Electronic recording devices. Prior to the implementation of any policy requiring the use of an electronic recording device: i.e. Recorders, cameras, phones etc. the County shall meet with the Association or its designee to discuss and confer.
Electronic recording devices a. Information obtained by means of electronic recording devices on the aircraft, such as cockpit voice recorders, flight data recorders and video recording systems, will not be used to initiate or pursue any investigation or disciplinary action against a Flight Attendant, except in cases involving incidents or accidents.
Electronic recording devices. Except as is required as an accommodation under federal or state disability laws, the of devices by students during meeting of classes will be subject to the permission of the Association Member. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld. A student denied permission will have the burden of establishing through the student grievance process that permission was unreasonably withheld. Where permission is granted, the student will be required to acknowledge in writing that the content of the instruction will not be reproduced, but only used for the student’s own personal learning experience.
Electronic recording devices. 1. Recording devices in the classroom, excluding any multi-purpose or common spaces shall meet the following criteria: