Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent with the following: A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leave, are entitled to use the leave within a 12-month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) month period shall be the “twelve-month period measured forward” from the first date an employee takes FMLA leave. B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves. C. FMLA Leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “illness in immediate family” as defined in this agreement. D. If a Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensation, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement. E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits will be administered in accordance with the provisions of the FMLA. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their share of the payments until FMLA leave has ended. F. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or child. G. Upon return from FMLA leave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only (a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) days, the Unit IV employee shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work year. H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority. I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave policies.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Negotiated Agreement, Negotiated Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into leave
1. FMLA benefits are available to all Unit I members who have worked at least 12 months during the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leave, are entitled to use the leave within a 12-preceding 12 month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) 12 month work period shall be from the “twelve-date of the member's hire.
a. Ten month Unit I members, employed by September 15, during any school year and who completed the school year, are eligible for FMLA at the beginning of the next school year.
b. Ten month Unit I members, employed after September 15, and all 12 month Unit I members are eligible for FMLA one (1) year after the effective date of employment.
2. The 12 month period measured forward” from for FMLA will be the first date an employee takes fiscal year.
3. The Unit I member must use available sick leave prior to going on unpaid FMLA leave. The Unit I member may elect whether or not to use other available paid leave while on FMLA leave.
B. 4. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “"illness in immediate family” " of the contracts of the respective units as defined long as the current year's available sick leave allowed for illness in the immediate family (up to 15 days) has been used.
5. If a Unit I member is on paid leave because of his or her own serious health conditions, and such leave is pursuant to a sick leave bank grant or is covered by Workers' Compensation, such leave would be exempt from the Unit I member's FMLA entitlement.
6. All benefits will continue as provided in this agreement.
D. If a 7. At the Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensationI member's option, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits Board will be administered in accordance with pay the provisions of the FMLA. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their Unit I member's share of the payments until FMLA leave has endedinsurance premium during the leave. The Unit I member, on return, will repay the Board for those premiums under a mutually convenient pay plan.
F. 8. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or childchild care.
G. Upon 9. Except in unusual circumstances when FMLA leave is taken near the end of an academic term, the Board will not mandate FMLA extensions.
10. Except in unusual circumstances upon return from FMLA leave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) a Unit I member will return to his/her position for absences which extend 60 duty days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned locationless. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) Where absences extend beyond 60 duty days, the Unit IV employee shall I member may be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work year.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, the provisions of the Act. An oversight committee comprised of the president and local law, chief negotiator of each unit and AACPS leave policiesthe board's representatives shall be formed and will meet at least annually.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Negotiated Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into If an employee or his/her family member becomes ill and requires care, the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall may be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved eligible for FMLA leave, . Employees are entitled to use the eligible for this leave within a after working twelve (12) months and no less than one
(1) thousand two-month periodhundred fifty (1,250) hours. The method used FMLA allows an employee twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave in case of any of the following: Childbirth or to establish care for a child during the first twelve (12) months after birth; Adoption or xxxxxx care within the first twelve (12) months of placement; Care of an ill spouse, child or parent; or Care for an employee's own serious health condition The Employer reserves the right to require a physician's statement verifying the need for FMLA leave. Employees are requested to give thirty (30) days notice of leave whenever practical. Employees on leave under the provisions of this Act will be required to apply all leave time in any category toward the unpaid leave. There may be exceptions for a pregnancy related leave if required by law. Vacation may not be added onto the twelve (12) month period shall be the “twelve-month period measured forward” from the first date week leave. Additionally benefits will cease to accrue while an employee takes is out on FMLA leave.
B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave may be used , except for serious health conditions the period of those persons covered by “illness in immediate family” as defined in this agreement.
D. If a Unit IV the leave that the employee is using accrued time. While out on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensation, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare FMLA leave. an employee's health insurance benefits will be administered remain in accordance effect, with the provisions of the FMLAno lapse in coverage. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of on leave or defer their share is still responsible for his/her portion of the payments until premium. The employee must remain in contact with his/her supervisor or the Human Resources Department while out on FMLA leave has ended.
F. Leave taken intermittently in order to keep them informed as to the leave status and intended return to work date. Employees are asked to give at least two weeks advance notice of the date of anticipated return. Some cases may require a doctor's release prior to returning to work. If all requirements are met and there is no change, such as layoff, restructuring, reduction of hours, or other job elimination, reinstatement of employment will be to the same position or a comparable position with equivalent benefits, pay, terms and conditions of employment (including shift and hours of work). The employer shall make reasonable efforts (including filing the position on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care oftemporary basis or using per diems) to reinstate the employee to his/bonding with her same position rather than a newborn or child.
