EMERGENCY PROVISION. The District retains its rights to amend, modify or rescind policies, practices and provisions referred to herein in this Agreement in the event of an emergency and for its duration. An “emergency” is defined as a natural or man-made disaster, act of God, damage or threat to District facilities, war or fire. The District shall meet with the Association as soon as practicable concerning the implementation of this provision.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. The employer retains its right to amend, modify, or rescind policies, regulations, and practices referred to in this Agreement in cases of emergency and only for the duration of such emergency. For the purposes of this Article, an emergency is defined as an Act of God, war, nature, or man-made disaster.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. In an emergency situation within one (1) week of the start of classes where there exists five (5) or fewer students who need an English comp class and no seats are available (because of the 1:20 ratio limit), one additional student may be added per Section with the approval of the faculty member, Department Chair, and approval of the Xxxxxxx.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. In the event of an emergency, new or revised rules, regulations or policies may be implemented immediately. All “emergency” new or revised rules, regulations or policies shall still be subject to the review process.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. The County retains its right to amend, modify, or suspend Minute Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances, policies, or regulations which affect any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding in cases of emergency, for the term of the emergency. For the purposes of this Article, an "emergency" is defined as an act of God, war, natural or manmade disaster.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. 31.1 The City retains the right to amend, modify or rescind policies, regulations, and practices referred to in this Memorandum of Understanding in cases of emergency. For the purpose of this Article, an “emergency” is defined as an act of God, war, natural or manmade disaster, which interferes with the normal operations of the City.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. 3 The District retains its rights to amend, modify or rescind policies, practices and provisions 4 referred to herein in this Agreement in the event of an emergency. However, the District will 5 enter into conversation with the Association in an effort to mutually resolve an emergency. An
EMERGENCY PROVISION. During an emergency, the following modifications of this Agreement are made for affected employees:
A. The provisions of Section 16.2 are suspended and the work week may be scheduled to consist of any five (5) days within a week as designated by the County. The hours of each day worked shall be continuous except for a meal period;
EMERGENCY PROVISION. In the event the Sick Leave Bank has exhausted its days available for use by employees, the ESSA may authorize emergency contributions to the Bank. The ESSA shall notify the District in writing of its intention to conduct an emergency Sick Leave Bank drive. Any employee who may wish to contribute one (1) day of his/her accumulated sick leave to the Bank must do so in writing. Supplemental contributions may be made only once per fiscal year.
EMERGENCY PROVISION. In an emergency the conditions of Section 4.7 may be waived by the mutual written consent of the parties.