Employer Responsibility The Employer accepts its responsibility to insure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, reliance on public assistance, sex, marital status, sexual orientation/affectional preference, or any other class or group distinction, as set forth by state or federal anti-discrimination laws, or in Board policy.
Your Responsibility You are solely responsible for the quality, completeness, accuracy, validity and integrity of the image. You are solely responsible if you, intentionally or unintentionally, submit fraudulent, incorrect or illegible images to us or if Mobile Deposit is used, by authorized or unauthorized persons, to submit fraudulent, unauthorized, inaccurate, incorrect or otherwise improper or unusable images to us.
Limitation of Responsibility Notwithstanding any other provisions ---------------------------- hereof, Committee Members shall be liable to the parties only for actions constituting bad faith, gross negligence or breach of an express provision of this Agreement (so long as such breach remains uncured after ten (10) days of receiving notice of the nature of such breach). In all other respects, Committee Members shall not be liable for negligence or mistakes of judgment.
Allocation of Responsibility The City assumes no responsibility for the tax consequences of any VEBA contributions made by or on behalf of any member. Each union that elects to require VEBA contributions for the benefit of its members assumes sole responsibility for insuring that the VEBA complies with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, the Internal Revenue Code, and agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any taxes, penalties and any other costs and expenses resulting from such contributions.
Employer Responsibilities Recognizing the inherent risk(s) in a correctional setting, the Employer is obligated to provide a safe workplace and to educate employees on proper safety procedures and use of protective and safety equipment. The Employer is committed to responding to legitimate safety concerns raised by the Union and employees. The Employer will comply with federal and state safety standards, including requirements relating to first aid training, first aid equipment and the use of protective devices and equipment.
Repair Responsibility Cracks exceeding 1/4 inch in width or 1/4 inch in vertical displacement will be repaired by patching or other remedies.
Your Responsibilities 7.1 You are responsible for installing and configuring, and using the Service, Software, and Hardware, including account set up and configuration settings (unless NCR Voyix provides remote support for any of the foregoing as part of your subscription to the Service), compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and establishing any payment processing or other services certified by NCR Voyix for use with the Service (including through NCR Voyix’s wholly owned affiliates). You are solely responsible for reviewing any default or automated settings and configuring applicable settings to meet all legal, regulatory and other requirements applicable to your business. NCR shall have no liability in connection with such settings or configurations. You acknowledge that NCR Voyix does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. You will provide NCR Voyix access to your network, system, data, and relevant information as reasonably required to perform the Service. You acknowledge that NCR Voyix personnel may require, and you will provide, the ability to access and correct transaction or input data while the Service is being provided to you. NCR Voyix is not responsible for any damage caused by errors or omissions in any information, instructions, data, or scripts you or a third party provides on your behalf in connection with the Service, or any actions NCR Voyix takes at your direction. 7.2 To use the Service, you must maintain internet access at your own expense. NCR VOYIX IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AND DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY INTERNET SERVICE OR OTHER PROVIDER OR ITS SERVICES, AND YOU AGREE THAT NCR VOYIX HAS NO LIABILITY TO YOU FOR SUCH PERFORMANCE OR SERVICES. 7.3 Title to hardware, software, systems, documentation, and other intellectual property NCR Voyix uses to provide the Service will remain with NCR Voyix or its licensors, unless otherwise agreed in writing. You will take reasonable actions to protect NCR Voyix’s intellectual property rights. 7.4 You are responsible for complying with all rules, bylaws, programs, and regulations of the payment card networks in connection with your use of the Service, Software and Hardware, as applicable. You will defend and indemnify NCR Voyix against any claim or loss resulting from your failure to fulfill your responsibilities under this Section. 7.5 Certain Services may perform analysis of transaction records designed to identify transaction patterns and activity that may be indicative of fraud. You acknowledge that the indicia reported by such Services may not necessarily be the result of fraudulent activity. You are responsible for performing its own evaluation of any results. NCR Voyix does not guarantee the detection of fraudulent transactions. 7.6 You are responsible for all data, information, materials and instructions (“Customer Instructions”) provided to NCR Voyix by you or on your behalf. NCR Voyix is entitled to rely upon Customer Instructions. In no event will NCR Voyix be liable with respect to any loss, liability, cost, damage, or expense arising out of a claim by you or any third party to the extent that claim arises as a result of NCR Voyix’s compliance with Customer Instructions.
Allocation of Responsibilities The persons responsible for the Plan and the duties and responsibilities allocated to each are as follows:
Joint Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is attributable partially to the design of a Warranted Part and partially to the design of any Supplier Part, the Seller will, if so requested by the Buyer, seek a solution to the Interface Problem through cooperative efforts of the Seller and any Supplier involved. The Seller will promptly advise the Buyer of such corrective action as may be proposed by the Seller and any such Supplier. Such proposal will be consistent with any then existing obligations of the Seller hereunder and of any such Supplier towards the Buyer. Such corrective action, unless reasonably rejected by the Buyer, will constitute full satisfaction of any claim the Buyer may have against either the Seller or any such Supplier with respect to such Interface Problem.
Payment Responsibility The payment obligations of each Participating Manufacturer pursuant to this Agreement shall be the several responsibility only of that Participating Manufacturer. The payment obligations of a Participating Manufacturer shall not be the obligation or responsibility of any Affiliate of such Participating Manufacturer. The payment obligations of a Participating Manufacturer shall not be the obligation or responsibility of any other Participating Manufacturer. Provided, however, that no provision of this Agreement shall waive or excuse liability under any state or federal fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer law. Any Participating Manufacturer whose Market Share (or Relative Market Share) in any given year equals zero shall have no payment obligations under this Agreement in the succeeding year.