OVERALL EVALUATION. Proposals will be evaluated in two phases: a technical evaluation to determine the acceptability of the offer to the solicitation technical requirements; and a price evaluation to determine the total evaluated price proposed by each offeror. The "total evaluated price" is the cumulative total of the base year insurance plus all option years for the total estimated quantity specified in Section B. The Government will make a responsibility determination by analyzing whether the apparent successful offeror complies with the requirements of FAR subpart 9.1, including: • Adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain them; • Ability to comply with the required performance period, taking into consideration all existing commercial and governmental business commitments; • Satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics; • Necessary organization, experience, and skills or the ability to obtain them; • Necessary equipment and facilities or the ability to obtain them; and • Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations.
OVERALL EVALUATION. Proposals will be evaluated in two phases: a technical evaluation to determine the acceptability of the offer to the solicitation technical requirements; and a price evaluation to determine the total evaluated price proposed by each offeror. The "total evaluated price" is the cumulative total of the base year insurance plus all option years for the total estimated quantity specified in Section B. The “total evaluated price” will not include any Rider pricing. The Government will make a responsibility determination by analyzing whether the apparent successful offeror complies with the requirements of FAR subpart 9.1, including: • Adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain them; • Ability to comply with the required performance period, taking into consideration all existing commercial and governmental business commitments; • Satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics; • Necessary organization, experience, and skills or the ability to obtain them; • Necessary equipment and facilities or the ability to obtain them; and • Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations.
OVERALL EVALUATION. At the bottom of the evaluation report the evaluator shall indicate a composite or total evaluation of the unit member by checking one of two ratings: 11.7.1 Exceeds/ Meets Standards 11.7.2 Unsatisfactory A composite unsatisfactory rating for permanent unit members shall be preceded by the following: (a) Written notice as provided in Section 11.2.4 prior to the end of the previous school year; or (b) At least one (1) observation and written notice as provided in Section 11.2.5 no later than December 1 of the school year in which the teacher is being evaluated.
OVERALL EVALUATION. It is mandatory to meet each of the following criteria in order to pass certification  Projects are completed and submitted on time as per the deadlines – if a person does not complete and submit all of their projects they will not pass certification  The project deliverable is satisfactory and complete, as per review and feedback from the Certification Committee members and the business owners who donate a project. (specifics are outlined for each project as per below)  An understanding of the entrepreneur and a willingness to work with them from that place (vs. resisting or pushing back on their request) – if someone is highly resistant to the Certification process and is unwilling to participate they will not pass certification  Asking clarifying questions –in order to clarify expectations and ensure that you have all of the information that you need to successfully complete a project you will need to ask questions of the client. It may not be mandatory in all cases BUT we do require that you actively submit questions at least once in the certification process.  Offering suggestions and ideas to the client throughout the projects, as a demonstration of applying marketing mindset and being willing to “think on behalf of their business.”  Presenting solutions (not just options) to the client, being clear on what you recommend and why you are making that recommendation.
OVERALL EVALUATION. The evaluation of the cooperation agreement in the prepress area is considered satisfactory overall after almost three years of operation. Integrating graphic design into the respective Publications Units of the two Committees facilitated the political objective of furthering each Committee's graphic profile and brand image. Structural and operational adjustments were necessary to ensure that the new system functioned smoothly. In spite of some loss of synergy, the decentralisation of prepress activities to the two Committees' Publication Units has made it possible to focus on the particular needs of each Committee. Both CoR and EESC graphic teams strongly recommend not replacing the MAC server with a PC environment since such a change would be detrimental in terms of quality and performance and would bring only minor financial savings. To improve synergies and be able to cope with exceptionally heavy workload periods, deepening cooperation between the two Committees' design teams could be envisaged, as provided for under point 2.4 of the cooperation agreement.
OVERALL EVALUATION. A bargaining unit member who receives an overall evaluation other than “proficient” or “distinguished” may, upon written request, be entitled to receive two (2) additional observations, two (2) conferences, and one (1) additional written evaluation by an administrator not assigned to the bargaining unit member’s site or department. 15.8.1 The written request must be made no later than ten (10) working days following the receipt of the initial evaluation. 15.8.2 For each evaluation cycle, there may be only one (1) such request made. 15.8.3 Following the final evaluation conference and prior to the last workday of the school year, bargaining unit members who are recommended to the PAR (Peer Assistance and Review) Process, shall be informed in writing (memo or email) by their administrator. 15.8.4 The bargaining unit member shall take affirmative action to correct any cited deficiencies based on the support plan document.
OVERALL EVALUATION. At least one (1) overall evaluation of professional performance will be made and discussed by the teacher and the building Principal, Assistant Principal, or Program Director. The teacher shall have the right to make written comment on the report. Copies of the evaluation signed by the Principal, Assistant Principal or Program Director the evaluator and the teacher shall be prepared for the teacher, Principal and personnel folder.
OVERALL EVALUATION. After compilation of the individual scores for the criteria "Price" and "Quality", the Contract- ing Authority will multiply the score obtained for each criterion with the weighting of the criterion in question, and then add the results for the two criteria to arrive at the total, overall score.
OVERALL EVALUATION. Contract Employees Only):