Duties of the Sponsor Sample Clauses

Duties of the Sponsor. (a) The Sponsor shall select the Depository and shall be solely responsible for that selection. The Sponsor is responsible for establishing the Trust and for the registration of the Shares. The Sponsor will generally oversee the performance of the Trustee and the Trust’s principal service providers, but will not exercise day-to-day oversight over the Trustee or such service providers. The Sponsor will regularly communicate with the Trustee to monitor the overall performance of the Trust. The Sponsor will also designate the independent certified public accountants of the Trust and may from time to time employ legal counsel for the Trust. (b) The Sponsor shall be responsible for all organizational expenses of the Trust, and for the following administrative and marketing expenses of the Trust: the Trustee’s monthly fee, routine transaction and maintenance fees charged by the Depository, listing fees of the Exchange, registration fees charged by the Commission, printing and mailing costs, audit fees, legal expenses not in excess of $100,000 per year and any applicable license fees. (c) The Sponsor will monitor the interest rate paid by the Depository and has the right and duty to instruct the Trustee to terminate the Deposit Account Agreement if the Sponsor considers the interest rate to be noncompetitive.
Duties of the Sponsor a) The Sponsor agrees to create, issue, and redeem Creation Units of the Trust in accordance with the procedures described in the Prospectus and any relevant policies and procedures adopted by the Sponsor or the Trust or its service providers that are applicable to the services provided by Foreside. Upon reasonable notice to Foreside, and in accordance with the procedures described in the Prospectus, the Sponsor reserves the right to reject any order for Creation Units or to stop all receipts of such orders at any time. b) The Sponsor shall deliver to Foreside copies of the following documents: (i) the then current Prospectus for the Trust; (ii) any relevant policies and procedures adopted by the Sponsor or the Trust or its service providers that are applicable to the services provided by Foreside; and (iii) any other documents, materials, or information that Foreside shall reasonably request to enable it to perform its duties pursuant to this Agreement. c) The Sponsor shall thereafter deliver to Foreside as soon as is reasonably practical any and all amendments to the documents required to be delivered under this Section. d) The Sponsor shall arrange to provide the listing exchanges with copies of Prospectuses, Statements of Additional Information, and product descriptions that are required to be provided by the Trust to purchasers in the secondary market. e) The Sponsor will make it known that Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information and product descriptions are available by making sure such disclosures are in all marketing and advertising materials prepared by the Sponsor.
Duties of the Sponsor. The Sponsor shall notify the Administrator promptly of any matter affecting the performance by the Administrator of its services under this Agreement and where the Administrator is providing fund accounting services pursuant to this Agreement shall promptly notify the Administrator as to the accrual of liabilities of the Funds and liabilities of the Funds not appearing on the books of account kept by the Administrator as to the existence, status and proper treatment of reserves, if any. The Sponsor agrees to provide such information to the Administrator as may be requested under the banking and securities laws of the United States or other jurisdictions relating toKnow Your Customer” and money laundering prevention rules and regulations (collectively, the “KYC Requirements”). For purposes of this subsection, and in connection with all applicable KYC Requirements, the Trust and each Fund is the “client” or “customer” of the Administrator. The Sponsor further represents that it (or its duly appointed agent) will perform all obligations required under applicable KYC Requirements with respect to Fund shareholders (“Customers”) and that, because these customers do not constitute “customers” or “clients” of the Administrator under such applicable rules and regulations, the Administrator is under no such similar obligations.
Duties of the Sponsor. Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees of the Trust, the Sponsor shall perform such oversight, administrative, expense payment and management services as may from time to time be reasonably requested by the Trust, which shall include without limitation: (a) providing office space, equipment and clerical personnel necessary for maintaining the organization of the Trust and for performing the oversight, administrative, expense payment and management functions herein set forth; (b) arranging, if desired by the Trust, for Directors, officers or employees of the Sponsor to serve as Trustees, officers or agents of the Trust if duly elected or appointed to such positions and subject to their individual consent and to any limitations imposed by law; (c) supervising the overall administration of the Trust, including the updating of corporate organizational documents, and the negotiation of contracts and fees with and the monitoring and coordinating of performance and xxxxxxxx of the Trust's transfer agent, custodian, administrator and expense payment agent and other independent contractors or agents; (d) preparing and, if applicable, filing all documents required for compliance by the Trust with applicable laws and regulations, including registration statements on Form N-1A or similar forms, as applicable, and semi-annual and annual reports to the Trust's investors, proxy statements and reviewing (including coordinating the preparing of, but not preparing) tax returns; (e) preparation of agendas and supporting documents for and minutes of meetings of Trustees, committees of Trustees and preparation of notices, proxy statements and minutes of meeting's of investors; (f) arranging for maintenance of books and records of the Trust; (g) maintaining telephone coverage to respond to investor inquiries regarding matters to which this Agreement pertains to which the transfer agent is unable to respond; (h) providing reports and assistance regarding the Trust's compliance with securities and tax laws and each series investment objectives and restrictions; (i) arranging for dissemination of yield and other performance information to newspapers and tracking services; (j) arranging for and preparing annual renewals for fidelity bond and errors and omissions insurance coverage; (k) developing a budget for the Trust, establishing the rate of expense accruals and arranging for the payment of all fixed and management expenses; (l) paying all the expenses of ...
Duties of the Sponsor. The Trust agrees to create, issue, and redeem Creation Baskets of the Trust in accordance with the procedures described in the Prospectus. Upon reasonable notice to the Marketing Agent, and in accordance with the procedures described in the Prospectus, the Trust reserves the right to reject any order for Creation Baskets or to stop all receipts of such orders at any time. • The Sponsor shall deliver to the Marketing Agent copies of the following documents: (i) the then current Prospectus for the Trust; (ii) any relevant policies and procedures adopted by the Sponsor or the Trust or its service providers that are applicable to the services provided by the Marketing Agent; and (iii) any other documents, materials or information that the Marketing Agent shall reasonably request to enable it to perform its duties pursuant to this Agreement.
