Deobligation Sample Clauses

Deobligation. (1) HUD may deobligate amounts: (i) If the amount of the loans pro- vided under the program are less than the amount of the loans anticipated in the application; or (ii) If the recipient fails to carry out activities under the program within a reasonable time after selection; (2) If as a result of an audit, HUD de- termines that the recipient has ex- pended funds for uses that are ineli- gible under this part, HUD may adjust or deobligate funding amounts, as ap- propriate, to recover the ineligible costs.
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Deobligation. HUD may deobligate amounts for grants if proposed activi- ties are not begun or completed within a reasonable period of time after selec- tion.
Deobligation. The COUNTY may require an amendment to reduce the payment limits of this contract if it is determined by COUNTY that the CONTRACTOR need not or cannot expend the full amount of the contract, in order to fulfill its obligations hereunder. The decision to deobligate will be based upon review of programmatic achievement and the comparison of actual levels of expenditure with the expenditure projections included in Attachment B: Scope of Work. Amendments required under this provision are not subject to the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4, such that the amendment need not be signed by the CONTRACTOR. The COUNTY shall notify the CONTRACTOR of such amendments.
Deobligation. Should the Department determine that a subrecipient has not used its funds consistent with the objectives of the Program or if a Subrecipient has not spent the total Subaward Funds by December 30, 2020, the Subrecipient is to pay the balance to the Department.
Deobligation. The Grants Specialist will de-obligate all remaining funds prior to close-out of the cooperative agreement or task order. The Recipient must sign a Release of Claims prior to deobligation of remaining funds (APPENDIX G).
Deobligation. (1) HUD m a y deoblig a t e a ll o r p a r t s of g r a n t s fo r a c- q u i s i t io n , r e h a bili t a t io n , a cq u i s i t io n a n d r e h a bili t a t io n , x x x xx co n s t ru c- t io n: ( i) If t h e a c t u a l t o t a l cos t of a cq u i s i- t io n , r e h a bili t a t io n , a cq u i s i t io n a n d r e- h a bili t a t io n , x x x xx co n s t ru c t io n i s less t h a n t h e t o t a l cos t a n t icip a t ed i n t h e a pplic a t io n; o r ( ii) If p r oposed a c t ivi t ies fo r w h ic h fun di n g w a s a pp r oved a r e n o t beg un wi t h i n t hr ee m o n t h s o r r eside n t s do n o t begi n t o occ u p y t h e fa cili t y wi t h i n n i n e m o n t h s af t e r g r a n t exec u t io n . (2) HUD m a y deoblig a t e t h e a m o un t s fo r a nnu x x xx x x x x x cos t s, ope r a t i n g cos t s o r s u ppo r t ive se r vices i n a ny y e a r : ( i) If t h e a c t u a l xx x x x x x cos t s, ope r a t - i n g cos t s o r s u ppo r t ive se r vices fo r t h a t y e a r a r e less t h a n t h e t o t a l cos t a n t icip a t ed i n t h e a pplic a t io n; o r ( ii) If t h e p r oposed s u ppo r t ive h o u s- i n g ope r a t io n s a r e n o t beg un wi t h i n t hr ee m o n t h s af t e r t h e un i t s a r e a v a il- a ble fo r occ u p a n c y . (3) T h e g r a n t a g r ee m e n t m a y se t fo r t h i n de t a il o t h e r ci r c u m s t a n ces un de r w h ic h fun ds m a y be deoblig a t ed, a n d o t h e r s a n c t io n s m a y be i m posed. (4) HUD m a y: ( i) R e a dve r t i se t h e a v a il a bili t y of fun ds t h a t h a ve bee n deoblig a t ed un de r t h i s sec t io n i n a n o t ice of fun x x x x il- a bili t y un de r § 583.200, o r ( ii) Xx x x x deoblig a t ed fun ds t o a ppli- c a t io n s p r evio u s l y s u b m i tt ed i n r e- spo n se t o t h e m os t r ece n t l y p u blis h ed n o t ice of fun x x x x il a bili t y , a n d i n a c- co r d a n ce wi t h s u bp a r t C of t h i s p a r t . S ec. 585.1 A u t h o r i t y . 585.2 P r og r a m p ur pose. 585.3 P r og r a m co m po n e n t s. 585.4 Defi n i t io n s. 585.100 No t ice of fun ds a v a il a bili t y . 585.101 E m e r ge n c y fun ds. 585.102 Applic a t io n r eq u i r e m e n t s. 585.103 Co m bi n ed pl a nn i n g a n d i m ple m e n t a- t io n a pplic a t io n s. 585.104 S elec t io n c r i t e r i a . 585.105 S u ppo r t of o t h e r F ede r a l , S x x x x, xxx a l o r p r iv a t e e n t i t ies. 585.106 S elec t io n p r ocess. 585.107...
