EXTENDED ILLNESS BENEFIT. A regular full or part-time employee who has an extended illness or injury after having exhausted their sick leave shall be eligible to receive, under the conditions listed below, a payment of 60% of the employee's regular base pay up to 24 weeks from the beginning for each illness or injury. a) Six (6) months of employment at the University. b) Benefit begins immediately following exhaustion of sick leave and short term illness in section 7. c) A statement from the staff member's physician (who is not a family member) confirming the extended illness and validating the need to be out of work. d) Absences that are work-related and covered by Workers Compensation are excluded from this benefit. e) Time off for extended illness will be considered as continuous service. For the first six months, sick leave and vacation will continue to accrue. An extended illness shall be any single, continuous illness or disability which exceeds ten (10) working days. Once an employee’s allotment has been used, a twelve (12) month (rolling backwards) work interval must pass before an employee will be entitled to additional salary continuation for extended illness in accordance with the above schedule. This benefit may not be applied intermittently. Any amendment or changes in this plan that are implemented for other exempt employees of the University shall be made applicable to employees covered by this agreement.
EXTENDED ILLNESS BENEFIT. (Effective January 6, 2019)


  • Extended Illness Sick leave for extended illness (5 or more days) will be paid only during the time period in which a physician certifies the employee to be physically or mentally disabled, and only to the extent of the number of days accumulated.

  • Extended Illness Leave When an employee is absent from his/her duties on account of illness or accident for a period of five school months or less, whether or not the illness or accident arises out of or in the course of employment, the amount deducted from the salary due the employee for any of the five-school-month periods in which absence occurs shall not exceed the sum which is actually paid a substitute employee employed to fill the employee’s position during his/her absence, or if no substitute employee was employed, the amount that would have been paid to the substitute had a substitute been employed. The sick leave, including accumulated sick leave, and the five-month period shall run consecutively. In other words, the five-month period stipulated above begins immediately after use of the employee’s current annual ten days plus any accumulated sick leave. When the employee remains absent after use of the five-month differential pay leave, the employee shall be in unpaid status. When the employee has exhausted all available sick leave, including accumulated sick leave, and continues to be absent on account of illness or accident for a period beyond the five-month period, and the employee is not medically able to resume the duties of his/her position, the employee shall, if not placed in another position, be placed on a reemployment list for a period of 24 months if the employee is on probationary status or for a period of 39 months if the employee is on permanent status. When the employee is medically able, during the 24- or 39-month period, the employee shall be returned to employment in a position for which he/she is credentialed and is qualified. The 24-or 39-month period shall commence at the expiration of the five-month period described above. This five-month period shall be implemented as set forth in the mandatory provisions of Education Code Section 44977 (as amended by SB 1019, Chapter 30 of the Statutes of 1998) and the mandatory provisions of Education Code Section 44978.1 (as newly enacted by the same Chapter 30 of the Statutes of 1998.)

  • Benefit Period Following the Qualifying Period you will receive a monthly income until the earlier of: (i) Attainment of age 65 (ii) Cessation of total disability (iii) Attainment of date of retirement

  • Extended Benefits If you are disabled on the date your healthcare coverage ends, your benefits will be temporarily extended for any continuous loss, which commenced while your coverage was in force. The services provided under this benefit are subject to all terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions listed in this agreement, and the care you receive must relate to or arise out of the disability you had on the day your healthcare coverage ended. Extended benefits apply only to the subscriber who is disabled. If you want to receive coverage for continued care when your coverage ends, you must provide us with proof that you are disabled. We will make a determination whether your condition constitutes a disability and you will have the right to appeal our determination or to take legal action. The extension of benefits will end upon the earliest of the following events: • the continuous disability ends; or • twelve (12) months from the termination date; or • payment of the benefit limits under this plan.

  • Long Term Disability Benefit The Long Term Disability insurance provides income security should you become totally disabled prior to age 65 due to a sickness or injury which totally disables you over a long period of time. The Plan provides you with coverage on and off the job.

  • Death Benefit Should Employee die during the term of employment, the Company shall pay to Employee's estate any compensation due through the end of the month in which death occurred.

  • Effective Date of Benefit Termination Medical, dental and life coverage termination will take effect on the first of the month following the loss of eligible employee or dependent status. Disability benefit coverage terminations will take effect on the day following loss of eligible employee status.

  • Disability Benefit If the Executive terminates employment due to Disability prior to Normal Retirement Age, the Company shall pay to the Executive the benefit described in this Section 2.3 in lieu of any other benefit under this Agreement.

  • Post-Retirement Benefits The present value of the expected cost of post-retirement medical and insurance benefits payable by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries to its employees and former employees, as estimated by the Borrower in accordance with procedures and assumptions deemed reasonable by the Required Lenders is zero.

  • Death Benefits Upon the Executive’s death during the Contract Period, the Executive’s estate shall not be entitled to any further benefits under this Agreement.