Formatted: Highlight. A. Effective July 1, 2023, all Employees shall be placed on the Appendix A pay chart at the same pay grade and step placement they had on June 30, 2023.
Formatted: Highlight. Deleted: <#>If the Access Holder has received a warning notice under clause 11.5(b) then ARTC may at its absolute discretion, on 30 days’ notice to the Access Holder, review and temporarily adjust the Access Holder’s Base Path Usages on the Train Path including deleting a number of Path Usages from the Access Holder’s Base Path Usages in one or more Periods, which ARTC reasonably considers equivalent to the cancelled Path Usages. To avoid doubt, where a Path Usage is removed from the Base Path Usages, a corresponding Path Usage will be deleted from the Access Holder’s Annual Contracted Path Usages in the relevant Train Path Schedule for the relevant Contract Year. ¶ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Deleted: : Formatted ... [21] Deleted: ; and Formatted: Highlight Deleted: the Tolerance xx.x.x.xx[b2l2e] Deleted: 11.5(c) Deleted: 11.5(d) Deleted: or clause 11.5(f) Deleted: after Deleted: but this does not... [23] Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Highlight. (i) the Former Access Holder remains liable to ARTC for the TOP Charges for the traded Path Usage; [Note: NSWMC is confirming that any lost paths are accounted for by deducting them from the Former Access Holder's Monthly Base Path Usages] Deleted: 1 April 2010 Deleted: 1 April 2010 Deleted: 18 February 201015 January 2010
Formatted: Highlight. A. The pay chart shown as Appendix A-1 shall be for Information Technology (IT) Employees and the pay chart shown as Appendix A-2 shall be for Information Systems (IS) Employees. Employees shall be placed within the Appendix A-1 or A-2 pay chart, as applicableropriate, within the same pay grade and step that he/she had on the day prior to execution of this Agreement. For Fiscal Year 2016-2017 no funds have been Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight. Section 2 .4 Vacation leave with pay shall be granted to Employees in accordance with the following provisions:
Formatted: Highlight. Section 2 .3 The parties also agree to mutually work towards employee training and other programs which promote and provide incentives for not only initial employee participation but also the continuing participation of AFSCME personnel in deferred compensation programs. Formatted: Highlight
Formatted: Highlight. Formatted: Highlight District is contracting to provide medical assistants to assist with COVID testing, and when not testing they can also assist with screening, providing supervision of the care room if/when needed, ensuring health and safety measures are in place and contract tracing. agrees to make every reasonable effort to obtain health care professionals to perform this work, including, but not limited to, the use of temporary staff and registry. Symptoms to be screened for include: a. Fever 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher b. Cough
Formatted: Highlight. The Union acknowledges that Stewards have their regular duties to perform on behalf of the Employer and that such persons shall not leave their regular duties to attend to the complaints and grievances of employees without having first secured permission from their immediate Supervisor.
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Formatted: Highlight. Sick leave shall be allowed to accumulate up to a maximum as may be allowed Each full-time employee shall be entitled to twelve (12) days sick leave per school year as shown on Appendix by IMRF.