FIELD INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM BONUS. Any Assistant Chief or Battalion Chief who is assigned to a Field Incident Management Team (FIMT) shall receive a bonus of $150 biweekly. Effective July 5, 2020, this amount shall increase to $200 biweekly. This bonus will be pension based.
FIELD INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM BONUS. Effective at the beginning of the first pay period following adoption of the 2014-2016 MOU, any employee who is assigned to a Field Incident Management Team (FIMT) shall receive a non-pension based bonus of $150 biweekly.
FIELD INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM BONUS. Any employee who is assigned to a Field Incident Management Team (FIMT) shall receive a non-pension based bonus of $150 biweekly. Effective July 9, 2017, this bonus will be pension based. 2152 Fire Battalion Chief 12 2166 Fire Assistant Chief 15 2176 Fire Deputy Chief 18 Note: Notwithstanding the provisions of LAAC Section 4.159, the following special pay provisions will apply to employees in this Unit:
1. A Fire Battalion Chief, when assigned to a departmental Special Duty position authorized in the Budget or by interim position authority granted by the City Administrative Officer, shall be compensated at the corresponding step of Schedule 13. Such assignment is at the discretion of the Fire Chief and shall generally be for a maximum two-year period. However, the assignment may be extended beyond two (2) years upon mutual agreement of the Fire Chief and the assigned Battalion Chief. Effective July 9, 2017, any Fire Battalion Chief with three (3) or more years of continuous service in a Special Duty position shall receive an additional 2.75% while so assigned, as long as that employee is fully field certified. Leaves from Special Duty of less than one year shall not constitute a break in “continuous service” for the purposes of qualifying for the additional 2.75%. Likewise, employees who leave Special Duty after the three (3) year qualifying period will receive the additional 2.75% immediately upon their return to Special Duty, provided that such leave is for a period of less than one year.