Emergency Sick Leave Bank. At the beginning of each school year and at the request of the Association, members of the Association, who wish to, will have the opportunity to contribute one (1) of the above granted sick leave days from their personal accumulation to an "Emergency Sick Leave Bank" to be used in an emergency by Association members.
1. The number of days donated and credited to the Emergency Sick Leave Bank shall be used at the discretion of the Emergency Sick Leave Bank Board comprised of two members selected by administration and two members selected by the Association and the president of the Association or designee.
a. Prior to the 4th Friday of each year, a copy of the “criteria" or "Guidelines" for use of the Emergency Sick Leave Bank, as formulated by the Emergency Sick Leave Bank Board, shall be submitted to the Superintendent who, in turn, will place this item as "communications received" on the agenda for the regular meeting of the Board in October.
b. Whenever a teacher requests sick leave days from the Emergency Sick Leave Bank, a copy of that request shall be forwarded to the Emergency Sick Leave Bank Board.
2. The unused portion of said days shall accumulate in the Emergency Sick Leave Bank each year.
3. During the school year, if the accumulated days in the Emergency Sick Leave Bank should drop below fifty (50), additional days may be donated at the rate of one (1) per Bank Member, one-half (1/2) day for half-time employees who are members of the bank.
4. All days donated to the Emergency Sick Leave Bank by Association members and credited to the Emergency Sick Leave Bank shall be donated over the Association member’s signature on a form provided by the administration.
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. (a) There shall continue to be an Emergency Sick Leave Bank, com- posed of the contributions of bargaining unit employees pursuant to the terms of the 1983-86 collective bargaining agreement, and any additional contributions as provided pursuant to this section. All unit employees serving an original probationary period on the effective date of this Section and all unit employees hired after that date shall contribute eight (8) hours from accrued sick leave to the sick leave bank upon obtaining permanent status. Hours contributed shall not revert to employees if not used.
(b) Days contributed to the bank shall thereafter be allocated to non- probationary employees with catastrophic or extended, long-term illness.
(c) To be eligible for allocation of sick days from the bank an employee must meet the following conditions:
(1) Exhaustion of all sick leave, personal and vacation leave, including advanced sick leave under Section 5 of this Article.
(2) The illness or injury is not covered by workers’ compensation and/ or such benefit has been exhausted.
(3) An acceptable medical certificate supporting the absence is on file.
(4) The bank is not depleted.
(d) Days shall be allocated by the Labor Management Advisory Commit- tee. This Committee shall have full authority to grant benefits and adminis- ter the program in accordance with guidelines outlined in subparagraph (b), above. In addition, the Committee shall consider as a factor the extent and circumstances of the applicant’s usage of sick leave prior to the illness in question.
(e) Used days shall be carried over from year to year and shall not lapse. If at any time the bank balance should fall below seven hundred fifty (750) hours, the Committee shall be empowered to withdraw a supplemen- tal contribution of up to eight (8) hours from each permanent employee’s accrued sick leave. Said withdrawal should be made only after a majority vote of the Committee. Time off without loss of pay or benefits may be granted, as necessary, to members the Committee to attend meetings to
(f) The actions or non-actions of this Committee shall in no way be subject to collateral attack or the grievance/arbitration machinery. The panel shall not be considered a State agency, board or any other subdivi- sion of the Employer. No requests shall be conducted as contested cases or otherwise be subject to the Administrative Procedure Act.
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. Bargaining unit members may voluntarily participate in the Emergency Sick Leave Bank (ELSB) as delineated in the ELSB Policy and described below using the forms provided in Appendix H and I.
7.11.1 : YSU-APAS Emergency Sick Leave Bank Policy:
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. 18.12.1. Effective each year of the Agreement between December 1 to December 31, employees may elect to contribute three (3) days from accrued sick leave to a sick leave bank. Application forms must be received in the System Office within fourteen (14) days of the closing date for inclusion in the bank.
18.12.2. Days contributed to the bank shall thereafter be allocated to employees with catastrophic or extended, long-term illness.
18.12.3. To be eligible for allocation of sick days from the bank, an employee must meet the following conditions:
a. Membership in the bank;
b. Exhaustion of all sick leave, personal, or vacation leave, and any other compensatory time due;
c. The illness or injury is not covered by workers’ compensation and/or such benefit has been exhausted;
d. An acceptable medical certificate supporting the absence is on file;
e. The bank is not depleted.
18.12.4. Days shall be allocated by a joint committed of four
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. On July 1 of each year, commencing with July 1, 1990, one (1) sick day shall be deducted from the accrued total sick days of each full time Police Officer, Sergeant, and Clerk-Dispatcher and placed in an emergency sick leave bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank"). If a Police Officer, Sergeant or Clerk-Dispatcher has no accrued sick days as of July 1, then the first sick day accrued by the employee shall be placed in the Bank. Each Police Officer, Sergeant and Clerk-Dispatcher shall continue to donate one (1) sick day each July 1 until s/he has donated a total of twelve (12) days. The sick days donated to the Bank shall not be counted towards determining the amount of sick leave a Police Officer, Sergeant, or Clerk-Dispatcher may accrue to reach the maximum. Any Police Officer, Sergeant or Clerk-Dispatcher who is out because of sickness or injury, is not covered under Article 11 (NEPBA Local 77) or Article 11 (NEPBA Local 177), has exhausted all of his/her sick leave and vacation time, and has been out of work for illness or injury for at least three (3) consecutive work days beyond the officer’s last paid work day will be eligible to draw up to twenty (20) sick days from the Bank to assist the Police Officer, Sergeant or Clerk-Dispatcher in an extended injury or illness. Should a Police Officer, Sergeant or Clerk-Dispatcher need additional sick days, s/he may obtain up to an additional sixty (60) days in twenty (20) day increments from the Bank by a majority vote of no fewer than seven (7) members of NEPBA Local 77 and three (3) members of NEPBA Local 177 for each twenty (20) day increment, provided that at no time shall the total number of days in the Bank be drawn below twenty (20) days. Prior to granting additional sick days beyond the original twenty (20) days, the Union shall require the Police Officer, Sergeant, or Clerk-Dispatcher to submit adequate documentation from an appropriate physician justifying the need for additional sick days. If the Police Officer, Sergeant, or Clerk-Dispatcher fails to submit adequate documentation from an appropriate physician justifying the need for additional sick days, the Police Officer, Sergeant, or Clerk- Dispatcher shall not be eligible for additional sick days beyond the initial twenty (20) days. Any employee who is granted sick time from the bank will be required to return the same number of days to the bank upon returning to work. The employee will return 6 days per year (1 every other month) until suc...
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. 1. Purpose and intent of the Emergency Sick Leave Bank: It is important for members of the bargaining unit requesting use of this benefit to keep in mind the time off benefits given to employees at SRC are generous, both in paid vacation and sick time per year, therefore, the SRCCPA Executive Committee feels that asking other employees that have earned paid time off to “donate” or “give” of their own benefits for use of another employee is VERY significant. The decision to ask others to give up their paid time off benefits to benefit another employee will not be taken lightly and employees requesting these benefits should understand that approval is NOT guaranteed. The eligibility and administration/ procedures of the Emergency Sick Leave Bank are developed to protect the integrity and intent of this emergency benefit. Instances other than what is listed below may be considered based on the circumstances of an individual; however, every effort will be made to adhere to the “Emergency” intent of this benefit. The approval of FMLA leave does not guarantee approval of the use of the Emergency Sick Leave Bank.
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. All regular employees and the Board shall contribute their share of the EI premium rebate to a Sick Leave Bank to be administered by the Union with an annual report to the Board on activity and funds expended.
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. Effective upon the execution of this Agreement, an emergency sick leave bank shall be established for use by Employees who have completed academy training, have exhausted their accumulated leave time (i.e., sick, vacation, personal leave, compensatory time) and have sustained a catastrophic or extended illness. The emergency sick leave bank shall be administered by the Town pursuant to written uniform guidelines developed by the Director of Human Resources. The emergency sick leave bank shall be established and replenished by Employees through voluntary donations from accumulated sick leave time. The emergency sick leave bank shall not be construed to limit or extend the maximum allowable absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. On July 1 of each year, commencing with July 1, 2007, one (1) sick day shall be deducted from the accrued total sick days of each permanent full time DPW Employee and placed in an emergency sick leave bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank"). If an Employee has no accrued sick days as of July 1, then the third sick day accrued by the employee shall be placed in the Bank. Each DPW Employee shall continue to donate one (1) sick day each July 1 until s/he has donated a total of twelve (12) days. The sick days donated to the Bank shall not be counted towards determining the amount of sick leave a permanent employee may accrue to reach the maximum. Any employee who is out because of sickness or injury that has been documented by a physician or physicians and has been approved by the Director as a bona fide illness or injury, and has exhausted all of his/her sick leave and vacation time, and has been out of work for illness or injury for at least three (3) consecutive work days beyond the employee’s last paid work day will be eligible to draw up to twenty (20) sick days from the Bank to assist the employee in an extended injury or illness. Should an employee need additional sick days, s/he may obtain up to an additional sixty (60) days in twenty (20) day increments from the Bank by a majority vote of no fewer than ten
Emergency Sick Leave Bank. 8-14-1 An Emergency Sick Leave Bank is accessible to qualified and enrolled employees per Appendix D.