ESCORTS. Wherever BHEL intends to depute an escort for important consignments, he shall be allowed to travel in the same vehicle to the destination free of charge. The transporter will have to organize their own escort on BHEL’s request for which no charge will be paid.
ESCORTS. 13:01 Whenever a prisoner escort travels outside the City limits the escort shall be comprised of at least:
(a) two (2) fully trained and armed police officers, or
(b) one (1) fully trained and armed police officer and one (1) fully trained special constable, or
(c) two fully trained special constables.
ESCORTS. 32.01 When a prisoner is to be escorted out of town by motor vehicle, the escort shall be comprised of two fully trained and armed police officers. This may be amended at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
ESCORTS. 20.01 The escorting and transporting of prisoners shall normally be the responsibility of Court Security Personnel. When Police Officers are utilized in the escorting and transporting of prisoners outside of our Policing Jurisdiction at least two (2) Police Officers shall be required, except where the prisoner to be transported is a female or a Young Offender, in which case one Police Officer may be accompanied by one Civilian Member of the Police Service.
20.02 Where any prisoner mentioned in Section 21.01 is violent, or has a record of violence, or a propensity for violence, the escort shall be conducted by two (2) Police Officers.
ESCORTS. When a prisoner is to be escorted in a police vehicle from one facility to another, such escort shall consist of two (2) armed police officers.
ESCORTS. Throughout the term of this Extension and Thirteenth Amendment Agreement, if the Contractor holds a contract(s) under Serial No. 7165 and shall not have elected to receive Escort Cost Reimbursement under Paragraph D hereof, then the Contractor shall not be permitted any special or separate increases in any payment or allowance for escorts, i.e., the Contractor’s total rate(s) per vehicle, which includes the cost of an escort(s), shall be increased each Extension Year pursuant to the provisions expressed heretofore at Paragraph B. Regarding contracts under Serial Nos. 0070, 8108, G8805, G8891 and G9325 only, Article XIX entitled, “ESCORTS,” as amended previously, is hereby amended further so that Paragraph A(2), as numbered by the First Amendment Agreement, shall read as follows for the term of this Extension and Thirteenth Amendment Agreement, except that this Paragraph C (with the exception of subparagraph 2(g), infra), shall not apply to the Contractor, if it shall elect to receive escort payments under Paragraph D, infra:
ESCORTS. 31.1. Escorts sites will be determined solely in accordance with a CSI report on a job- by-job basis and to comply with all statutory requirements.
31.2. Any dispute or difficulty regarding CSI reports and Escort allocations will be submitted to the State Security Manager for review and further recommendation to Management.
31.3. Operational procedures shall not depart from the Security Assessment where a site is determined that a third person escort is required. Security personnel may revise a site’s status in relation to the use of escorts and determine a change to arrangements. Any reassessments shall take place in accordance with the appropriate provisions of this agreement.
31.4. Where a site is changed from an Escort site to a non-Escort site Management will consult with the relevant Consultative Committee/Union representatives.
ESCORTS. The Agency shall provide escorts/translators for home visits in appropriate areas and homes as necessary for the safety of Registered Nurses.
ESCORTS. If an escort is required to bring Student to OWP, Sponsor agrees that any escort or escort service used by Sponsor, whether or not Sponsor is referred to the escort by OWP, is in all respects an independent contractor contracting directly with Sponsor. Sponsor agrees that OWP bears no responsibility of any kind for any such escort service or the negligence or failure thereof.
ESCORTS. (a) The Requesting Contracting Party shall, whenever reasonably practicable, in- form the Requested Contracting Party of the need for escort of persons whose readmission or transiting has been agreed to under the terms of this Agreement.
(b) When escort services are provided by, or under the direction of, the Requesting Contracting Party, the escorting officers shall be required to obtain any authorisation, Visa or Permission to transit required by the Requested Contracting Party in order to carry out such escort services prior to departure from the territory of the Requesting Contracting Par- ty.
(2) When transiting is carried through airport transfers on the territory of the Re- quested Contracting Party or through entries onto its territory, escorting arrangements shall be made where appropriate by the Requesting Contracting Party and the Requested Contracting Party shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the person who is subject to the transit will not be allowed to leave the transit zone of the airport of the Requested Con- tracting Party.
(3) When removals for the purpose of readmission or transiting are carried out, es- corting arrangements shall be made where appropriate by the Requesting Contracting Par- ty.