Staffing Committee Sample Clauses
Staffing Committee. 1. The Nurse Staffing Committee (NSC) shall be responsible for determining the Hospital’s staffing plan and resolving complaints raised by nurses regarding the implementation of the plan as well as those activities required of it under RCW 70.41, et seq and its successors.
2. At least one half of the members of the NSC shall be members of the bargaining unit from each patient care area of the Hospital. The Association will determine how the registered nurse members of the NSC are selected.
3. A bargaining unit nurse attending an NSC meeting shall be relieved of all other work duties and shall receive her/his regular rate of pay for time spent in an NSC meeting.
4. The parties will hold NSC meetings at least quarterly, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the Hospital and the Association, and within a month of any submitted staffing complaint.
5. The designated WSNA staff representative and the Local WSNA Chairperson shall be provided with agendas, relevant data, and minutes at least ten days in advance of each meeting. The WSNA staff representative may attend the meeting.
6. The Hospital will provide the Association with all available data regarding patient outcomes and staff turnover.
7. The NSC will develop the Hospital’s annual nurse staffing plan. The Hospital will provide the plan to the Association. If this staffing plan is not adopted by the Hospital, the chief executive officer shall provide the NSC and the Association with both a written explanation of the reasons why the plan was not adopted and a copy of the revised or redrafted plan.
8. A nurse who either believes that the Hospital’s staffing practice does not comply with the existing staffing plan or objects to a particular shift-to-shift adjustment may file a complaint with the NSC. The Hospital will not counsel, discipline and/or discriminate against any nurse for making a report or complaint to the NSC.
9. The NSC will consider all received complaints brought by Registered Nurses. The NSC will designate each complaint as either resolved, dismissed or unresolved. The NSC will produce a statement of explanation for each designation. The Hospital shall provide the Association with a copy of each complaint received, the NSC’s designation and statement of explanation for each complaint and any supporting data received by the NSC relevant to the complaint.
10. The process for determining the resolution of a submitted complaint shall be a vote of present members of the NSC provided that the numb...
Staffing Committee. The State agrees to the establishment of a committee to review and evaluate the staffing complements. The committee shall meet quarterly to evaluate such concerns. The committee shall consist of executives of Union and Management as follows:
Staffing Committee. The Board and the teachers agree to the following:
(a) a Staffing Committee shall be established;
(b) the members of the Staffing Committee shall be the Superintendent of Human Resources and the Local President or designates;
(c) the Staffing Committee's mandate is class size as outlined in Clause L21.1;
(d) the Board shall electronically provide the Union with school and class by class organization numbers for each school prior to the meeting specified in Clause L21.5 (f). The Board and the Union shall agree on the date on which the required data will be collected for each school.
(e) the Staffing Committee shall meet to discuss solutions for teachers who have classes that are exceptional due to, but not limited to, class sizes and/or special needs students;
(f) the Staffing Committee shall meet on September 15th each year, or on the next school day should September 15th fall on a weekend or holiday, and at other dates as mutually agreed upon.
(a) The school year shall not exceed the minimum number of days required by provincial legislation. The number of professional activity days shall be the maximum number allowed under provincial legislation. Any work performed outside of the school year shall be on a voluntary basis.
(b) In the 2009-10 school year, one (1) professional activity day will be designated for the purpose of assessment and completion of report cards at the elementary level. The day will be designated in the calendar prior to the first reporting period.
(c) Effective in 2010-11, two (2) professional activity days will be designated for the purpose of assessment and completion of report cards at the elementary level: one (1) prior to the first reporting period and one (1) prior to the second reporting period. No more than two (2) professional activity days shall be designated in the new Collective Agreements for the purpose of assessment and completion of report cards at the elementary level.
L21.7 Regular staff meetings shall be scheduled by the Principal in consultation with the teaching staff and upon consensus whenever possible. Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall be held no more than once per month on average. Each meeting shall be no more than seventy-five (75) minutes in length. The dates of the regular staff meetings shall be set within the first month of the school year and communicated to all teachers. Regularly scheduled staff meetings may include administrative/organizational issues, professional development, training, and o...
Staffing Committee. The Staffing Committee shall, (1) include equal numbers 13 of Hospital nurse managers and direct care registered nurses, (2) include at least one 14 direct care registered nurse from each Hospital nurse specialty or unit as defined by the 15 Hospital, to be selected by direct care registered nurses from the particular specialty or 16 unit, and (3) have as its primary consideration the provision of safe patient care and an 17 adequate nursing staff pursuant to ORS 441.162 and OAR 333.510.0045.1 (a) (b) and 18 (c). The committee currently consists of nurse managers and direct care registered 19 nurses from designated specialties or units. If the Hospital wishes to change these 20 arrangements, it shall first review the matter with the Association and the committee.
