Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a one (1) day suspension, without pay, issued at Step Three, when an employee incurs an additional absence occurrence within a twelve- month period the employee will receive a five (5) day suspension, without pay. The accompanying letter of suspension will include the warning that the next absence occurrence within a twelve-month period will result in the issuance of a ten (10) day suspension, without pay.
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following the five-day suspension at Step Five, the next tardiness instance will result in a ten-day suspension. The accompanying letter of suspension will include the warning that the next tardiness instance within the next 60 workdays will result in suspension pending discharge.
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a one-day suspension issued at Step One, when an employee is found to have incurred an additional AWOL occurrence within a twelve- month period, the employee will receive a five (5) day suspension without pay. The Department Director or designee will issue the five-day suspension to the employee and inform the employee in writing that the next AWOL occurrence within a twelve-month period from the step two occurrence will result in the issuance of a ten-day suspension, without pay.
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a five-day suspension issued at Step Two, when an employee is found to have incurred an additional AWOL occurrence within a twelve- month period, the employee will receive a ten (10) day suspension, without pay. The accompanying letter of suspension will include the warning that the next AWOL occurrence within a twelve-month period from the step three occurrence will result in termination of employment. If after receiving the one-day suspension, the five-day suspension, and the ten-day suspension outlined above, and the employee is found to have incurred an additional AWOL occurrence within a twelve-month period, the employee will be terminated. deemed AWOL resigned. The employee must be notified in writing of such a determination in person or by certified mail to his or her last known address. The affected employee must contact his or her supervisor and Human Resources in writing within two (2) weeks of said notification, to explain the failure to report to work. If the employee fails to supply a satisfactory explanation, as determined by the Deputy Chief of Human Resources, within two (2) weeks of the date of the letter, he or she shall be deemed AWOL resigned, and scheduled for a termination hearing. Deeming an employee AWOL resigned does not preclude any employee's right to a termination hearing under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement or preclude the employee from grieving the District's decision to terminate the employee.
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following the three-day suspension at
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a one-day
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a written warning
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a five (5) day Step Six: Termination. If after receiving a verbal warning, written warning, the one-day
Day Suspension Without Pay. When an employee has been found
(1) day suspension without pay. The Department Director or designee will issue the one-day suspension to the employee and inform the employee in writing that the next AWOL occurrence within a twelve-month period from the step one occurrence will result in the issuance of a five (5) day suspension without pay.
Day Suspension Without Pay. Following receipt of a five-day result in termination of employment. Step Four: Termination. If after receiving the one-day suspension, the five-day