Employee Grievance. Parties to this Agreement believe that it is important to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. It is understood that an individual Employee has no grievance until they have first given the immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust their complaint within seven (7) working days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint have originated or occurred. In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if they so desires may be accompanied by or represented by their employee representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses’ Association may be present at the request of either party. The immediate Supervisor will render their decision not later than seven (7) working days following the day on which they received the complaint. A complaint which is not settled by the immediate Supervisor shall be reduced to writing within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision of the immediate Supervisor, signed by the parties involved and submitted as a grievance by the said parties to the Manager. The Manager shall deal with the grievance and render their decision xxxxxxx in writing not later than the tenth (10) working day next following the day on which they received the grievance. If the decision of the Manager is not satisfactory, the Association's Committee may, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Manager decision, lodge an appeal in writing to the General Manager. The General Manager and the Association's Committee shall meet within ten (10) working days next following receipt of the appeal and every possible attempt shall be made to resolve the dispute. The General Manager shall render its decision in writing within ten (10) working days of the meeting. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached with the General Manager, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively settled without stoppage of work, by submission to a Sole Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed. (a) Arbitration – When a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party within ten (10) working days in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration and subject to Article 11.3(b) below, the notice shall contain the name of the first party's Appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall within ten (10) working days inform the other party of the name of its Appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two Appointees so selected shall, within fifteen (15) working days of the appointment of the second of them appoint a third person who shall be the Chairman. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint an Arbitrator, or if the two Appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within the time limited, the appointment shall be made by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. The Arbitration Board shall hear and determine the differences or allegation and shall issue a decision and the decision is final and binding upon the parties and upon any Nurse affected by it. The decision of a majority is the decision of the Arbitration Board, but if there is no majority the decision of the Chairman governs. (b) The parties agree that unsettled grievances concerning: (i) job postings; (ii) entitlements to leaves; (iii) premiums and overtime; (iv) scheduling issues; (v) recent related experience claims; and (vi) any other grievance issues the parties agree to refer; Shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator, at the request of either party, following the time frames defined in 11.3(a) above.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Employee Grievance. Parties to this Agreement believe that it is important to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. It is understood that an individual An Employee has no grievance until they have first given grievance(s) shall be processed in the following manner: Step 1: The Employee shall discuss the concern or complaint with the Employee's immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust their complaint Supervisor/Manager within seven (7) working days after of the circumstances initial occurrence of the event giving rise to the complaint have originated or occurred. In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if they so desires may be accompanied by or represented by their employee representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses’ Association may be present at the request of either partyconcern. The immediate Supervisor will Supervisor/Manager shall render their a decision not later than within seven (7) working days following of discussing the day on which they received matter with the complaintEmployee. A complaint which Step 2: If the matter is not settled by resolved at Step One (1), the immediate Supervisor aggrieved Employee shall be reduced submit the grievance in writing to writing the appropriate Director or designate within ten seven (107) working days after receipt of the decision of the immediate SupervisorSupervisor as in Step One (1). Where practical, signed by the parties involved grievance shall bear the signature of the Employee and submitted as shall provide a grievance by summary of the said parties facts giving rise to the Managergrievance, an identification of the article(s) of the collective agreement alleged to have been violated, a brief description of the incident or event giving rise to the grievance, and a description of any relief sought. The Manager Director or designate shall deal with reply in writing to the grievance and render their decision xxxxxxx within seven (7) days from the date which it was received. Step 3: Failing satisfactory settlement within the specified time under Step Two (2), the grievance shall be submitted in writing not later than to the tenth Director of Human Resources within seven (107) working day next following the day on which they received the grievance. If days after the decision of the Manager is not satisfactoryCoordinator. Within seven (7) days of the submission of the grievance, the Association's Committee mayDirector of Human Resources shall arrange and hold a meeting to discuss the grievance and at any such meeting there shall be present the grievor, within ten (10) working days of receipt the Xxxxxxx, the President of the Manager decisionUnion, lodge an appeal the representative of the Union, the Immediate Supervisor and the Director of Human Resources and such other persons as the parties may mutually agree should be in attendance and both parties shall act reasonably in this regard. The Director of Human Resources shall respond in writing to the General Manager. The General Manager and the Association's Committee shall meet grievance within ten seven (107) working days next following receipt of the appeal and every possible attempt shall be made to resolve the dispute. The General Manager shall render its decision in writing within ten (10) working days of the this meeting. If a satisfactory settlement the matter is not reached with resolved at Step 3 of the General Managergrievance procedure, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively settled without stoppage of work, by submission Union may refer the grievance to a Sole Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
(a) Arbitration – When a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either Step 4 of the parties may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party within ten Procedure. Step 4: Within seven (107) working days in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration and subject to Article 11.3(b) below, the notice shall contain the name of the first party's Appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall within ten (10) working days inform the other party of the name of its Appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two Appointees so selected shall, within fifteen (15) working days of the appointment of the second of them appoint a third person who shall be the Chairman. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint an Arbitrator, or if the two Appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within the time limited, the appointment shall be made by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. The Arbitration Board shall hear and determine the differences or allegation and shall issue a decision and the decision is final and binding upon the parties and upon any Nurse affected by it. The decision of a majority is the decision of the Arbitration BoardDirector of Human Resources or designate, but if there is no majority the decision grievance may be submitted in writing to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall have available at all times the Director of the Chairman governsHuman Resources as a resource person.
