GENERAL DISCRETION. B30 Legal aid commissions may exercise discretion in special circumstances to grant legal aid to a person who does not satisfied its means test. Schedule C Specific community legal centres NATIONA L PAR T NER SHI P A G R E E M E N T O N LEGA L A S SIST A NC E SE R V I C E S This schedule specifies the community legal centres that will receive guaranteed Commonwealth funding in 2015-16 and 2016-17. LIST OF COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES C1 Table 1 sets out the minimum amount of Commonwealth funding that will be provided to specific community legal centres, subject to clauses C2 and C3. This Schedule does not prevent the States from providing additional funding to the community legal centres listed in this Schedule. C2 A State may withhold Commonwealth funding to a community legal centre listed in this Schedule if that community legal centre ceases to operate, fails to comply with reasonable reporting requirements established by a State, and/or ceases to deliver legal assistance services in accordance with this Agreement. C3 A State must obtain agreement in writing from the Commonwealth to withhold funding under clause C2 and to redirect that funding to other community legal centres in that State. Table 1: Commonwealth financial contribution for specific community legal centres Centre Name 2015-16 2016-17 Total New South Wales Central Coast Community Legal Centre $389,185 $389,185 $778,370 Far West Community Legal Centre $456,515 $456,515 $913,030 HIV/AIDS Legal Centre $92,458 $92,458 $184,916 Kingsford Legal Centre $276,260 $276,260 $552,520 Macquarie Legal Centre $437,553 N/A $437,553 Mid-North Coast Community Legal Centre $313,950 $313,950 $627,900 Mt Druitt and Area Community Legal Centre $259,661 N/A $259,661 Northern Rivers Community Legal Service $452,290 $452,290 $904,580 Public Interest Advocacy Centre $120,000 $120,000 $240,000 Xxxxxxx Legal Centre $217,191 $217,191 $434,382 Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre $417,264 $417,264 $834,528 South West Sydney Legal Centre $428,976 $428,976 $857,952 Welfare Rights Centre (NSW) $343,191 $343,191 $686,382 Western Sydney Community Legal Centre N/A $697,214 $697,214 New South Wales Total $4,204,494 $4,204,494 $8,408,988 Centre Name 2015-16 2016-17 Total Victoria Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre $226,647 $226,647 $453,294 Broadmeadows Community Legal Service $241,777 N/A $241,777 Xxxxx Cardinia Community Legal Service $281,997 $281,997 $563,994 Consumer Action Law Centre $270,918 $270,918 $541,836 Darebin Commun...
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GENERAL DISCRETION. 13.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these trading terms and conditions, if at any time the Company should in its reasonable discretion consider it necessary to depart from any of the Customer’s instructions, the Company shall be entitled to do so and shall not incur any liability as a result.
GENERAL DISCRETION. 3.1 The Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group shall be entitled at any time to require the Client or any Entity (at their expense) to take such accounting, legal, tax or other professional advice in connection with any matter directly or indirectly related to its affairs or the Services as the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group might deem necessary or appropriate.
GENERAL DISCRETION. 5.1 The Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group shall be entitled without notification to or authorisation from the Client, the Principal Contact or ant Interested Party to take such accounting, legal, tax or other professional advice as it might deem necessary or appropriate, at the expense of the Client.


  • BANK’S DISCRETION Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any other terms and conditions herein, the Bank shall be entitled at any time, in its reasonable discretion and with reasonable notice, to amend, vary, withdraw, restrict, suspend or terminate all or any of the facilities in respect of or in relation to the TBS Access Code and/or the TBS. The Bank may, from time to time, in its reasonable discretion, make available through the operation of TBS, such other services and/or facilities as the Bank may deem fit.

  • COUNTY Discretion At the sole discretion of County, payments to Subrecipient may be made more frequently than monthly, but such payments shall always be in arrears and not in advance of the provision of services by Subrecipient.

  • District’s Sole Discretion District in its sole discretion may terminate this Contract for any reason on 30 days’ written notice to Contractor.

  • Discretion 12.1 May not allow card transactions Without prejudice to any of our rights and remedies, we are entitled to, at any time in our reasonable discretion and without giving any reason or notice, refuse to approve any proposed card transaction notwithstanding that the current balance, if the proposed card transaction was debited to the card account, would not have exceeded the combined credit limit.

  • Establishment of Committee The Province may, at its sole discretion, require the establishment of a committee to oversee the Agreement (the “Committee”).

  • Board of Trustees’ Responsibilities 5.2.1 The Board of Trustees will be responsible for the operational and financial sustainability of the Trust, including:

  • Management Committee The Members shall act collectively through meetings as a "committee of the whole," which is hereby named the "Management Committee." The Management Committee shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the following provisions and the other provisions of this Agreement:

  • Supervision of Student Teachers Paragraph 1: Supervision of a student teacher shall be voluntary. Teachers shall normally be notified of a student teacher assigned at least two (2) weeks prior to the student teacher’s introduction to the classroom. The school system shall provide the cooperating teacher with whatever materials it deems appropriate. The cooperating teacher shall be responsible for being knowledgeable of the contents of any such materials provided.

  • Selection Committee A. Each building site will appoint a selection committee for the TLS. The committee shall be comprised of equal numbers of teachers and administrators and at least one teacher will be appointed by the Des Moines Education Association.

  • Committee Responsibilities Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have full authority and discretion to take the following actions:

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