Emergency Sample Clauses
Emergency. The District shall grant sick leave to employees in the event the employee has an emergency, defined as, a problem that has been suddenly precipitated or is unplanned; or where pre-planning could not relieve the necessity for the employee's absence.
Emergency. A circumstance requiring immediate action; a sudden, unexpected happening; an unforeseen occurrence or condition.
Emergency. Any abnormal system condition that requires immediate automatic or manual action to prevent or limit loss of transmission facilities or Generators that could adversely affect the reliability of an electric system. End-Use Consumer. A Party that is (i) a Large Consumer, (ii) a Small Consumer, (iii) an organization that represents Small Consumers, (iv) a governmental agency that advocates on behalf of Small Consumers, or (v) a governmental agency that acts as a retail Load aggregator primarily for Small Consumers; or (vi) a Large Energy Using Governmental Agency; provided, however that an End-Use Consumer may not be an Affiliate of a Transmission Owner, Generator, Other Supplier, Public Power Party or Environmental Party regardless of where located. Energy (“MWh”). A quantity of electricity that is bid, produced, purchased, consumed, sold, or transmitted over a period of time, and measured or calculated in megawatt hours. Energy Service Company (“ESCO”). A Load Serving Entity (other than an entity supplying its own Load), a retail load aggregator or a provider of comprehensive energy services, serving customers in New York State.
Emergency. The term "emergency" as used in this Agreement means a sudden, unexpected happening; an unforeseen occurrence or condition requiring immediate action.
Emergency. Any situation resulting in imminent danger to the public health or safety or the loss of an essential governmental service. See (O.C.G.A. 36-91-2(7).
Emergency an abnormal system condition requiring manual or automatic action to maintain system frequency, or to prevent loss of firm load, equipment damage, or tripping of system elements that could adversely affect the reliability of an electric system or the safety of persons or property; or (ii) a fuel shortage requiring departure from normal operating procedures; or (iii) a condition that requires implementation of Emergency Operations Procedures as defined in the PJM OATT or PJM manuals; or (iv) any other condition or situation that the Company or PJM deems imminently likely to endanger life or property or to affect or impair the Company’s electrical system or the electrical system(s) of other(s) to which the Company’s electrical system is directly or indirectly connected (a “Connected Entity”). Such a condition or situation may include, but shall not be limited to, potential overloading of the Company’s transmission and/or distribution circuits, PJM minimum generation (“light load”) conditions, or unusual operating conditions on either the Company’s or a Connected Entity’s electrical system, or conditions such that the Company is unable to accept Energy from the BGS-CIEP Supplier without jeopardizing the Company’s electrical system or a Connected Entity’s electrical system. Energy – three-phase, 60-cycle alternating current electric energy, expressed in units of kilowatt-hours or megawatt-hours. Energy Portfolio Standards – (i) those standards imposed by the BPU pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:3-87(d) requiring that specified levels of electric power sold for the provision of Basic Generation Service shall be produced from renewable energy resources as set forth in the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards, N.J.A.C. 14:8-2 et seq., as modified or superseded, or in such other regulations of the BPU as may be adopted or amended from time to time, and (ii) any standards imposed under any federal, state or local legislation or by any federal, interstate, state or local court, tribunal or governmental agency or authority or regulatory body that have the effect of requiring that specified levels of electric power sold for the provision of Basic Generation Service shall be produced from, or be otherwise attributable to, renewable energy resources or shall be produced from, or be otherwise attributable to, resources emitting only specified amounts of carbon or other substances, as the same may be adopted or amended from time to time. Event of Default – a breach of obligations ...
Emergency. A medical condition manifesting itself by acute signs or symptoms which could reasonably result in placing the Insured’s life or physical integrity in immediate danger, if medical attention is not provided within twenty-four (24) hours.
Emergency. In Network and Out of Network: 100% coverage after a $100 copay. The copay is waived if the patient is admitted within 24 hours.
Emergency. Nothing herein shall limit the authority of management to make necessary changes during emergencies. However, management shall notify the Association of any such changes as soon as possible. Emergency assignments shall not extend beyond the period of the emergency. Emergency is defined as a substantial likelihood that serious harm would be experienced unless immediate action is taken.
Emergency. If a well goes out of control or a fire, blow out, sabotage or other emergency occurs prior to the effective date of a Party’s withdrawal, the withdrawing Party shall remain liable for its Participating Interest share of the costs of such emergency, regardless of when they are incurred.