ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. (a) The State will notify all state employees that any person who by action or condonation, subjects any other employee to harassment in the form of uninvited physical or verbal attention, insults or jokes based upon a factor for which discrimination is prohibited by law, or upon a person’s sexual orientation, or who invites or provokes such conduct, shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. (a) By the Employer - The State acknowledges its duty to practice good faith implementation of the goals contained in this Article. The employer further acknowledges its duty to inform employees of their obligation not to discriminate, intimidate or harass employees under applicable law, policy or this Agreement, and of their obligation to adhere to any affirmative action plan or program that may be developed under applicable law or this Agreement. The employer will notify employees, supervisors or managers at every level that any person who by action or condonation subjects another employee to harassment in the form of uninvited physical or verbal attention, insults or jokes based upon a factor for which discrimination is prohibited by law, or who invites or provokes such conduct, shall be subject to appropriate discipline. (b) By the VSEA - (1) The VSEA acknowledges its obligation to inform its members, officers, and agents of their obligations to abide by the laws, regulations and policies which prohibit discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. (2) The VSEA further acknowledges its obligation to train its officers, agents and stewards to be sensitive to the requirements of this Article.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. The Authority's harassment policy will be enforced by the Executive Director. Each reported incident will be investigated promptly, impartially, thoroughly and in a confidential manner to the extent possible, accompanied by disciplinary action as appropriate. It is reiterated that the Authority will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination for any substantiated violations of this policy. Persons who knowingly report false charges will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions also. Employees will not be subject to retaliation for making complaints under this policy or for participating in an investigation under this policy. Any substantiated instances of retaliation will subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. Each party shall take all reasonable ---------------------------- measures to ensure that the other's rights in the Products are not infringed and that all provisions in the End User License Agreements are honored. In the event of any violations or suspected violations of such, each party shall immediately notify the other and shall assist the other party to take whatever action is appropriate, including litigation to enforce such provisions.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. Upon an emergency call being dispatched to the State Police, the Xxxxxx Police Department shall also respond to incidents of an emergency nature that require immediate interdiction or a rapid response of law enforcement personnel. These incidents may include, but are not limited to, incidents involving actual or potential personal injury or property damage arising from an unknown intruder, person(s) armed with a weapon, civil disturbances or terrorist action.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. (a) By the Employer - The State acknowledges its duty to practice good faith implementation of the goals contained in this Article. The employer further acknowledges its duty to inform employees of their obligation not to di scriminate, intimidate or harass employees under applicable law, policy or this Agreement, and of their obligation to adhere to any affirmative action plan or program that may be developed under applicable law or this Agreement. The employer will notify employees, supervisors or managers at every level that any person who by action or co ndonation su bjects another em ployee t o har assment i n t he f orm of uni nvited phy sical or v erbal at tention, insults or jokes based upon a factor for which discrimination is prohibited by law, or who invites or provokes such conduct, shall be subject to appropriate discipline. (b) By the VSEA - (1) The VSEA acknowledges its obligation to inform its members, of ficers, and ag ents of their obligations to abi de by t he l aws, r egulations and policies which prohibit discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. (2) The VSEA further acknowledges its obligation to train its officers, agents and stewards to be sensitive to the requirements of this Article.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. The Authority's harassment policy will be enforced by the Executive Director. Each reported incident will be investigated promptly, impartially and in a confidential manner, accompanied by disciplinary action as appropriate. It is reiterated that the Authority will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination for any substantiated violations of this policy. Persons who knowingly report false charges will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions also.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. (a) The State will notify all state employees that any person who by action or condonation, subjects any other employee to harassment in the form of uninvited physical or verbal attention, insults or jokes based upon a factor for which discrimination is prohibited by law, or upon a person’s sexual orientation, or who invites or provokes such conduct, shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. (b) By the VSEA - (1) The VSEA acknowledges its obligation to inform its members, officers, and agents of their obligations to abide by the laws, regulations and policies which prohibit discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. (2) The VSEA further acknowledges its obligation to train its officers, agents and stewards to be sensitive to the requirements of this Article.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1. Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. 3.2. Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES. The City Police Department shall enforce state statutes and, to the extent of their jurisdiction and legal authority, county ordinances.