Staffing Committee. A. Responsibilities. The Nurse Staffing Committee (“NSC”) shall be responsible for determining the Institute’s staffing plan and resolving complaints raised by nurses regarding the implementation of the plan as well as those activities required of it under RCW 70.41, et seq and its successors.
Staffing Committee. The Employer and the Union will re-establish a Joint Staffing Committee in accordance with RCW 70.41.420. The Committee shall be composed of seven members, four of whom will be registered nurses or other staff who perform direct patient care, who shall be appointed by their peers, and three individuals appointed by the Employer. The Committee shall meet monthly or more often as mutually agreed by the Union and Employer co-chairs. From time to time, the Committee may invite non-members to attend Committee meetings to present concerns or information regarding staffing issues. Such individuals shall not be considered members of the Committee.
1. Participation on the Committee by an employee shall be on scheduled work time and compensated at the appropriate rate of pay. Committee members shall be relieved of all other work duties during meetings of the Committee.
2. Primary responsibilities of the Committee shall include:
a. Development and oversight of an annual patient care unit and shift-based nurse staffing plan, based on the needs of patients, to be used as the primary component of the staffing budget. Factors to be considered in the development of the plan should include, but are not limited to:
(i) Census, including total numbers of patients on the unit on each shift and activity such as patient discharges, admissions, and transfers;
(ii) Level of intensity of all patients and nature of the care to be delivered on each shift;
(iii) Skill mix;
(iv) Level of experience and specialty certification or training of personnel providing care;
(v) The need for specialized or intensive equipment;
(vi) The architecture and geography of the patient care unit, including but not limited to placement of patient rooms, treatment areas, nursing stations, medication preparation areas, and equipment; and
(vii) Staffing guidelines adopted or published by national nursing professional associations, specialty nursing organizations, and other health professional organizations;
b. Semiannual review of the staffing plan against patient need and known evidence-based staffing information, including the nursing sensitive quality indicators collected by the hospital;
c. Review, assessment, and response to staffing concerns presented to the Committee.
3. In addition to the factors listed in subsection 2.a of this section, finances and resources may be taken into account in the development of the nurse staffing plan.
4. The staffing plan must not diminish other standards contained in...
Staffing Committee. To the extent possible, the Staffing Committee shall 16 (1) include equal numbers of Medical Center nurse managers and direct care registered 18 nurse specialty or unit, as defined by the Medical Center, to be selected by direct care 19 registered nurses from the particular specialty or unit, and (3) have as its primary 20 consideration the provision of safe patient care and an adequate nursing staff pursuant 21 to ORS 441.162. The committee currently consists of ten (10) nurse managers and ten
Staffing Committee. The Medical Center shall maintain the structure, duties and role of 5 the Staffing Committee in compliance with applicable nurse staffing laws. Should the 6 Medical Center anticipate substantially changing the Staffing Committee, the Medical 7 Center will give the Association a minimum of ten (10) days’ written notice of the 8 anticipated changes, and bargain with the association over such changes (either to 9 agreement or impasse, after which such changes may be implemented) during the term of 10 this Agreement, provided that such bargaining be conducted in good faith within the 11 appropriate time frame. Draft minutes shall be circulated for review to participants from this 12 meeting for approval and then shall be printed and distributed by the Medical Center to 13 bargaining unit nurses and administrators in a timely fashion, not to exceed ten (10) 14 calendar days from the date of the approval of such minutes.
Staffing Committee. A Staffing Committee shall be convened no later than June 1 of each year to review the staffing process for the upcoming year and establish a regular meeting schedule for the upcoming academic year which will consist of no less than 3 meetings a year. This Committee shall be comprised of equal representatives from the Board and the OTBU. This Committee shall be a sub-committee of the Secondary Occasional Teachers’ Consultation Committee. The composition of this committee may be modified by mutual agreement. There will be one additional Staffing Committee meeting to do an in-year staffing review that will be held in conjunction with the Secondary Occasional Teachers’ Consultation Committee. This additional meeting will occur before January 31 of each year. The Board will add Teachers to the Occasional Teachers List only after consultation with the OTBU. Additional names will be added to the List in order to satisfy a demonstrable need for Teachers with specifically identified teaching qualifications or where there is a demonstrable need due to insufficient numbers of Occasional Teachers serving a location(s) and or geographical area(s). The Board and the OTBU will review the process under 20.5.1. including the mechanism available for a teacher to request reinstatement where the teacher did not meet the minimum number of qualifying days. The OTBU undertakes to inform its members of changes to the Board’s occasional teacher requirements.
Staffing Committee. A Staffing Committee shall be formed consisting of three (3) Superintendents from the Board and up to three (3) representatives as designated by the Union. The Committee shall meet two (2) time per year or as mutually agreed to discuss the following::