Section 8.9 Sample Clauses
Section 8.9. Section 8.9(b) of the Credit Agreement is amended and restated in its entirety to read as follows:
Section 8.9. 27 In the event of layoff, employees so affected are to be placed on a reemployment list maintained by the 28 District according to layoff ranking. Names shall remain on the reemployment list for two (2) years. In 29 the event individuals with priority rights described herein are not in sufficient numbers to meet the 30 District's employment needs as reflected in open positions, the District shall next offer the open 31 position(s) to all qualified individuals on the reemployment list in order of hire date. Employees in 32 layoff status within a classification may apply to open positions in accordance with the language in 33 8.6.2.
Section 8.9. 24 An employee shall forfeit rights to re-employment as provided in Section 8.7 if the employee does not 25 comply with the requirements of Section 8.8, or if the employee does not respond to the offer of 26 re-employment within fifteen (15) days after actual receipt.
Section 8.9. Maternity of a female employee is considered a temporary disability and is defined as 30 pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, and recovery there from for the period of time during 31 which the employee is temporarily disabled. Upon application and District approval for maternity 32 purposes, the employee is entitled to maternity leave. Such leave shall begin and end at such time as 33 the employee's physician deems necessary as verified by a written statement from the employee's 34 physician. Upon exhausting paid leave for maternity purposes, an employee may request, in writing, 35 a leave of absence without pay or benefits for the remainder of the employee's disability and/or work 36 year.
Section 8.9. 47 The District agrees to provide employees benefits under the provisions of the State and Federal Medical
Section 8.9. Section 8.9 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety to read as follows:
Section 8.9. 39 Employees assigned to supervise inmates shall be compensated by an increase of three dollars $3.00 to 40 their hourly rate of pay. Further, an employee who transports inmates to and from the school district 41 shall be paid the additional rate from the time the employee departed the district until his/her return to 42 the district. 43 44 2 3 4 5 Section 9.1.
Section 8.9. 5 All employees are expected to work the days associated with their work calendar. Leave without pay 6 requires the approval of both the employee’s supervisor and the Assistant Superintendent prior to the 7 employee’s absence. The employee’s request for leave without pay will be reviewed on a case-by-case
Section 8.9 a. A new Section 8.9 is added to the Program Agreement as follows:
Section 8.9. The overtime and premium provisions of this contract will not be 32 pyramided for any purpose in determining appropriate pay for time worked. Hours in a 33 pay period for which a nurse has already received a rate of time and one-half (1.5) or 34 greater under the terms of this Agreement (for example, call-back, unscheduled, 35 consecutive days, rest between shifts, daily overtime, workweek overtime pay, pay 1 period overtime pay), will not be counted again for purposes of determining daily, 2 workweek, or pay period overtime pay. 5 ARTICLE 33. CHARGE/PCC/BREAK RELIEF DIFFERENTIAL OPENNED 4/19 6 Section 1. The Hospital recognizes the appropriateness of assigning charge in 7 the following situations: