Budget Process. Each year during the life of this Agreement, the Board shall solicit input from the Union when preparing its annual budget. This may be at a Special Board Meeting or a regular Board Meeting used for such purposes.
Budget Process. The Board shall allow teachers to provide information and make formal presentations to the Board for consideration in the budget process.
Budget Process. A.21.1 The Board recognizes the value of the involvement of the Local in developing the annual operating budget of the District.
A.21.2 The Board will consult with the Local on such matters as, but not limited to: class size, instructional programs, support staff levels, staff allocations, supplies and equipment.
A.21.3 For the purposes of such consultation the Local will, by February 28 in any school year, present to the Board a brief of Local priorities for the ensuing budget year. This brief will be reviewed by a joint committee comprised of five (5) representatives from the Board and five (5) from the Local.
A.21.4 The report of the committee will be considered by the Board during the budget finalization process. After adoption of the budget by the Board the Committee will review the budget specifically in the areas of staff utilization, supplies and equipment.
Budget Process. 1. Each year during the preparation of the annual budget, the Association shall have the right to:
a. request information necessary in order to prepare a budget presentation and to receive that information in a timely manner.
b. make a presentation to the Board regarding budget matters prior to the Board adopting a budget.
Budget Process. The Fire Department shall provide each City Council with its proposed gross Budget by July 15 each year. Each City shall equally share the cost of the annual Budget, which shall be due and payable in quarterly installments on January 1, April 1, July 1 and a final payment reconciling the balance due by October 31.
Budget Process. D.25.1 Each year in the preparation of the district annual budget the BVTU shall be invited to the annual public presentation of the draft budget. The BVTU is welcome to provide oral and/or written comments.
Budget Process. 1. The Commission budget process shall be initiated on or about November 1st and shall provide an opportunity for the Sewer Commission or Board having such authority, the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee of each Member Town to have input into its preparation at a formally noticed public hearing. The draft budget available at that time shall be approved by majority vote of the Commissioners.
2. Upon request by the Sewer Commission or Board having such authority, the Board of Selectmen or the Finance Committee of a Member Town, the Commission shall arrange to meet with said Boards/Committees to present and discuss the proposed draft budget at a joint meeting in that community. Meetings shall be noticed locally and on the Commission website.
3. In December or early January, the Commission shall conduct a joint three-town Board of Selectmen meeting to present the proposed annual draft budget and capital plan. This shall be a publicly noticed meeting pursuant to the requirements of section 20 of chapter 30A of Massachusetts General Law. A quorum for this meeting shall be at least two Selectmen from each town and at least a total of eight Selectmen from the three towns. The annual budget shall be deemed approved if a majority of the Selectmen present and voting so vote. If the Selectmen vote to reject the proposed budget, they shall state their specific reasons for doing so and the Commission shall be required to respond to those reasons and put forth a revised budget or respond accordingly to the reasons. A revised vote can take place at this meeting or another meeting can be conducted by the member towns in the same manner as provided herein. If no joint three-town Board of Selectmen meeting is held between November 1st and January 15th, then the proposed budget by the Commission shall be considered approved.
4. The Commission by January 15th shall adopt by a minimum of five positive votes a final operation and maintenance budget for the upcoming fiscal year which is reflective of key issues raised at the joint three-town Board of Selectmen meeting.
5. In the event the three town Board of Selectmen meeting does not affirmatively vote to adopt the Commission’s proposed budget by January 15th or if the Commission cannot obtain the required positive votes, the parties are required to follow the dispute resolution provisions of section 13.3 of this Agreement in an attempt to resolved the issues and to obtain the required approvals. In the event that th...
Budget Process. In addition to accepting oral presentations and written material from the Association during preparation of the annual budget, the Board will have administration conduct a budget meeting for the Association and other employee representatives to review provincial funding, program priorities, fixed costs and related matters prior to submitting its budget to the Ministry of Education.
Budget Process. The Library JPA Administrator is responsible for preparing the recommended budget to present to the Board with assistance from the Chief Financial Officer. At least one month prior to the Board’s annual public sessions to be held on the budget, the Library JPA Administrator and Chief Financial Officer shall hold a public discussion or workshop with respect to the budget.
Budget Process. A. City shall prepare a budget for Fire Protection and EMS each year as required by law during the term of this Agreement.
B. After reviewing the proposed budget, the City Manager or designee shall deliver a copy of the draft Fire/EMS Fund budget to the District at least 30 days before it is presented to the City Budget Committee. The City Manager and District shall confer upon any questions, comments or suggestions the District may have about the draft Fire/EMS Fund budget, and the District's comments shall be considered by the City before the draft Fire/EMS Fund budget is submitted to the City Budget Committee.
C. District may appear before City's Budget Committee regarding the proposed budget if District wishes to do so. The budget shall be finalized by the City as provided by law.