Encryption Key Management. State Street must document procedures for managing encryption keys as well as any salts used to protect one way hashing functions. These procedures must include specifications for key provisioning, distribution, revocation, and expiration.
Encryption Key Management. Snowflake's encryption key management conforms to NIST 800-53 and involves regular rotation of encryption keys. Hardware security modules are used to safeguard top-level encryption keys. Snowflake logically separates encryption keys from Customer Data.
Encryption Key Management. Third Party shall have a defined key management policy that defines encryption key requirements, rotation, and lifecycle, including creation, distribution, revocation, archival, and destruction.
Encryption Key Management. All cryptographic keys are protected from unauthorized disclosure or use.
1. Encryption keys are created in compliance with the then current industry standard strength recommendations.
2. Any key that becomes weak due to outdated algorithms or is suspected of compromise is retired and/or rotated with an updated key.
3. Certificates are utilized to encrypt keys used to encrypt data.
Encryption Key Management. Supplier will provide encryption key management. Supplier will protect private keys in storage, transit, and backup. Supplier will segregate the encryption key and encryption key management process from any hosts that store and Process the data. Supplier will provide Seagate with documentation of its security controls for the secure key management. Supplier will provide an effective key destruction technique, such as crypto shredding, to ensure that the encryption keys are destroyed and unrecoverable after the Agreement is terminated.
Encryption Key Management. DNAnexus uses commercially reasonable encryption key management procedures, including maintaining customer-specific encryption keys and logically segregating encryption keys from encrypted Customer Data. Upon Customer’s request, no more than one time per year, DNAnexus shall provide documentation of its security controls for encryption key management. DNAnexus shall utilize an effective key destruction technique, such as crypto shredding, to ensure that the encryption keys are destroyed and unrecoverable after the Agreement is terminated.
Encryption Key Management. DCC’s encryption key management involves regular rotation of encryption keys and utilizes a key management service to safeguard top-level encryption keys.
Encryption Key Management eGain's encryption key management conforms to NIST 800-57 Part 2 and includes governance, regular rotation of encryption keys, and separation between key custodians and operations. Hardware security modules are used to safeguard top-level encryption keys. eGain logically separates encryption keys from Customer Data and generates unique keys for each Customer.
Encryption Key Management. Slope's encryption key management includes regular rotation of encryption keys. Slope logically separates encryption keys from Customer Data.
Encryption Key Management. Our IaaS offer uses a strictly role based/accessed key management system for our management environments and offers this as an optional service for client environments. • Encryption keys are maintained in a hardware security module (HSM) (both hardware based HSM and Virtual based HSMs). Access to the HSM requires multiple employees to eliminate single administration risk issues. • Encryption keys can be provided to clients using an encryption key wrapper and using a hand-delivered physical security protocol. • Our IaaS offer supports a very wide variety of key management processes: from our team managing the entire process to clients managing the entire process, as well as co- management of the key management process as per client specifications. Our Enterprise Zone is the standard cloud service for most customer applications, security tools, and other supporting applications. The PCI Cloud and the Federal Cloud (IAAS) are physically and logically separated Zones for specific customer workloads and use cases. Our Management zone is used exclusively by our staff to manage the health, backups, security tools capacity planning, and SLA monitoring tools. It is operated and maintained to the requirements of FISMA moderate and FedRAMP requirements.