Deobligation. (1) HUD may deobligate all or parts of grants if the grant amounts are not expended within the term of the grant or if there is a condition of default as defined in the grant agreement. (2) HUD may award deobligated funds to applications previously submitted in response to the most recently pub- lished NOFA, and in accordance with subpart B of this part. (a) Provision of assistance to primarily religious organizations. (1) HUD will pro- vide Youthbuild assistance to a recipi- ent that is a primarily religious orga- nization if it agrees to provide housing, educational and training activities or supportive services in a manner that is free from religious influences and in accordance with the following prin- ciples: (i) It will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employ- ment on the basis of religion and will not limit employment or give employ- ment preference to persons on the basis of religion; (ii) It will not discriminate against any person applying for Youthbuild ac- tivities, supportive services or housing on the basis of religion and will not limit such activities or services or give preference to persons on the basis of re- ligion; and (iii) It will provide no religious in- struction or counseling, conduct no re- ligious worship or services, engage in no religious proselytizing, and exert no other religious influence in the provi- sion of housing, education, training ac- tivities, or support services. (2) HUD will provide Youthbuild as- sistance to a recipient that is a pri- xxxxxx religious organization if the as- sistance will not be used to construct or rehabilitate a property to be owned by the recipient, except as described in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Rehabilitation and new construction of structures owned by a primarily reli- gious organization. Grant funds may be used to rehabilitate or newly construct a structure owned by a primarily reli- gious organization if the following con- ditions are met: (1) The structure (or portion of the structure) that is to be rehabilitated or newly constructed with HUD assist- ance has been leased to a recipient that is an existing or newly established wholly secular organization which may be established by the primarily reli- gious organization under the provision of paragraph (c) of this section; (2) The HUD assistance is provided to the wholly secular organization (and not the primarily religious organiza- tion) to make the improvements; (3) The leased structure will be used exc...
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Deobligation. The GO will deobligate all remaining funds before closeout of the cooperative agreement. If any issues related to compliance with the cooperative agreement arise, the Office of Counsel will be consulted to advise the GO on the appropriate response. The GO will send a letter and complete a closeout package to the NFE for review. The NFE will be required to acknowledge receipt of the Completion Statement (APPENDIX D) and recommend changes (if necessary) before the GO signing/approving. The closeout package includes: • Completion Statement – completed by the GO and to be signed by the GO (APPENDIX D) • Final Progress ReportApproval of the Final Progress Report – signed by the Program OfficialFinal Financial ReportsProperty Reports • Deobligation Modification (if applicable) • Notification letter to NFE – to be signed by the GO The GO sends the letter notifying the NFE the cooperative agreement is closed out. The Official file includes a copy of the letter.
Deobligation. HUD may deobligate amounts for grants if proposed activi- ties are not begun or completed within a reasonable period of time after selec- tion. (j) Other Federal requirements—(1) Ap- plicability of part 570. HSI-WSP shall be subject to the policies and procedures set forth in subparts A, K, and O of 24 CFR part 570, as applicable, except as modified or limited under the provi- sions of this Notice. The provisions of subparts C and J of part 570 shall not apply to HSI-WSP.
Deobligation. The Grants Specialist will de-obligate all remaining funds prior to close-out of the cooperative agreement. The Recipient must sign a Release of Claims prior to deobligation of remaining funds (APPENDIX F). If any issues related to compliance with the cooperative agreement arise, or the Recipient adds any conditions to the Release of Claims, the Office of Counsel will be consulted to advise the Grants Officer on the appropriate response.
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