G. Upon comparable position (This applies to at least 4 weeks of extensions described below). All rights to reinstatement cease if the employee fails to return from to work at the end of an approved FMLA leave, AACPS shall reassign an . The Employer may recover from the employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) premiums paid for health insurance during unpaid leave if the original position at employee fails to return to work, unless reason is due to 1) the assigned location has been eliminatedcontinuation, recurrence, or (bonset of a serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member, which would otherwise entitle the employee to leave under the FMLA or 2) after conferring with other circumstances beyond the union in other unusual circumstancesemployee's control. Upon return from All leaves taken for medical reasons, including job-related illness, will be counted towards an absence that exceeds sity employee's FMLA entitlement. For all leaves greater than sixty (60) days, the Unit IV employee employees' anniversary date shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work yearadjusted accordingly. Leave taken pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act shall run concurrent with any other leave provided herein.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave policies.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into A. FMLA benefits are available to 10-month employees, employed by September 15, during any school year and who complete the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statuteschool year, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent beginning with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leavenext school year. Ten-month employees, are entitled to use the leave within a employed after September 15, and all 12-month period. employees are eligible for FMLA one year after the effective date of employment.
B. The method used to establish the twelve (12) month period shall be the “twelve-month period measured forward” from for FMLA will be the first date an fiscal year.
C. The Unit IV employee takes must use available sick leave prior to going on unpaid FMLA leave. The Unit IV employee may elect whether or not to use other available paid leave while on FMLA leave.
B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. D. FMLA Leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “"illness in immediate family” " as defined in this agreementlong as the current year's available sick leave, the equivalent of fifteen (15) days, has been used.
D. E. If a Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave paid leave because of his or her own serious health condition, and such leave is pursuant to a sick leave bank grant or is covered by workers’ ' compensation, such leave shall would be governed by exempt from the explicit provisioins of this agreementUnit IV employee's FMLA entitlement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare F. All benefits will be administered continue as provided in accordance with the provisions negotiated agreements of the FMLA. An employee can elect to respective units.
G. At the Unit IV employee's option, the Board will pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their Unit IV employee's share of the payments until FMLA leave has endedinsurance premium during the leave. The Unit IV employee, on return, will repay the Board for those premiums under a mutually convenient pay plan.
F. H. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or childchildcare.
G. Upon I. Except in unusual circumstances when FMLA Leave is taken near the end of an academic term, the Board will not mandate FMLA extensions.
X. Except in unusual circumstances upon return from FMLA leaveLeave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) days, the a Unit IV employee will return to her/his position.
X. Xx oversight committee comprised of the President and Chief Negotiator of each unit and the Board's representatives shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work yearformed and will meet at least annually.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave policies.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into A. FMLA benefits are available to 10-month employees, employed by September 15, during any school year and who complete the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statuteschool year, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent beginning with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leavenext school year. Ten-month employees, are entitled to use the leave within a employed after September 15, and all 12-month period. employees are eligible for FMLA one year after the effective date of employment.
B. The method used to establish the twelve (12) month period shall be the “twelve-month period measured forward” from for FMLA will be the first date an fiscal year.
C. The Unit IV employee takes must use available sick leave prior to going on unpaid FMLA leave. The Unit IV employee may elect whether or not to use other available paid leave while on FMLA leave.
B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. D. FMLA Leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “"illness in immediate family” " as defined in this agreementlong as the current year's available sick leave, the equivalent of fifteen (15) days, has been used.
D. E. If a Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave paid leave because of his or her own serious health condition, and such leave is pursuant to a sick leave bank grant or is covered by workers’ ' compensation, such leave shall would be governed by exempt from the explicit provisioins of this agreementUnit IV employee's FMLA entitlement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare F. All benefits will be administered continue as provided in accordance with the provisions negotiated agreements of the FMLA. An employee can elect to respective units.
G. At the Unit IV employee's option, the Board will pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their Unit IV employee's share of the payments until FMLA leave has endedinsurance premium during the leave. The Unit IV employee, on return, will repay the Board for those premiums under a mutually convenient pay plan.
F. H. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or childchildcare.
G. Upon I. Except in unusual circumstances when FMLA Leave is taken near the end of an academic term, the Board will not mandate FMLA extensions.
