Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations Sample Clauses

Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations where there is more than one Individual Contract between the Parties in respect of a Time Unit and a Delivery Point, the Contract Quantity shall be the Net Contract Quantity, the Contract Price shall be the energy weighted average of the Contract Prices of the relevant Individual Contracts for that Time Unit and that Delivery Point in respect of which the Net Buyer is the Buyer and the "Default Quantity" shall be the difference between the Net Contract Quantity and the Delivered Quantity.
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Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations. (a) In accordance with each Individual Contract, the Seller shall Schedule and deliver, or cause to be delivered, at the Delivery Point the Contract Quantity during each Time Unit of the Total Supply Period and the Buyer shall Schedule and accept, or cause to be accepted, at the Delivery Point the Contract Quantity during each Time Unit of the Total Supply Period. In performing their respective obligations under this § 4.1, the Seller and the Buyer shall Schedule against the Applicable Code.
Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations after aggregating all Individual Contracts between the Parties for the relevant Time Unit at the same Delivery Point. It is further acknowledged that, subject to § 4.1(b), to the extent there is Buyer's Default by the Net Buyer under § 8 (
Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations. However, to the extent such data is not available to the Seller at the time of invoicing, the Seller's invoice shall be based on Contract Quantities for Individual Contracts for such Time Units. When and if data becomes available confirming the Delivered Quantities in respect of Individual Contracts for such Time Units and the discrepancies between Delivered Quantities and Contract Quantities, invoicing and payment will be adjusted to reflect any discrepancies between the Contract Quantities and Delivered Quantities including any payment (or adjustments to payments) due under § 8 (Remedies for Failure to Deliver or Accept the Contract Quantity).
Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations. 1. Dostawa i odbiór i obowiązek wykonywania Czynności Realizacyjnych na zasadzie netto:
Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations where there is more than one Individual Contract between the Parties for a Time Unit at the same Delivery Point, the Delivered Quantity shall be deemed to be a reference to the Quantity of Natural Gas delivered by the Net Seller and accepted by the Net Buyer in respect of all such Individual Contracts. The Parties may agree which meter readings and/or allocation statements shall prevail in respect of an Individual Contract. The meaning of "Nomination and Allocation Arrangements" shall be construed taking into account any such agreement in respect of an Individual Contract. повідомлення про Виконання Опціону вступає в силу після його отримання Продавцем Опціону і може бути надане в письмовій або усній формі, при цьому Виконання Опціону не може бути проведене електронною поштою, а в усній формі Виконання Опціону не може бути проведене шляхом залишення повідомлення голосової пошти або подібної електронної системи голосових повідомлень. У випадку усного Виконання Опціону, Покупець Опціону повинен негайно письмово підтвердити Виконання Опціону (включаючи, зокрема, за допомогою факсу), причому надання такого письмового підтвердження не є необхідною умовою дійсності Виконання Опціону, оформленого в усній формі. Стаття 6 Поставка, облік, транспортування та ризик
Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations. However, to the extent such data is not available to the Seller at the time of invoicing, the Seller's invoice shall be based on Contract Quantities for Individual Contracts for such Time Units. When and if data becomes available confirming the Delivered Quantities in respect of Individual Contracts for such Time Units and the discrepancies between Delivered Quantities and Contract Quantities, invoicing and payment will be adjusted to reflect any discrepancies between the Contract Quantities and Delivered Quantities including any payment (or adjustments to payments) due under § 8 (Remedies for Failure to Deliver та кінцеву суму, належну до сплати по відношенню до кожного Індивідуального Договору. Виставлення рахунків щодо сплати Премій, належних до сплати згідно з умовами Індивідуального Договору на Опціони, здійснюється згідно з домовленостями, що передбачені Сторонами в Індивідуальних Договорах.
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Delivery and Acceptance and Net Scheduling Obligations where there is more than one Individual Contract between the Parties for a Time Unit at the same Delivery Point, the Delivered Quantity shall be deemed to be a reference to the Quantity of Natural Gas delivered by the Net Seller and accepted by the Net Buyer in respect of all such Individual Contracts. The Parties may agree which meter readings and/or allocation statements shall prevail in respect of an Individual Contract. The meaning of "Nomination and Allocation Arrangements" shall be construed taking into account any such agreement in respect of an Individual Contract.

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  • Delivery and Acceptance All Software provided hereunder will be delivered electronically. We provide trial licenses of the Software for testing and pre-acceptance before purchase and therefore, delivery is deemed complete and accepted when such Software is made available to you. You are responsible for downloading, installing, registering, or otherwise using the Software.

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  • Change Orders and Contract Amendments 33.1 The Procuring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through notice in accordance GCC Clause 8, to make changes within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following:

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