EXTENDED ILLNESS BENEFIT. (Effective January 6, 2019)
EXTENDED ILLNESS BENEFIT. A regular full or part-time employee who has an extended illness or injury after having exhausted their sick leave shall be eligible to receive, under the conditions listed below, a payment of 60% of the employee's regular base pay up to 24 weeks from the beginning for each illness or injury.
a) Six (6) months of employment at the University.
b) Benefit begins immediately following exhaustion of sick leave and short term illness in section 7.
c) A statement from the staff member's physician (who is not a family member) confirming the extended illness and validating the need to be out of work.
d) Absences that are work-related and covered by Workers Compensation are excluded from this benefit.
e) Time off for extended illness will be considered as continuous service. For the first six months, sick leave and vacation will continue to accrue. An extended illness shall be any single, continuous illness or disability which exceeds ten (10) working days. Once an employee’s allotment has been used, a twelve (12) month (rolling backwards) work interval must pass before an employee will be entitled to additional salary continuation for extended illness in accordance with the above schedule. This benefit may not be applied intermittently. Any amendment or changes in this plan that are implemented for other exempt employees of the University shall be made applicable to employees covered by this agreement.