EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 40.01 Effective January 1, 2018 and in January of every subsequent calendar years, the Company shall make a lump sum payment of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local No. 832, Education and Training Trust Fund.
40.02 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union’s Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the end of the Company’s four (4) or five (5) week accounting period.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 38.01 The Company shall contribute six (6¢) cents per hour for each hour worked by employees in the bargaining unit into the Union's Education and Training Trust Fund.
38.02 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union's Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the end of the Company's four (4) or five (5) week accounting period and shall be accompanied by an itemized statement detailing the names of the employees for whom contributions were made and the calculations that were used to determine the amount of contributions that were made by the Company on behalf of each such employee.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. Effective February 1, 2000, the Employer shall contribute two (2¢) cents per hour for each hour worked by all employees in the bargaining unit into the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local No. 832 Education and Training Trust Fund. C-2 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union’s Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the end of the Company's four (4) or five
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 36.01 The Employer shall contribute two hundred fifty ($250.00) per contract year into the Union's Education and Training Trust Fund.
36.02 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union's Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the anniversary date of the term of the Collective Agreement.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 44.01 The Co-operative shall contribute two (2¢) cents per hour for each hour worked by employees in the bargaining unit into the Union's Education and Training Trust Fund.
44.02 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union's Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the end of the Co-operative's four (4) or five (5) week accounting period.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 42.01 The Employer shall contribute fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars on January 23 of each year into the Union’s Education and Training Trust Fund.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. The Employer agrees to contribute two (2¢) cents per hour to the Manitoba Food & Commercial Workers, Local 832, Education and Training Trust Fund, for all hours worked and/or paid to all employees. Such contributions will be forwarded to the Trust within twenty-one (21) days following the Employer's four (4) or five (5) week accounting period and accompanied by a detailed statement outlining the deductions made on behalf of each employee.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. 38.01 The Employer shall contribute seventy-five (75¢) cents per employee per week for each employee in the bargaining unit who is actively working in any specific week into the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local No. 832, Education and Training Trust Fund.
38.02 Such contributions shall be forwarded to the Union’s Trust Fund within twenty-one (21) days following the end of the Employer’s period based accounting period.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. The Employer agrees to pay ten (10¢) cents per hour into the Manitoba Food and Commercial Workers Education and Training Trust Fund. The hours for which the Employer will contribute said amount will be for all regular hours worked in the bargaining unit and shall be remitted to the Union in the same manner as when remitting union dues.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRUST FUND. The Company will make a lump sum contribution of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local No. 832, Education and Training Trust Fund thirty (30) days after Union ratification.