Complaints and Compliments Sample Clauses

Complaints and Compliments. The Provider shall set up and maintain a written compliment, complaints and suggestion procedure, in accordance with the Council’s compliments, compliments and suggestion procedure and shall monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of its delivery of the Service. The Provider shall make available to the Council the written compliment, complaints and suggestion procedure. The Provider shall ensure that all relevant staff engaged in the provision of the Service are fully aware of the compliment complaints and suggestion procedure and shall keep detailed, accurate and complete records of all compliments, complaints and suggestions received and the responses. The detailed and complete records shall be forwarded to the Council’s complaints officer at a frequency to be agreed with the Provider. The Complaints Procedure: The complaint process shall be straight forward and easily accessible to Service Users and / or any one acting on their behalf (‘the Complainant’) The Provider shall ensure that the Service Users and / or representatives are aware of this procedure and shall ensure that all relevant documentation is made available on demand. The complaint process shall be fair and transparent and shall not result in reprisals against the Service User and / or their representative. The Provider shall deal with all complaints in the first instance, promptly, efficiently and must investigate all complaints. The Complainant must be treated with respect and courtesy and the Provider shall provide all assistance as may be required by the Complainant to enable the Complainant understand the procedure or advice or where they may obtain such assistance. The Complainant must be told the outcome of the investigation of their complaint and the action taken. The complaint process shall be fully documented setting out the action taken, the outcome and whether or not the Complainant is satisfied. The complete and comprehensive detail shall be forwarded to the Council. The investigations must be carried out and the complaint resolved with 10 days of receipt of the complaint. Where the complaint is not resolved or cannot be resolved under the Provider’s complaints procedure, or where the Service Users or his representative so requests, the Provider shall assist the Complainant to access the Council’s complaints procedure and will assist and co-operate with the Council in carrying out any investigations for the purpose of resolving the complaint If a complaint is made to the Local G...
Complaints and Compliments. 6.11.1 Because SEPTA places such a high premium on service safety and quality, customer feedback of all kinds is very important and must be used for continuous service improvement. For this reason, SEPTA will be the single point of contact for customer feedback and will relay this feedback to the Contractor via Veritas software. 6.11.2 Compliments received by SEPTA will be noted by SEPTA staff and will be forwarded to the Contractor via Veritas tickets. It is recommended that the Contractor establish some type of high-profile employee recognition program to note and reinforce excellent customer service. As a component of a recognition program, SEPTA would be open to proposals for driver or employee incentives that focus on customer service. 6.11.3 Complaints will be received by SEPTA, documented in the Veritas software and transmitted to the Contractor for investigation and response within 24 hours of receipt. 6.11.4 Each Contractor shall designate a person to receive, review and log complaints (if necessary); and to ensure that all complaints received are investigated and responded to, with a report provided to SEPTA, within five (5) business days. Each Contractor shall use a SEPTA-specified format and database for documenting responses and resolutions. All responses must include the patron’s name and ID number, incident date, nature of the complaint, tour number, driver’s name/number, action taken and response date. 6.11.5 If a customer calls the Contractor directly regarding a complaint or other service concern, the Contractor must immediately forward the call to CCT Customer Service Department for documentation and follow-up. Letters must also be forwarded to the CCT Customer Service Department. 6.11.6 All reports alleging drug or alcohol use received either by SEPTA or Contractor shall be reported to the Control Center Supervisor and faxed to the Chief Operations Officer - CCT at (000) 000-0000 within 15 minutes of receipt, and followed by a fax documenting the complaint. 6.11.7 All reports alleging physical abuse received either by SEPTA or Contractor shall be reported to the Control Center Supervisor and faxed to the Chief Operations Officer - CCT within 15 minutes of receipt. FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) PROVISIONS FOR CONTRACTS ATTACHMENT 5 A. APPLICABILITY B. The Contractor agrees to comply with the Fly America Act and its regulations. The Contractor agrees to include the requirements of this section in all subcontracts that may ...
Complaints and Compliments. 33.1 If the Tenant has a complaint or wishes to register a compliment about any service provided by the Council they can do so under the Council's procedures in force at the time.