J. Except in unusual circumstances upon return from FMLA leaveLeave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) days, the a Unit IV employee will return to her/his position.
K. An oversight committee comprised of the President and Chief Negotiator of each unit and the Board's representatives shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work yearformed and will meet at least annually.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave policies.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall Teachers may be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved eligible for FMLA leave, are entitled to use the leave within a 12-month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) month period shall be the “twelve-month period measured forward” from the first date an employee takes FMLA leave.
B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “illness in immediate family” as defined in this agreement.
D. If a Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensation, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits will be administered in accordance with the provisions of the FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act and any rules promulgated thereunder except as modified herein. An employee can elect All leaves provided under this Article 10 shall, to pay their share of healthcare premiums the extent that the reason for the leave qualifies for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, run concurrently with and be counted towards any leave entitlement under said Act. FMLA leave is unpaid except that a teacher shall use accumulated sick leave to be compensated during and to run concurrently with any FMLA qualifying absence, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement. Except in the period case of leave to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or defer their share illness, an eligible employee's FMLA leave entitlement is limited to a total of 12 workweeks of leave during any 12- month period for any one, or more, of the payments until following reasons:
1. The birth of the employee's son or daughter, and to care for the newborn child;
2. The placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or xxxxxx care, and to care for the newly placed child;
3. To care for the employee's spouse, son, daughter or parent with a serious health condition;
4. Because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform one or more of the essential functions of his or her job; and,
5. Because of any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered military member on active duty. The twelve month period for counting FMLA leave has ended.
F. Leave taken intermittently or shall be calculated on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or child.
G. Upon return from FMLA leave, AACPS rolling twelve- month period. The teacher shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty provide at least thirty (6030) days or less advance written notice of his/her intention to their original position within their job classificationtake FMLA Leave, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) except that if the original position at qualifying reasons for leave requires the assigned location has been eliminated, or FMLA Leave to begin in less than thirty (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (6030) days, the Unit IV employee teacher shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work year.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave provide such notice as is practicable. Health insurance shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave continue in accordance with federalArticle 9.5(b) for the duration of the available FMLA leave; however, statethe District reserves the right to recover any insurance premiums paid for the period should the teacher fail to return to work at the expiration of the leave period, in accordance with State and local federal law. At the end of a teacher's FMLA leave of absence, and AACPS leave policiesthe teacher shall have the right to employment in the District, unless that teacher is part of a Reduction in Force (RIF).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into leave
1. FMLA benefits are available to all Unit I members who have worked at least 12 months during the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leave, are entitled to use the leave within a 12-preceding 12 month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) 12 month work period shall be from the “twelve-date of the member’s hire.
a) Ten month Unit I members, employed by September 15, during any school year and who completed the school year, are eligible for FMLA at the beginning of the next school year.
b) Ten month Unit I members, employed after September 15, and all 12 month Unit I members are eligible for FMLA one (1) year after the effective date of employment.
2. The 12 month period measured forward” from for FMLA will be the first date an employee takes fiscal year.
3. The Unit I member must use available sick leave prior to going on unpaid FMLA leave. The Unit I member may elect whether or not to use other available paid leave while on FMLA leave.
B. 4. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “illness in immediate family” of the contracts of the respective units as defined long as the current year’s available sick leave allowed for illness in the immediate family (up to 15 days) has been used.
5. If a Unit I member is on paid leave because of his or her own serious health conditions, and such leave is pursuant to a sick leave bank grant or is covered by Workers' Compensation, such leave would be exempt from the Unit I member’s FMLA entitlement.
6. All benefits will continue as provided in this agreement.
D. If a 7. At the Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensationI member’s option, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits Board will be administered in accordance with pay the provisions of the FMLA. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their Unit I member’s share of the payments until FMLA leave has premium during the leave. The Unit I member, on return, will repay the Board for those premiums under a mutually convenient pay plan.
F. 8. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or childchild care.
G. Upon return from FMLA leave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) days, the Unit IV employee shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work year.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave policies.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into leave
1. FMLA benefits are available to all Unit I members who have worked at least 12 months during the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested leave shall be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leave, are entitled to use the leave within a 12-preceding 12 month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) 12 month work period shall be from the “twelve-date of the member's hire.
a. Ten month Unit I members, employed by September 15, during any school year and who completed the school year, are eligible for FMLA at the beginning of the next school year.
b. Ten month Unit I members, employed after September 15, and all 12 month Unit I members are eligible for FMLA one (1) year after the effective date of employment.