Duties of the Sponsor. (a) The Sponsor agrees to provide the Sponsor Services. (b) The Sponsor shall, if requested, report to the Board on a quarterly basis regarding: (i) the nature of the Sponsor Services provided by the Sponsor or other persons; (ii) the amount of payments by the Sponsor to such persons; and (iii) the amount of the Sponsor Fee paid by the Fund, in each case, with respect to the quarterly period then ending.
Duties of the Sponsor. (a) The Sponsor is responsible for establishing the Trust and for the registration of the Shares. The Sponsor will generally oversee the performance of the Trustee and the Trust's principal service providers, but will not exercise day-to-day oversight over the Trustee or such service providers. The Sponsor will regularly communicate with the Trustee to monitor the overall performance of the Trust. The Sponsor will also designate the independent certified public accountants of the Trust and may from time to time employ legal counsel for the Trust. (b) The Sponsor shall be responsible for all organizational expenses of the Trust, and for the following administrative and marketing expenses of the Trust: the Trustee's monthly fee, routine transaction and maintenance fees charged by the Depository, listing fees of the Exchange, registration fees charged by the Commission, printing and mailing costs, audit fees, legal fees and expenses not in excess of $100,000 per year and any applicable license fee. (c) The Sponsor will monitor the interest rate paid by the Depository and has the right and duty to instruct the Trustee to terminate the Deposit Account Agreement if the Sponsor considers the interest rate to be noncompetitive.
Duties of the Sponsor. The Sponsor agrees to provide the Contracting Partners with the Investigational Medicinal Product, complete, correct and actual CRF templates, informed consents, other information and other drugs/placebo required for the due performance of the Study free of charge and in the quantity and frequency necessary for the proper performance of the Study in line with applicable legal requirements. Investigational Medicinal Product (as well as other medication, placebo, if required by the Protocol) will be delivered to the following address: University Hospital Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 0000/00, 000 00 Xxxxxx 00, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx The Investigational Medicinal Product, necessary documentation and other information required for the performance of the Study and provided to the Center are and shall remain the Sponsor’s property. The Sponsor declares that V případě, že xxx Xxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx zkoušející nebo Členové studijního týmu přístrojové vybavení, které vyžaduje servis, kalibraci nebo jinou zvláštní péči, Centrum se zavazuje udržovat takové přístrojové vybavení způsobilé řádného provozu, o čemž je povinno Sponzorovi na vyžádání poskytnout odpovídající dokumentaci ČLÁNEK 4: REFERENCE STRAN / KORESPONDENCE Kontaktní osobou v rámci Centra pro jakékoli dotazy týkající se této xxxxxx xx: Jméno: Prof.
Duties of the Sponsor. The Sponsor agrees to provide the Contracting Partners with the Investigational Medicinal Product, complete, correct and actual CRF templates, informed consents, other information and other drugs/placebo required for the due performance of the Study free of charge and in the quantity and frequency necessary for the proper performance of the Study in line with applicable legal requirements. Investigational Medicinal Product (as well as other medication, placebo, if required by the Protocol) will be delivered to the following address: Fakultní nemocnice Brno Nemocniční lékárna, pavilion …. Xxxxxxxxx 00 000 00 Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx The Investigational Medicinal Product, necessary vykonávat práva a povinnosti Sponzora vyplývá. V případě, že xxx Xxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx zkoušející nebo Členové studijního týmu přístrojové vybavení, které vyžaduje servis, kalibraci nebo jinou zvláštní péči, Centrum se zavazuje udržovat takové přístrojové vybavení způsobilé řádného provozu, o čemž je povinno Sponzorovi na vyžádání poskytnout odpovídající dokumentaci ČLÁNEK 4: REFERENCE STRAN / KORESPONDENCE Kontaktní osobou v rámci Centra pro jakékoli dotazy týkající se této xxxxxx xx: Jméno: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Adresa: Fakultní nemocnice Brno, xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx 00, 000 00 Xxxx, Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Telefonní xxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Administrativní kontaktní osobou Sponzora, která je kompetentní odpovídat na dotazy týkající se studie a plnění této Smlouvy, je: Jméno: Ing. Helena Doležalová Adresa: VALUE OUTCOMES s.r.o., Xxxxxxxxx 000/00, Xxxxx 2, 120 00 E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Telefonní xxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Všechny dopisy, položky či oznámení jakéhokoli typu vyplývající z aplikace této Smlouvy budou zasílány k xxxxx xxxx uvedených kontaktních osob na adresy uvedené výše a také na adresu Centra. ČLÁNEK 5: POVINNOSTI SPONZORA Sponzor se zavazuje Smluvním partnerům poskytnout zdarma v množství a časových intervalech pro řádné provedení Studie hodnocený léčivý přípravek, správné a aktuální vzory CRF, informované souhlasy, a další dokumentaci a léčivo/placebo vyžadované pro řádné provádění Studie v souladu s požadavky platných právních předpisů. Hodnocený léčivý přípravek (jakož i další léčivo, placebo, je-li vyžadováno Protokolem) bude dodáván na následující adresu: Fakultní nemocnice Brno Nemocniční lékárna, pavilion …. Xxxxxxxxx 00 000 00 Xxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx Hodnocený léčivý přípravek a veškerá dokumentace
Duties of the Sponsor. 14.1 Sponzor je zadávateľom klinického skúšania Produktu v zmysle § 29 ods. 10 zákona o liekoch.