Funding Assistance. Throughout the project, our team will consider future funding opportunities to leverage project resources. This task allows our team to provide assistance or leadership to the city in identifying and pursuing funding opportunities as requested. CONSULTANT will develop a funding matrix of potential grant sources and maintain a funding plan that will aid in the development of commitments and identification of the possibilities to close the funding gaps.
Funding Assistance. The Governing Board may apply for federal or state or other public or private funds for carrying out the purpose of this Agreement.
Funding Assistance. A not-to-exceed budget is provided for funding assistance upon request for:
A. USDA RD: Upon request and as budget allows, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx would provide assistance with USDA RD Apply application for the WWTF upgrade project. This will require calculating the equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) for input into the application, identification of number of residential, commercial, and industrial connections and associated flow rates. The funding application will require a completed Preliminary Engineering Report and Addendum and Environmental Document.
B. CWSRF: Upon request and as budget allows, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx would provide assistance on completion of CWSRF planning loan applications and/or assistance on annual CWSRF Priority List Application.
Funding Assistance a. If requested, FOX will provide funding assistance as described in the Master Agreement under A2.01.A.1 and other services required with funding requirements as requested by the OWNER (e.g. Applications, Environmental Information Documents, and assistance with archaeological and historical investigations). Other work could include assistance with applying for an SRF Planning and Design Loan or submittal of an SRF Intended Use Plan application.
Funding Assistance. The assistance to be provided to the Proponent shall be comprised of the following:
Funding Assistance. For this task, the ENGINEER will:
a. Provide general technical assist to the VILLAGE in pursuing the selected funding alternative. Note that at this time, it is unknown what alternative and therefore what supporting information may be required for the application submission process.
b. Prepare for and submit up to 10 grant applications to state and federal agencies including the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and Federal Emergency Management agency (FEMA). As with the funding assistance, if supporting information in addition to the PER or existing Facilities Plan are determined to be required to support the grant application process, then additional, future services may be required to assist in this effort. • Grant applications Notes:
1. This scope of services does not include preparation of engineering reports or environmental reports which may be required depending on the funding alternative to be used.
Funding Assistance. 1.1 The Province will provide the following:
(a) Equalization funding shall be paid to the Municipalities (Le., the new municipality formed by combining the MuniCipalities as a result of the NSUARB Order) over five (5) fiscal years (i.e. 2017/18 to 2021/22, inclusive). At the expiry of this period, the equalization allocation for the Municipalities will revert to the applicable provincial formula in effect at that time. The amount of Equalization funding to be paid to the combined municipal unit shall be no less than the amounts the Municipalities are entitled to receive in each of the five (5) fiscal year periods (the Municipality of the County of Cumberland total equalization funding received in 2015/16: $1,182,204 for 2017-2018 to 2019-2020, then $776,666 in 2020-2022; the Town of Parrsboro total equalization funding received in 2015/16: $365,901 for five years). The total amount to be paid over the next five (5) fiscal year period shall not be less than $ 6,929,449 to be paid in amounts of $1,548,105 for 2017- 2018 to 2019-2020; then $1,142,567 for 2020-2022.
(b) Special capital funding of $1,550,000 for infrastructure improvements within Parrsboro, $1,345,000 of which is to be used for a waste water treatment plant in Parrsboro and to expand the collection system to reach 80% of the households, and $205,000 of which is to be used for capital purposes to meet the regulatory requirements for its water system as outlined in its infrastructure study. Funding will be paid over five (5) fiscal years beginning in 2017/18 (i.e. 2017/18 to 2021/22, inclusive). Funding can be used to secure additional financial assistance from other programs that are not already part of this Letter of Intent as outlined in the rules and criteria for each program. Moreover, this provision will not be interpreted, employed, or otherwise exploited, to preclude the Municipalities from applying for other funding for its own projects under these programs.
