EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS, CONGRESS CONVENTIONS AND NATIONAL UNION COMMITTEES. Where operational requirements permit, the Employer will grant leave without pay to a reasonable number of employees to attend Executive Board meetings, Labour conventions and National Union Committees.
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  • EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 33.01 (a) An Employee-Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) shall be established within three (3) months of the signing of the Collective Agreement. The Union Representative shall provide the names of up to three (3) elected Employees and the Employer shall provide the names of up to three (3) appointed representatives to sit on the EMAC.

  • Staffing Committee A. Responsibilities. The Nurse Staffing Committee (“NSC”) shall be responsible for determining the Institute’s staffing plan and resolving complaints raised by nurses regarding the implementation of the plan as well as those activities required of it under RCW 70.41, et seq and its successors.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 18.01 A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour-Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply.

  • Labour Management Relations Committee 20.01 The parties recognize that a forum for ongoing discussions during the term of the Agreement can promote more harmonious labour relations between them.

  • Joint Labor/Management Committees Purpose and Membership. Joint Labor/Management Committees are established to provide a forum for communications and problem-solving between the two parties and to deal with matters of a general personnel Union/Employer concern, as well as professional practices within the hospital related to patient care and professional issues. The Committees will work toward the improvement of patient care and recommend ways and means to improve patient care; and will address problems and concerns related to staffing and workloads. The Committees’ function will be limited to an advisory capacity and shall not include any decision making or collective bargaining authority. Committee memberships:

  • The Joint Committee 1. A Joint Committee is hereby established in which each Contracting Party shall be represented.

  • JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE In order to encourage open communication, promote harmonious labor relations, and resolve matters of mutual concern, the parties agree to create a joint labor- management committee. The committee will be governed by the following principles:

  • Procedures of the Joint Committee 1. For the proper implementation of this Agreement, the Joint Committee shall meet at an appropriate level whenever necessary upon request but at least once a year. Either Party may request a meeting be held.

  • Leave of Absence for Employees Who Serve as Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association An employee who serves as Local Coordinator for the Ontario Nurses' Association shall be granted leave of absence without pay up to a total of thirty-five (35) days annually. Leave of absence for Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association will be separate from the Union leave provided in (a) above.

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