Fences and Walls Sample Clauses
Fences and Walls a. Privacy fences or fences that prevent access to the right-of-way are not permitted.
b. All other fence installations within the right-of-way will be reviewed for approval by Buckeye on a case-by-case basis. Upon Xxxxxxx’s written approval, fences shall be constructed with a 14-foot gate or removable sections across the right-of-way.
c. Fence posts shall not be installed within 5 feet of the pipeline and must be equidistant if crossing the pipeline.
d. No fence shall cross the right-of-way at less than a 60-degree angle.
e. Fences that run parallel to the pipeline shall be installed outside the right-of-way.
f. Masonry, brick, or stone walls are not permitted on the right-of-way.
Fences and Walls. No fence, wall, tree, hedge, or shrub planting shall be erected or maintained in such a manner as to obstruct sight lines for vehicular traffic. All fences or enclosures must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee as to location, material, and design. Any fence or wall built on any of the Lots shall be maintained in a proper manner so as not to detract from the value and desirability of surrounding property.
Fences and Walls. Subject to Section 17.30.050 (Fences, Walls, and Retaining Walls).
Fences and Walls. Except as set forth in Section 130.30.050 (Fences, Walls, and Retaining Walls).
Fences and Walls. No fence shall exceed in height the limitations set by the municipal code of the City of Bloomington. Any boundary fence shall be a minimum of six inches inside the property line of the lot owner so constructing same. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, prior to construction, all fencing materials, locations, and plans must be approved in writing by either Xxxxxxx X. Xxxx or Xxxxxxxx X.
Fences and Walls. Fences and walls further define private areas around a residential structure. Fences shall be made of wood, brick, stone, aluminum or metal. Vinyl, chain link and roll wire fencing is not permitted on a residential lot. Front yard fences shall not exceed 3 feet in height. Rear yard fences shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Powder coated (green or black) chain link will be permitted in common areas. The following design criteria shall apply: • A variety of forms and materials is encouraged; the mixing of incompatible architectural elements or styles is not allowed. • The overall streetscape (intersection to intersection) shall display massing and design continuity while also incorporating variety. • Sufficient wall articulation is required to avoid large unbroken expanses of roof or wall planes including the stepping of units and the use of bays and gables where appropriate. • Distinctive design features at end units are encouraged to create a sense of place, such as tower features, bay projections, second-story balconies, or other suitable feature is encouraged. • Compatibility in height and massing between adjacent dwellings and dwellings on the opposite side of the street is required. • Townhome buildings shall provide detailed design along all primary elevations and elevations facing a public street or open space. Detailed design shall be provided by using at least (3) of the following architectural features as appropriate for the proposed building type and style (may vary features on rear/side/front elevations): Dormers, gables, recessed entries, covered porch or stoop entry, cupolas or towers, pillars or posts, xxxxx (minimum 10” projection which may include gutter), off-sets in building face or roof (minimum 12”), window trim, bay windows, balconies, and decorative patterns on exterior finish (e.g. scales/shingles, wainscoting, and similar features). • All front entrances shall be raised from the finished grade (at the building line) a minimum of 12”, except active adult housing, or live/work units, which may have entrances at grade. • Maximum height 3 stories.
Fences and Walls. In general, fences and walls (except those installed by the Developer or otherwise in this document) are not allowed in the Subdivision as they are often contrary to the architectural and landscaping concepts as well as the sense of community that is promoted. In the backyard area, fences will be permitted from an approved set of fencing types adopted for use by the Architectural Review Committee. No fence or wall of any kind shall be erected, maintained, or altered on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee of plans and specifications and location for such fences and walls. No fence or wall may be built on a Lot in an area or in a manner that changes the topographical grade of the Lot or impedes the drainage of stormwater over and across the Lot and the surrounding areas. An Owner that constructs a fence or wall in violation of this Section 8.9 shall be liable for the cost and expense of all damages caused by such construction, including the removal of any such fence or wall and the remediation of the Lot and the surrounding land.
Fences and Walls. 18.1 Not to take down, replace, build or renew any boundary fence or wall without our prior written permission. We shall not unreasonably withhold our consent.
Fences and Walls. Except as set forth in Subject to Section 17.30.050 (Fences, Walls, and Retaining Walls). 345. Interior Remodeling. Interior alterations that do not increase the gross floor area of the structure or change the permittedAllowed use of the structure.
Fences and Walls. Fences and walls which conform to the provisions stated herein shall be permitted by the Department. Xxxxxx may be considered fences if they are planted and constructed in such a manner that they enclose, partially enclose or separate premises. A hedge does not constitute a fence when it used for an ornamental purpose and does not in fact enclose, partially enclose, or separate premises from adjoining premises.