2. The 12 month period measured forward” from for FMLA will be the first date an employee takes fiscal year.
3. The Unit I member must use available sick leave prior to going on unpaid FMLA leave. The Unit I member may elect whether or not to use other available paid leave while on FMLA leave.
B. 4. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave leave may be used for serious health conditions of those persons covered by “"illness in immediate family” " of the contracts of the respective units as defined long as the current year's available sick leave allowed for illness in the immediate family (up to 15 days) has been used.
5. If a Unit I member is on paid leave because of his or her own serious health conditions, and such leave is pursuant to a sick leave bank grant or is covered by Workers' Compensation, such leave would be exempt from the Unit I member's FMLA entitlement.
6. All benefits will continue as provided in this agreement.
D. If a 7. At the Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensationI member's option, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits Board will be administered in accordance with pay the provisions of the FMLA. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their Unit I member's share of the payments until FMLA leave has ended.
F. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn or child.
G. Upon return from FMLA leave, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstances. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) days, the Unit IV employee shall be placed in an equivalent position within their job classification that does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of work year.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion of FMLA will be permitted to use that leave in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and AACPS leave premium
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA. The Family Medical Leave Act is incorporated into the agreement by reference. For employee who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the FMLA statute, requested employer shall grant unpaid leave shall be adiminstered consistent with the following:
A. Eligible employees who are approved for FMLA leave, are entitled of up to use the leave within a 12-month period. The method used to establish the twelve (12) month period shall be weeks for only those bargaining unit members eligible under the “twelve-month period measured forward” from law (currently defined as bargaining unit members who have been employed at least twelve (12) months immediately prior to the first date an employee takes FMLA leave.Leave and who have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in the previous twelve (12) months immediately prior to the Leave), for the following reasons:
B. FMLA shall run concurrently with other paid leaves.
C. FMLA Leave may be used for 1. the serious health conditions of those persons covered by “illness in immediate family” as defined in this agreement.
D. If a Unit IV employee is on Assault Leave or a leave covered by workers’ compensation, such leave shall be governed by the explicit provisioins of this agreement.
E. Continuation of employee healthcare benefits will be administered in accordance with the provisions condition of the FMLAbargaining unit member; or
2. An employee can elect to pay their share of healthcare premiums during the period of leave or defer their share serious health condition of the payments until FMLA leave has ended.
F. Leave taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule is not permitted for care of/bonding with a newborn bargaining unit member’s spouse, parent or child.; or
G. Upon return from FMLA leave3. the birth of a child; or
4. the placement of a child for adoption or xxxxxx care. Child includes any individual under 18 for whom the bargaining unit member serves in loco parents; a child over 18 who is incapable of self care because of physical or mental disability; or biological, AACPS shall reassign an employee whose absence was sixty (60) days adopted or less to their original position within their job classification, at their assigned location. Re-assignment to an equivalent position within their job classification and/or an alternative location is permitted only
(a) if the original position at the assigned location has been eliminated, or (b) after conferring with the union in other unusual circumstancesxxxxxx child. Upon return from an absence that exceeds sity (60) daysthe Leave, the Unit IV employee bargaining unit member shall be placed returned to the position held immediately before the Leave began or to a position equivalent in an equivalent position within their job classification that pay, benefits, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. The bargaining unit member shall have the option of first using accrued paid accumulated leave during the Leave. The remainder of any leave time will be unpaid. Medical, dental and vision benefits will be continued during the Leave under the same conditions and at the same level as if the bargaining unit member were still at work. A bargaining unit member who does not result in a decrease in hourly rate of pay or length of return to work year.
H. All paid leave that runs concurrently with FMLA leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of determining seniority.
I. Employees who have accrued paid leave remaining at the conclusion end of the FMLA Leave will be permitted expected to use that leave in accordance with federalreimburse the School Board for the medical, statedental and vision premiums or expenses, and local lawwhichever is applicable to the bargaining unit member. Seniority shall continue to accrue during the FMLA Leave. The bargaining unit member shall have the right to take the Leave on a reduced or intermittent schedule. Whenever practicable, and AACPS leave policiesthe bargaining unit member will provide the School Board at least thirty (30) calendar day’s written notice of the request for the Leave. In non-emergency situations, the bargaining unit member shall complete the forms for a FMLA Leave prior to taking the Leave.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement