Emergency Leave Notwithstanding any provisions for leave in this Agreement, the Employer may grant leave of absence with or without pay to an employee in emergency or unusual circumstances.
Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements In the event of an emergency or if Orange County is declared a disaster area by the County, state or federal government, this Contract may be subjected to unusual usage. The Contractor shall service the County during such an emergency or declared disaster under the same terms and conditions that apply during non-emergency/disaster conditions. The pricing quoted by the Contractor shall apply to serving the County’s needs regardless of the circumstances. If the Contractor is unable to supply the goods/services under the terms of the Contract, then the Contractor shall provide proof of such disruption and a copy of the invoice for the goods/services from the Contractor’s supplier(s). Additional profit margin as a result of supplying goods/services during an emergency or a declared disaster shall not be permitted. In the event of an emergency or declared disaster, emergency purchase order numbers will be assigned. All applicable invoices from the Contractor shall show both the emergency purchase order number and the Contract number.
Emergency Situation In the event of an emergency situation beyond our reasonable control, such as an "act of God," war, fire, or natural disaster, services involving your account could be available only in a modified or reduced form or could be entirely unavailable. Unless expressly prohibited by applicable law, you agree that we will have no liability to you for such modification, reduction, or unavailability of services caused by an emergency situation.
Emergency Situations If the condition is an emergency, this will be communicated to the Contractor with the request that corrections are to be accomplished immediately. The Contractor shall respond to the notice in emergency situations within twenty-four hours. If the Contractor fails to respond within this time limit, the Owner may correct the defect and charge the Contractor for the Work. If it is determined the complaint is not the responsibility of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be promptly paid for the cost of the corrective work. The Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Owner when corrections have been completed.
Emergency The District shall grant sick leave to employees in the event the employee has an emergency, defined as, a problem that has been suddenly precipitated or is unplanned; or where pre-planning could not relieve the necessity for the employee's absence.
Emergency Response Partners must develop, maintain, and carry out a response plan for public water system emergencies, including disease outbreaks, spills, operational failures, and water system contamination. Partners must notify DWS in a timely manner of emergencies that may affect drinking water supplies.
Emergency Generator 1) During the Term as it applies to the 9449 Expansion Space, as extended from time to time, Tenant shall have the right to install a supplemental emergency generator (the “Generator”) to provide emergency additional electrical capacity to the 9449 Building. The Generator shall be placed at a location at the 9449 Building designated by Tenant and reasonably approved by Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant’s right to install the Generator shall be subject to: (i) Landlord’s reasonable approval of the manner in which the Generator is installed, the manner in which any cables are run to and from the Generator to the Premises and the measures that will be taken to eliminate any vibrations or sound disturbances from the operation of the Generator; and (ii) the covenants, conditions and restrictions of record applicable to the Project, architectural review and any necessary approval by the local municipality and county governments or agencies having authority and jurisdiction over such matters. Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to provide a reasonably acceptable enclosure (e.g. wood fencing and landscaping) to hide or disguise the existence of the Generator and to minimize any adverse effect that the installation of the Generator may have on the appearance of the 9449 Building and Project. Tenant shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary governmental and regulatory permits and approvals and for the cost of installing, operating, maintaining, repairing and removing the Generator. Tenant shall also be responsible for the cost of all utilities consumed and utility connections required in the operation of the Generator. 2) Tenant shall be responsible for assuring that the installation, maintenance, repair, operation and removal of the Generator does not damage the 9449 Building or Project and Tenant shall be responsible for any damages caused thereby. For avoidance of doubt, the installation, maintenance, operation, repair or removal of the Generator shall be subject to the indemnity provisions set forth in Section 10.3 of the Lease. 3) Tenant shall be responsible for the installation, operation, repair, cleanliness, maintenance and removal of the Generator and appurtenances, all of which shall remain the personal property of Tenant and shall be removed by Tenant at its own expense as of the 9449 Extended Expiration Date or any earlier expiration or termination of Tenant’s right to possession of the 9449 Expansion Space in accordance with the Lease and this Amendment. Tenant shall repair any damage caused by such removal, including the patching of any holes to match, as closely as possible, the color surrounding the area where the Generator and appurtenances were attached. Such maintenance and operation shall be performed in a manner to avoid any unreasonable interference with any other tenants or Landlord. Tenant agrees to maintain the Generator, including without limitation, any enclosure installed around the Generator, in good condition and repair. Tenant shall be responsible for performing any maintenance and improvements to any enclosure surrounding the Generator so as to keep such enclosure in good condition. 4) Tenant, subject to the reasonable rules and regulations enacted by Landlord, shall have unlimited access to the Generator and its surrounding area for the purpose of installing, operating, repairing, maintaining, using and removing the Generator. 5) Tenant shall only test the Generator before or after normal business hours. 6) Notwithstanding anything in this Amendment or the Lease to the contrary, Tenant may use the Generator for its intended purpose as and when needed (as reasonably determined by Tenant), without any restriction or hindrance from Landlord or any other tenant, subject only to applicable Laws and unreasonable disturbances to other tenants in the Project.
Emergency Duty (1) This clause applies if: (a) an employee is directed to attend for duty to meet an emergency; and (b) the employee would not ordinarily have been on duty at that time; and (c) the employee was not given notice of the direction before ceasing ordinary duty; and (d) the employee is not at a classification above the salary barrier or an AGS fee earner. (2) However, the Secretary may decide that this clause applies to an employee at a classification above the salary barrier (unless they are an AGS fee earner). (3) For the time on duty, the employee is to be paid: (a) at the rate of double time; and (b) for at least 2 hours. (4) The time on duty is taken to include time necessarily spent in travelling to and from duty. (5) This clause does not apply if the employee is subject to a restriction direction. (6) Clause 3.23 (rest relief after overtime) does not apply to overtime worked in circumstances covered by this clause unless the actual time worked is at least 3 hours for each attendance.
Emergency Calls IP Phones need an additional power supply to operate. In the event of a power failure it is your responsibility to ensure you have the means to make emergency calls. In accordance with paragraph 13.2, we will not be liable for any loss or damage (financial or otherwise) where you fail to do so.
Personal Emergency Leave 1. A teacher will be granted up to five (5) days of leave per year to cover situations other than personal illness beyond the control of the teacher which would significantly impair teaching service. Deductions from the gross pay of a teacher for this leave shall be made at the degreed substitute rate of pay for each day taken. 2. A teacher may be granted up to five (5) days leave without pay for business and/or personal reasons having unusual circumstances.