Complaints and Compliments. 6.11.1 Because SEPTA places such a high premium on service safety and quality, customer feedback of all kinds is very important and must be used for continuous service improvement. For this reason, SEPTA will be the single point of contact for customer feedback and will relay this feedback to the Contractor via Veritas software. 6.11.2 Compliments received by SEPTA will be noted by SEPTA staff and will be forwarded to the Contractor via Veritas tickets . It is recommended that the Contractor establish some type of high-profile employee recognition program to note and reinforce excellent customer service. As a component of a recognition program, SEPTA would be open to proposals for driver or employee incentives that focus on customer service. 6.11.3 Complaints will be received by SEPTA, documented in the Veritas software and transmitted to the Contractor for investigation and response within 24 hours of receipt. 6.11.4 Each Contractor shall designate a person to receive, review and log complaints (if necessary); and to ensure that all complaints received are investigated and responded to, with a report provided to SEPTA, within five
Complaints and Compliments. 15.1 The Provider must maintain a comprehensive record of all complaints and compliments received regarding the Services and the Site and shall assist the Council in discharging its obligations concerning the investigation and resolution of any complaints. 15.2 On receipt of a complaint, the Provider must not reply to the complainant but must notify the Council's Operational Representative by email immediately to enable the Council to investigate the circumstances giving rise to the complaint. 15.3 The Provider shall co-operate with the Council in the investigation of any complaint and shall provide the Council with any information and access to any of the Provider's Personnel that the Council requires for the purposes of conducting its investigation. 15.4 Where a complaint concerns the Provider, the Council shall not reply to the complaint without first affording the Provider the opportunity to address any allegations and set out its version of events. 15.5 Following the conclusion of its investigations the Council will respond to the complaint and shall notify the Provider of its conclusions and the action (if any) that it requires the Provider to take.
Complaints and Compliments. Hurworth House School has an established Complaints Procedure and a copy of the appropriate documentation is available if required. If any parent or pupil felt that a complaint had not been adequately dealt with by the School then they could seek independent advice on this matter through either Contacting your local SEN Independant Advise & Support Services (IASS) office, details can be found at or Ofsted Tel No: 00000 000000 Fortunately the School is more used to dealing with compliments than complaints and these are passed on to both staff and pupils through a variety of formal and informal means. Generally speaking compliments are announced in assemblies every Friday morning and where appropriate are relayed to parents either in writing from the Headteacher or verbally via the Keyworker over the telephone. Staff are also made aware of compliments through the various staff meetings which are held weekly.
Complaints and Compliments. The statutory responsibility for resolving complaints about schools lies with the Governing Body. However the LA’s Complaints and Freedom of Information (FOI) Team is able to provide advice and assistance to the Governing Body if required to ensure that complaints are managed effectively and in accordance with the school’s own complaints policy. All schools must have an up-to-date complaints policy which is compliant with Welsh Government’s ‘Complaints procedures for school governing bodies in Wales’ (circular no: 011/2012) and is publicly available. Advice and support can be offered at any stage of the complaints procedure with regards to the investigation process, how complaints are managed and/or escalated, how to remain resolution- focused, learning lessons from complaints and also to provide guidance on how to write a clear and robust complaints report or response. The Complaints and FOI Team in the LA is also available to provide general guidance on the principles and practice of good complaints handling. The LA will provide complaints handling training to the Governing Body on an annual basis or upon request if required. The final decision regarding a complaint will rest with the Governing Body (in according with WG guidance) and there will be no appeal mechanism available to complainants via the LA. However, if training needs are identified at any time with regard to complaints handling provision this will be arranged upon request from the Governing Body. If the LA comes to the conclusion that the process followed in a specific case was lacking, it may ask the Governing Body to reconsider the matter. The LA must be informed about any complaints about the Governing Body as a whole or in relation to an alleged criminal offence (as in sections 4.11 and 4.12 of WG guidance).
Complaints and Compliments. Excelsior Care aims to ensure that all Funders and/or Service Users are given the highest degree of care and the best possible service. However, a clearly defined complaints/compliments procedure exists and full details are available to you on request.
Complaints and Compliments. A separate report shall provide all pertinent information regarding complaints including: time, date, name, address, phone and accurate account of complaint expressed by client. The Contractor shall also comment on action that was or needs to be taken.
Complaints and Compliments. 21.1 The SBC complaints system will be the central mechanism for managing complaints and compliments about the provision of equipment services. In the event of a complaint about this agreement the Partners agree to assist one another in the management this complaint and the Partners’ own complaints procedure shall apply.