Family and Medical Leave Act Sample Clauses

Family and Medical Leave Act. The Family and Medical Leave Act will be followed in approving a Leave of Absence. Contract provisions that provide greater benefits than the Family and Medical Leave Act will be followed.
Family and Medical Leave Act. The parties agree that each has the right to exercise its rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act and that any contrary provision contained in this contract is superseded by the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Family and Medical Leave Act. (FMLA) Leave The provisions of this article are intended to comply with the family and medical leave act of 1993, and as amended, and any terms used from the FMLA will be as defined in the act. To the extent that this article is ambiguous or contradicts the act, the language of the act will prevail. Except as expressly provided in this article, these FMLA provisions do not impair any rights granted under other provisions of this agreement. The link to the department of labor website and FMLA detail can be found at: XXXX://XXX.XXX.XXX/WHD/FMLA/INDEX.HTM A faculty member is eligible for a FMLA Leave if the faculty member has been employed by the University for the equivalent of one (1) year and at least twelve-hundred fifty (1250) hours during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the faculty member’s request for leave or the date on which the leave commences, whichever comes first. Subject to the notice and certification requirements described below, an eligible faculty member may request and will be granted up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid FMLA leave during any twelve (12) month period for one (1) or more of the following events: a. the birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth b. the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or xxxxxx care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement c. to care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition d. a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of their job e. any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered military member on “covered active duty” The taking of a FMLA Leave shall not result in the loss of any employment benefit accrued prior to the date on which the leave commenced; provided, however, that nothing in this sentence shall be construed to entitle any faculty member who returns from leave to the accrual of any seniority or employment benefits during the period of the leave or to any right, benefit, or position to which the faculty member would have been entitled had the faculty member not taken the leave. Faculty members who take a FMLA Leave for the intended purpose of the leave shall be entitled, on return from the leave, to be restored by the Employer to the position of employment held by the faculty member when the leave commenced or...
Family and Medical Leave Act. The Board agrees to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and the rules and regulations issued in conjunction therewith, or applicable Board policy and all such provisions applicable to bargaining unit Faculty shall be in accordance with what is legally permissible under the FMLA.
Family and Medical Leave Act. The district will provide leave to employees in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Information pertaining to FMLA can be found on the district website.
Family and Medical Leave Act. Family and Medical Leave Act: All provisions of this article shall be interpreted so as to comply with the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act and any amendments thereto, and with such federal regulations that may be issued under the Act.
Family and Medical Leave Act a. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides substantive legal entitlements to employees regarding leave in certain specified circumstances. The Employer agrees to administer the FMLA consistent with law and regulations. b. At the employees’ request, an employee may use sick, annual or leave without pay for approved absence under the FMLA.
Family and Medical Leave Act. An employee who meets the eligibility requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act may apply for leave of absence. The Employer will approve leave of absence requests as required by the Act, provided that except as prohibited by the Act, the Employer may do the following: A. Deny requests that the Act does not required be approved; B. Require medical certifications; C. Request medical examinations (which may include psychological examinations) in addition to any information or certifications provided by the employee; D. Place employees on Family and Medical Leave if they are unable to apply or fail to apply, but are otherwise qualified for such leave; E. Require employees to pay their share of premiums for insurance coverage while on unpaid Family and Medical leave; F. Take disciplinary action against employees who do not comply with the Employer’s policies and procedures for administering the Family and Medical Leave Act; G. Coordinate the administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act with the Employer’s administration of other types of leave as provided by this agreement; H. Place an employee who has exhausted available Family and Medical Leave Act time and who is still unable to perform the essential functions of the position on unpaid Medical or Disability Leave or proceed to Disability Separation; and I. The employee must use all accrued but unused sick leave first, and then all accrued vacation leave, or compensatory time in conjunction with such Family and Medical Leave Act time. J. The employer shall continue to provide medical insurance during the period of leave of absence unless the employee fails to pay his/her portion of the insurance premium.
Family and Medical Leave Act. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, on and after August 5, 1993, each of the parties reserves all rights and responsibilities provided employers and employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (the Act). It is the intent of the parties that all rights regarding leaves provided by the Act shall be solely determined by the provisions of the Act and the regulations adopted there under which will supersede and take the place of all related leave provisions contained in this Agreement.
Family and Medical Leave Act. The Employer shall comply with all aspects of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Leaves will run concurrent with any FMLA eligible Leave.