(b) The parties agree that unsettled grievances concerning:
(i) job postings;
(ii) entitlements to leaves;
(iii) premiums and overtime;
(iv) scheduling issues;
(v) recent related experience claims; and
(vi) any other grievance issues the parties agree to refer; Shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator, at the request of either party, following the time frames defined in 11.3(a) above.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Employee Grievance. Parties In the event that an employee has a grievance with respect to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement believe that it is important by the Employer, the employee shall first attempt to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. It is understood that an individual Employee has no grievance until they have first given resolve the dispute with the immediate Supervisor an opportunity In a Union representative, and &heprincipal may be assisted by the Manager of Human Resources or designate. Failing a resolution, the employee shall submit the grievance in writing to adjust their complaint within seven the Union Committee and the outlined procedure shall be If the Committee the grievance to be justified, a of the grievance shall be submitted to the Human Resources Manager and the immediate supervisor no later than ten (7I 0) working days after of the circumstances giving rise occurrence of the grievance. The concerned,with a member of the Committee,shall take the up five (5) days, or such time as is mutually agreeable between the Employer and the Union, with the immediate supervisor. In the event that the grievance is not settled to the complaint have originated or occurred. In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if they so desires may be accompanied by or represented by their employee representative. At Step 1 satisfaction of the grievance procedure a representative of griever, the Ontario Nurses’ Association may will be present at the request of either party. The immediate Supervisor will render their decision not later than seven taken up within five (75) working days following or such time as is mutually agreeable the day on which they received Employer and the complaintUnion with the Human Resource Manager and Superintendent of Education Human Resources. A complaint which In the event that the grievance remains unsettled to the satisfaction of the griever, the grievance will be sent to the Director of Education within (5) working days or such time as is not settled by mutually agreeable between the immediate Supervisor shall Ernployer and the Union; otherwise, grievance deemed to have been waived. The Director of Education shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of grievance or such time as is mutually agreeable between the Employer and the Union, hold a with the Union Committee, time the grievance will be reduced to discussed. The Director of Education will then the Employer's decision in writing within five (5) working days of the date of such meeting. If no settlement can be reached and the wishes to continue grievance, the griever representatives of Local on the griever's behalf shall request, within ten (10) ( working days after receipt of the decision Director's reply, a meeting with a Committee of the immediate Supervisor, signed by the parties involved and submitted as a grievance by the said parties to the ManagerEmployer. The Manager Committee of the Employer shall deal with the grievance and render their decision xxxxxxx in writing not later than the tenth (within ten ( 10) working day next following the day on which they received the grievance. If the decision of the Manager is not satisfactory, the Association's Committee may, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Manager decision, lodge an appeal in writing to the General Managerrequest. The General Manager and the Association's Committee shall meet within ten (10) working days next following receipt written decision of the appeal and every possible attempt Employer shall be made to resolve the dispute. The General Manager shall render its decision in writing within ten (10) working days of the meeting. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached with the General Manager, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively settled without stoppage of work, by submission to a Sole Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
(a) Arbitration – When a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party within ten (10) working days in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration and subject to Article 11.3(b) below, the notice shall contain the name of the first party's Appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall within ten (10) working days inform the other party of the name of its Appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two Appointees so selected shall, given within fifteen (15) working days following the convening of the appointment meeting. Either party may initiate a grievance arising out of any difference between them as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement. The preliminary steps of the second of them appoint a third person who grievance as set out in Section (Step and Step 2) shall be eliminated in such party grievances and the Chairman. If the recipient processing of the notice fails grievances will commence a meeting the Director of Education and the Union Committee to appoint be held within five (5) working days of receipt by the non-grieving party of the written statement of the grievance. A claim by an Arbitrator, or if employee with seniority that the two Appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within the time limited, the appointment employee has been discharged without reasonable cause shall be made treated as a grievance if a written statement of the grievance, signed by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario upon employee and a person, is lodged with the request of either partyEmployer within five (5) days after the employee ceases to work. The Arbitration Board preliminary steps of the grievance procedure set forth in Article (Step and Step 2) shall hear and determine the differences or allegation and shall issue a decision be eliminated in such discharge grievances, and the decision is final and binding upon processing of the parties and upon grievance will at Step The Union have the right, at time, have the assistance representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees or the President of Local Union when any Nurse affected by itgrievance. A record of an employee shall not be against the employee at time after twenty-four months followinga suspension or disciplinary action including letters of reprimand or any adverse reports. The decision of a majority is the decision of the Arbitration Board, but if there is no majority the decision of the Chairman governs.
(b) The parties agree that unsettled grievances concerning:
(i) job postings;
(ii) entitlements to leaves;
(iii) premiums and overtime;
(iv) scheduling issues;
(v) recent related experience claims; and
(vi) any other grievance issues the parties agree to refer; Shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator, at the request of either party, following the time frames defined limits in 11.3(a) above.this Article may extended by
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Employee Grievance. Parties to this Agreement believe that it is important to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. It is understood In the event that an individual Employee employee has a grievance with respect to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement, it shall be heard in the following manner:
Step 1 The grievance shall be completed on a standard form supplied by the Union, and submitted to the school Principal with a copy to the Human Resources Department no grievance until they have first given the immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust their complaint within seven later than ten (710) working days after of the circumstances giving rise incident or occurrence of the grievance. The Union, in conjunction with the employee(s) concerned, shall take the matter up at such time as mutually convenient between the Union and the Principal. The Principal shall provide a written response within ten (10) working days. Notwithstanding, before being considered a grievance, the employee may first attempt to resolve the dispute verbally with the Principal.
Step 2 In the event the grievance remains unsettled, the matter will be referred by the Union to the complaint have originated or occurred. In all steps Superintendent of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if they so desires may be accompanied by or represented by their employee representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses’ Association may be present at the request of either party. The immediate Supervisor will render their decision not later than seven Human Resources Services within ten (710) working days following from the day on which they received the complaintresponse at Step 1. A complaint meeting shall then be convened within ten (10) working days or such time as is mutually agreeable between the Board and the Union, at which is not settled time the grievance will be discussed. The Superintendent of Human Resources Services will then render the Board’s decision in writing within ten (10) working days of the date of such meeting.
Step 3 In the event the grievance remains unsettled, the matter will be referred by the immediate Supervisor shall be reduced Union to writing the Director of Education within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision Superintendent of the immediate Supervisor, signed by the parties involved and submitted as a grievance by the said parties to the ManagerHuman Resources Services reply. The Manager Director of Education shall deal with the grievance and render their decision xxxxxxx in writing not later than the tenth (10) working day next following the day on which they received the grievance. If the decision of the Manager is not satisfactory, the Association's Committee maythen convene a meeting, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Manager decision, lodge an appeal in writing request or such time as is mutually agreeable between the Board and the Union to review the General Managergrievance. The General Manager and written decision of the Association's Committee Director of Education shall meet be given within ten (10) working days next following receipt of the appeal and every possible attempt shall be made to resolve the dispute. The General Manager shall render its decision in writing within ten (10) working days of the meeting. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached with the General Manager, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively settled without stoppage of work, by submission to a Sole Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
(a) Arbitration – When a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party within ten (10) working days in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration and subject to Article 11.3(b) below, the notice shall contain the name of the first party's Appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall within ten (10) working days inform the other party of the name of its Appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two Appointees so selected shall, within fifteen (15) working days of the appointment of the second of them appoint a third person who shall be the Chairman. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint an Arbitrator, or if the two Appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within the time limited, the appointment shall be made by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. The Arbitration Board shall hear and determine the differences or allegation and shall issue a decision and the decision is final and binding upon the parties and upon any Nurse affected by it. The decision of a majority is the decision of the Arbitration Board, but if there is no majority the decision of the Chairman governs.
(b) The parties agree that unsettled grievances concerning:
(i) job postings;
(ii) entitlements to leaves;
(iii) premiums and overtime;
(iv) scheduling issues;
(v) recent related experience claims; and
(vi) any other grievance issues the parties agree to refer; Shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator, at the request of either party, following the time frames defined in 11.3(a) above.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Employee Grievance. Parties Copies of all documents exchanged at each of the following steps shall be forwarded by the union to this Agreement believe that it the Executive Director by facsimile immediately upon transmittal or receipt, as the case may be.
Step 1: The employee and his shop xxxxxxx shall prepare a letter stating the particulars of the grievance. The letter shall include a statement of the incident giving rise to the grievance, a list (by number) of the collective agreement articles alleged to have been violated and a brief explanation of how or why the incident is important believed to adjust complaints constitute a violation of the articles cited. The letter shall be signed by the employee, countersigned by the shop xxxxxxx, and grievances as quickly as possible. It is understood that an individual Employee has dated.
Step 2: The grievance letter shall be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor no grievance until they have first given the immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust their complaint within seven (7) later than two working days after the circumstances giving rise incident. The supervisor shall respond in writing, with reasons, to the complaint have originated or occurred. In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if they so desires may be accompanied by or represented by their employee representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses’ Association may be present at the request of either party. The immediate Supervisor will render their decision not shop xxxxxxx no later than seven (7) five working days following the day on which they received the complaint. A complaint which is not settled by incident.
Step 3: If the immediate Supervisor supervisor’s response is unsatisfactory or if there is no response from the supervisor within the prescribed period, the grievance shall be reduced to writing within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision of the immediate Supervisor, signed by the parties involved and submitted as a grievance by the said parties to the Manager. The Manager shall deal with the grievance and render their decision xxxxxxx in writing not later than the tenth (10) working day next following the day on which they received the grievance. If the decision of the Manager is not satisfactory, the Association's Committee may, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Manager decision, lodge an appeal in writing presented to the General Manager. The General Manager and of the Association's Committee shall meet within ten (10) firm employing the employee no later than seven working days next following receipt of the appeal and every possible attempt shall be made to resolve the disputeincident. The General Manager shall render its decision respond in writing writing, with reasons, to the shop xxxxxxx no later than ten working days following the incident.
Step 4: If the General Manager’s response is unsatisfactory or if there is no response from the General Manager within ten (10) the prescribed period, the grievance shall be presented to the Executive Director no later than twelve working days following the incident. Within fifteen working days of the incident, or within such additional time period as the Executive Director and the Business Manager agree, the Executive Director and the Business Manager shall meet and attempt to resolve the grievance. It shall be the responsibility of the Business Manager to initiate arrangements for the meeting.
Step 5: Failing resolution at the meeting at Step 4, the Business Manager may, within two working days of the meeting. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached with the General Manager, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively settled without stoppage of work, by submission to a Sole Arbitrator, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
(a) Arbitration – When a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting any Grievance Procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party within ten (10) working days in writing Executive Director of its the employee’s desire to submit the difference or allegation matter to arbitration and subject to Article 11.3(b) below, the binding arbitration. The latter notice shall contain be in writing, shall be countersigned by the employee, and shall name of the first party's Appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall within ten (10) working days inform the other party of the name of its Appointee union’s appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two Appointees so selected shall, within fifteen (15) working days of the appointment of the second of them appoint a third person who shall be the Chairman. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint an Arbitrator, or if the two Appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within the time limited, the appointment shall be made by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. The Arbitration Board shall hear and determine the differences or allegation and shall issue a decision and the decision is final and binding upon the parties and upon any Nurse affected by it. The decision of a majority is the decision of the Arbitration Board, but if there is no majority the decision of the Chairman governsarbitration panel.
(b) The parties agree that unsettled grievances concerning:
(i) job postings;
(ii) entitlements to leaves;
(iii) premiums and overtime;
(iv) scheduling issues;
(v) recent related experience claims; and
(vi) any other grievance issues the parties agree to refer; Shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator, at the request of either party, following the time frames defined in 11.3(a) above.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement