EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. The employee may add their written comments to the performance evaluation if they so desire. Employee Signature: Date: I have seen, discussed and understood this Evaluation
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. The space below is reserved for the employee's comments concerning this performance review and/or an additional sheet may be attached.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. Before signing the evaluation, the subject officer may write any comments supporting or objecting to the evaluation.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. Employees may choose to make written comments on materials in their personnel file(s). These comments must be directly related to a specific file document(s) and will be added to the file(s) pursuant to existing campus practices. Such comments shall not require the University to change or alter the document(s) or the actions indicated by the document(s).
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. Evaluator Date Employee Date NOTE: The signing of this form by the employee does not necessarily mean he/she agrees with all the things stated, but only that the employee has read the contents. The employee is welcome to attach his/her own comments to this form if the employee wishes.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. This space is provided for the employee to make a statement, provide information, and/or rebut the supervisor's evaluation.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. The employee shall have the opportunity to provide comments to be attached to the performance evaluation. The employee shall sign the performance evaluation and that signature shall only indicate that the employee has read the performance evaluation. A copy shall be provided to the employee at that time.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. If upon examining their personnel file, any employee has reason to believe that there are inaccuracies in documents continued therein, the employee may write a memorandum to the Sheriff explaining the alleged inaccuracy. If the Sheriff concurs with the Employee's contentions, the faulty document shall be removed. If the Sheriff disagrees with the employee's contention, the Sheriff shall attach the employee’s memorandum to the document in the file and note thereon disagreement with the memorandum's contents. In any case in which an action of record is disaffirmed through the Grievance Procedure and/or by a court of competent jurisdiction, the employee's personnel file shall clearly reflect such disaffirmance and the material removed.
EMPLOYEE COMMENTS. The employee shall have ten (10) working days from the meeting to make any written comments on the evaluation. Upon request the supervisor will grant a meeting to discuss the employee's written comments. The employee may have an association representative and the supervisor may have a representative or designee from the Office of Human Resources in attendance at that conference. The comments shall be attached to the evaluation in the personnel file.