Project Work Plan The Statement of Work is the formal document incorporated into the Grant. The Project Work Plan documents how the Grantee will achieve the performance measures outlined in the Grant. Changes to the Statement of Work require an amendment. Project Work Plans may be changed with written approval from PEI and the Grantee.
Project Work PURCHASER shall complete the following projects in accordance with the specifications provided in Exhibits B, C, D, E, and F and written instructions from STATE. Project locations are shown on Exhibit A unless otherwise described. PURCHASER shall furnish all material unless otherwise specified.
Improvement Plan A written plan developed by the evaluator, utilized when a teacher received a Rating of Ineffective on his/her Evaluation or on any individual deficiency in the evaluation system.
Improvement Plans A professional improvement plan is a clearly articulated assistance program for a teacher whose student growth measure dimension of the evaluation is below the expected level of student growth. For the purposes of this agreement, improvement plans shall be based on the individual student growth measure level, and not for overall subjects or classes taught.
Construction Management Plan Contractor shall prepare and furnish to the Owner a thorough and complete plan for the management of the Project from issuance of the Proceed Order through the issuance of the Design Professional's Certificate of Material Completion. Such plan shall include, without limitation, an estimate of the manpower requirements for each trade and the anticipated availability of such manpower, a schedule prepared using the critical path method that will amplify and support the schedule required in Article 2.1.5 below, and the Submittal Schedule as required in Article 2.2.3. The Contractor shall include in his plan the names and resumés of the Project Superintendent, Project Manager and the person in charge of Safety.
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and
Project 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objectives of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the General Conditions.
Project Implementation The Borrower shall:
Project Plan Development of Project Plan Upon the Authorized User’s request, the Contractor must develop a Project Plan. This Project Plan may include Implementation personnel, installation timeframes, escalation procedures and an acceptance plan as appropriate for the Services requested. Specific requirements of the plan will be defined in the RFQ. In response to the RFQ, the Contractor must agree to furnish all labor and supervision necessary to successfully perform Services procured from this Lot. Project Plan Document The Contractor will provide to the Authorized User, a Project Plan that may contain the following items: • Name of the Project Manager, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • Names of the Project Team Members, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • A list of Implementation milestones based on the Authorized User’s desired installation date; • A list of responsibilities of the Authorized User during system Implementation; • A list of designated Contractor Authorized Personnel; • Escalation procedures including management personnel contact numbers; • Full and complete documentation of all Implementation work; • Samples of knowledge transfer documentation; and • When applicable, a list of all materials and supplies required to complete the Implementation described in the RFQ. Materials and Supplies Required to Complete Implementation In the event that there are items required to complete an Implementation, the Contractor may request the items be added to its Contract if the items meet the scope of the Contract. Negotiation of Final Project Plan If the Authorized User chooses to require a full Project Plan, the State further reserves the right for Authorized Users to negotiate the final Project Plan with the apparent RFQ awardee. Such negotiation must not substantively change the scope of the RFQ plan, but can alter timeframes or other incidental factors of the final Project Plan. The Authorized User will provide the Contractor a minimum of five (5) business days’ notice of the final negotiation date. The Authorized User reserves the right to move to the next responsible and responsive bidder if Contractor negotiations are unsuccessful.