(c) Roads funding of $1,072,500, $825,000 of which is to be used for capital investments and $247,500 for operating. Operating funding will be paid in annual installments of $49,500 over five (5) fiscal years beginning in 2017/18 (i.e. 2017/18 to 2021/22, inclusive). Capital funding will be paid in annual installments of $165,000 per year over five (5) fiscal years beginning in 2017/18 (i.e., 2017/18 to 2021/22, inclUSive).
(d) Funding for post-transitional expenses according to criteria agreed to by the Province, and subject to pro...
Funding Assistance. (i) In case that Focus reasonably determines, despite all its good faith efforts, it would be impossible for Focus to procure any part or all of the funds for its cash contribution under Section 4.2(b) above, Focus may request Daewoo to assist Focus in procurement of such funds for Focus’ contribution into the JVC. Such request shall be made by presenting evidence supporting Focus’ good faith efforts to procure the funds. In such case, Daewoo may discuss with Focus an option for Daewoo to subscribe for new shares or convertible bonds to be issued by Focus Canada in order to provide funding assistance to Focus.
(ii) If and to the extent that the terms and conditions of issuance of such new shares or convertible bonds of Focus Canada are satisfactory to Daewoo, Daewoo shall assist Focus by subscribing for such new shares or convertible bonds of Focus Canada. In such case, Focus shall use the proceeds from the issuance of such new shares or convertible bonds to subscribe for new Shares in accordance with Section 4.2(b) above.
Funding Assistance. 2a. HB 632 Competitive Funding Application • Assist with the preparation of a HB 632 Competitive Grant Application including the technical elements of the project and the project funding scenario to best optimize the County’s match. Assumptions: • Flathead County will provide the necessary information to complete the application within 5 days of the request. Deliverables: • Draft application for review by the County. 3a. Septage Treatment Process and Design Criteria: Define the septage treatment process that would serve as the foundation for a construction and O&M cost estimate. This effort would include development of basic design criteria including, but not limited to design flow rate to the septage facility, anticipated septage waste strengths, volumes of key treatment processes and equalization, estimated airflow requirements, land requirements, etc.
Funding Assistance. The PER will include the following components: • Preface The Preface will include a brief overview of the need, scope, and environmental benefits for the projects. • Chapter 1 Project Location This chapter will include legal descriptions for the various projects along with USGS Quadrangle maps and will incorporate discussion on right-of- way/easements needed for facility construction. • Chapter 2 Current Situation Chapter 2 will describe the existing conditions of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and collection system. Documentation of applicable bans, orders, xx- xxxxx, etc. will be collected and made part of the PER. . • Chapter 3 Future Situation Chapter 3 will include current and future population projection based on census data, building permits, and current developmental trending. Also included will be the 20 year design flow and waste load allocations based on the City’s current NPDES permit. • Chapter 4 Evaluation of Alternatives Alternatives for the project will be identified. Descriptions of the alternatives which may include no action, rehabilitation, replacement, new construction, etc. will be developed and will be evaluated based upon monetary feasibility, technical merit, reliability, and impacts to the environment. • Chapter 5 Evaluation of Environmental Impacts The Evaluation of Environmental Impacts chapter will include discussion regarding direct primary and indirect secondary impacts of the feasible alternatives. Text and graphics will be included and will identify impacts to disturbed land, historic re- sources, wetlands, surface waters, groundwater, 100-year floodplains, plants and animals, prime farmland and influence of local geology, air quality, open space and recreational opportunities, Lake Michigan Costal Management Zone Impacts, National Landmarks, etc. • Chapter 6 Selected Plan Chapter 6 will include a detailed description of the selected plan. Graphics show- ing preliminary layout, cost estimates, and proposed schedule for project implementation will be included. As part of the submittal and approval process the PER will be expanded to include an Asset Management Plan, all required applications, resolutions, letters of intent from land owners or significant flow contributors, cost/financing forms, public hearing information, Natural Resources Conservation Service Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, etc. If applicable for the funding source; green infrastructure, energy efficiency measures, and environmentally innovative ...