019, the PRP’s contractor mobilized additional frac-tanks to the Site. Samples of the waste have been sent to local labs for analysis, and the EPA OSC overseeing operations is seeking to identify facilities in the area that are acceptable to receive the waste for proper disposal pursuant to the CERCLA Off-Site Rule. The sludges being removed from the totes are being solidified and placed in roll-off boxes. The sludges will be sampled for waste characterization then transported for proper disposal, as appropriate.