School Rules The School rules which apply are set out on the School website and other documents published from time to time. The Parents are requested to read these documents carefully with the Pupil before they accept the offer of a place.
General Rules 1.1 Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the definitions set forth in this Article of this Agreement shall apply to the entire Agreement and all attachments incorporated by reference herein into this Agreement. A defined term intended to convey the meaning stated in this Agreement is capitalized when used. 1.2 Additional definitions that are specific to the matters covered in a particular Article, attachment or provision may appear in that Article, attachment or provision. To the extent that there is any difference of interpretation between a definition set forth in this Agreement and any definition in a specific Article, attachment or provision, the definition set forth in the specific Article, attachment or provision shall control with respect to that Article, attachment or provision. 1.3 Capitalized terms that are not otherwise defined in this Article or elsewhere within the Agreement but are defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Act) and/or the orders and rules implementing the Act shall have the meaning set forth in the Act or in such orders and rules. 1.4 Terms used in a Tariff shall have the meanings stated in the Tariff. 1.5 Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, any term defined in this Agreement which is defined or used in the singular shall include the plural, and any term defined in this Agreement which is defined or used in the plural shall include the singular. 1.6 The words “shall” and “will” are used interchangeably throughout the Agreement and the use of either indicates a mandatory requirement. The use of one or the other shall not confer a different degree of right or obligation for either Party.
Additional Rules An Excess Amount or suspense account described in Part 2 of Article III does not share in the allocation of net income, gain or loss described in this Section 9.11. If the Employer maintains its Plan under a Code Section 401(k) Adoption Agreement, the Employer may specify in its Adoption Agreement alternate valuation provisions authorized by that Adoption Agreement. This Section
GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURES A. A grievance is a dispute, claim, or complaint arising under this Agreement, filed by either an authorized representative of or an employee in the Bargaining Unit, or the County, involving the interpretation or application of this Agreement. All discipline shall be for just cause. B. Grievances will be processed in the following manner and strictly in accordance with the following stated time limits: Step 1. The aggrieved employee shall be accorded fifteen (15) working days from the occurrence of the action or event or when the employee has knowledge or should have had knowledge of the action or the event giving rise to the complaint to seek resolution on an informal basis. The Employee must discuss his alleged grievance with the Airport Fire Chief and the Fire Rescue Division Director. If informal resolution is not accomplished, the employee, if a Union member, must present the proposed grievance in writing to a Union officer on or before the fifteenth (15th) working day for consideration by the Union Grievance committee. If, in the Committee's opinion, no reasonable grievance exists, no further action may be taken. Step 2. If the Committee wishes to pursue the member's complaint, a written grievance shall be presented to the Director of the Fire Rescue Division or his designee within twenty (20) working days from the occurrence of the action or event giving rise to the grievance or from the date on which the employee reasonably should have had knowledge of that occurrence. A written grievance must be presented on a grievance form provided by the County in Appendix A. Upon receipt of a formal grievance or a class action submitted by the Union, the Fire Rescue Division Director or his designee shall investigate the facts and conduct a meeting within five (5) working days with the aggrieved employee and any other persons possessing knowledge considered critical by the Director. The aggrieved employee may be accompanied at this meeting by a local Union representative. The Fire Rescue Division Director or his designee shall notify the grievant of his decision no later than five (5) working days following the date of the meeting. Step 3. If the grievance is not resolved at the second step, the aggrieved employee shall present the written grievance within five (5) working days of the Step 2 decision to the Department Head. The Department Head or his designee shall investigate the facts and may conduct a hearing within five
PROFESSIONAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. Any claim by the Association or a teacher that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of the Agreement or violation of any established policy shall be a grievance and shall be resolved through the procedure set forth herein. B. In the event that a teacher, or the Association believes there is a basis for a grievance, the teacher or representative of the Association within thirty (30) working days of the time the teacher knew of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance, shall first discuss the alleged grievance with the building principal either personally or accompanied by the Association Representative. The grievance process may begin at the Superintendent’s level when the building principal is not involved with an alleged incident. C. If, as a result of the informal discussion with the building principal, a grievance still exists, the teacher or representative of the Association may, within ten (10) working days, invoke the formal grievance procedure through the Association on the grievance report form, signed by the grievant and a representative of the Association. Said form shall be available from the Association Representative in each building. A copy of the grievance form shall be delivered to the building principal, it may be filed with the Superintendent or a representative designated by him. D. Within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance the principal shall meet with the Association in an effort to resolve the grievance. The principal shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. If the Association desires to proceed to the next step, it shall do so within fifteen (15) calendar days of the principal’s disposition. E. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) working days of such meeting (or ten [10] working days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later) the grievance shall be transmitted to the Superintendent. Within seven (7) working days the Superintendent or his/her designee, shall meet with the Association concerning the grievance and shall indicate his/her disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. F. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the superintendent, or if no disposition has been received within five (5) working days of such meeting the Association may proceed to a Board Level Hearing. This grievance hearing shall be heard in closed session, so long as it does not violate the open meetings act. If the grievance is not settled at the preceding step, it may be submitted to binding arbitration. Within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the Superintendent’s answer, the party choosing to arbitrate must give written notice to the other party, setting forth specifically the nature of the dispute to be arbitrated. The charging party shall file a Demand for Arbitration with the American Arbitration Association within fifteen (15) days from the notification date that arbitration will be pursued. The arbitrator shall be selected by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules, which shall likewise govern the arbitration proceedings. G. The arbitrator shall have no power to rule on any of the following: 1. The termination of services of or failure to re-employ any probationary teacher. 2. Any claim or complaint for which there is another remedial procedure or forum established by law or by regulation having the force of law, including any matter subject to the procedures specified in the Teacher’s Tenure Act (Act IV Public Acts, Extra Session of 1937 of Michigan, as amended). 3. Any matter involving the content of a teacher evaluation. H. The Board and the Association shall not be permitted to assert in such arbitration proceedings any ground or to rely on any evidence not previously disclosed to the other party. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, add to, or subtract from the terms of this Agreement. Both parties agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator and agree that judgment thereon may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. I. The fees and expense of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by both parties. J. The time limits provided in this Article shall be strictly observed but may be extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year and strict adherence to the time limits may result in hardship to any party, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible.
PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.
Customer Service, Dispute Resolution If you have a question about your XOOM charges or service you may contact XOOM directly by calling 0-000-000-0000 Monday – Friday 8 (eight) a.m. to 11 (eleven)p.m.
Procedural Rules 1 The provisions of Union law governing the different types of administrative procedures covered by this Chapter shall apply to the procedures referred to in Articles 92, 93 and 96.
GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 8.01 The parties to this agreement believe it is important to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible as provided for herein. The employee or Union shall first discuss any individual complaint informally with the Director of Care or designate at the first opportunity. 8.02 In all steps of this grievance procedure an aggrieved employee, if she so desires may be accompanied by or represented by her Union Representative. At Step 1 of the grievance procedure a representative of the Ontario Nurses' Association may be present at the request of either party. 8.03 Should any dispute arise between the Employer and an employee, or between the Employer and the Union, as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the employee or Union Representative will bring it to the attention of the immediate supervisor to settle such differences within ten (10) days of the occurrence. If further action is to be taken, then within ten (10) days of the discussion, the employee, who may request the assistance of her Union Representative and/or Labour Relations Officer, shall submit the written grievance to the Administrator or designate. A meeting will be held between the parties within ten (10) days. The Administrator shall give a written decision within ten (10) days of the meeting to the Bargaining Unit President or her designate with a copy to the Labour Relations Officer. Should the Administrator fail to render his decision or failing settlement of any grievance under the foregoing procedure, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, the grievance may be referred to arbitration by either party. If no written notice of intent to submit the matter for arbitration is received within ten (10) days after the decision under Step No. 1 is received, the grievance shall be deemed to have been settled or abandoned. 8.04 A written grievance will indicate the nature of the grievance and the remedy sought by the grievor. Union grievances shall be set out on the union grievance form. Alternately, the parties may agree to an electronic version of this form and a process for signing. 8.05 Time limits fixed in the grievance and arbitration procedures may be extended only by written, mutual consent of the parties. Should the Employer not respond within the time limit(s) fixed, such failure to respond shall be deemed to be a denial of the grievance. Should a grievance not be submitted within the various time limits specified in this Agreement, unless mutually extended, it shall be considered to have been settled or abandoned.
GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 8.01 For purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a difference arising between the parties relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable. 8.02 In all steps of this Grievance Procedure, the aggrieved nurse, if desired, may be accompanied by or represented by a nurse representative. 8.03 It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of the nurses shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is understood that a nurse has no grievance until she has first given the Unit Manager the opportunity of adjusting her complaint. Such complaint shall be discussed with the Unit Manager within ten (10) days after the circumstances giving rise to it have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the nurse and failing settlement within five (5) days, it shall then be taken up as a grievance within ten (10) days following the Unit Manager's decision in the following manner and sequence: The nurse may submit a written grievance on the form set out in Appendix "A", signed by her, to the Unit Manager. The grievance shall identify the nature of the grievance and the remedy sought and should identify the provisions of the Agreement which are alleged to be violated. The Unit Manager will deliver her decision in writing within five (5) days of the submission of the grievance. Failing settlement, then: Within five (5) days following the decision in Step No. 1, the nurse may submit the written grievance to the Director of Resident Care who will deliver her decision, in writing, within five (5) days from the date on which the written grievance was presented to her. The parties may, if they so desire, meet to discuss the grievance at a time and place suitable to both parties. Failing settlement, then: Within ten (10) days of receiving the decision under Step 2, the grievance, in writing, may be referred to the Chief Executive Officer who shall call a meeting of the Grievance Committee within five (5) days of receipt of same. Within five (5) days following the meeting, the Chief Executive Officer shall reply, in writing, to the nurse and the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee. If the decision is unsatisfactory to the nurse, it may be referred to arbitration within fifteen (15) days and the Chief Executive Officer so notified, in writing.