General test conditions Sample Clauses
General test conditions. The following requirements and condition shall apply to the test:
General test conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the Tested-Device:
(a) The test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 22 ± 5 °C;
(b) At the beginning of the test, the SOC shall be adjusted in accordance with Annex 9, Appendix 2;
(c) At the beginning of the test, all protection devices which affect the function(s) of the Tested-Device that are relevant to the outcome of the test shall be operational.
General test conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the Tested-Device at the start of the test:
General test conditions. The following requirements and conditions shall apply to the test:
(a) The test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 10 °C or at higher temperature if requested by the manufacturer;
(b) The SOC of REESS shall be adjusted around the middle of normal operating range by normal operation recommended by the manufacturer such as driving the vehicle or using an external charger. The accurate adjustment is not required as long as the normal operation of the REESS is enabled;
(c) For vehicle-based test of vehicles with on-board energy conversion systems (e.g. internal combustion engine, fuel cell, etc.), fill the fuel to allow the operation of such energy conversion systems;
(d) At the beginning of the test, all protection devices which would affect the function of the Tested-Device and which are relevant to the outcome of the test shall be operational. All relevant main contactors for charging shall be closed.
General test conditions. E.
2.1 The general conditions of test are described in IEC 62301 (Household electrical appliances – Measurement of standby power). The main requirements are summarised briefly below. Ambient temperature 23 ± 5 0C Air speed close to the unit ≤ 0.5 m/s Supply voltage 230V ± 1% 50 Hz ± 1% Supply voltage waveform Total harmonic content ≤ 2% Crest factor between 1.34 and 1.49 Power level ≥ 0.5W Power level ≤ 0.5W Power ≤10 W Power 10 ≤ 100 W Uncertainty ≤ 2% at the 95% confidence level Uncertainty ≤ 0.01 W at the 95% confidence level Resolution ≥ 0.01 W Resolution ≥ 0.1 W
General test conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the tested-device at the start of the test:
(a) The SOC shall be adjusted to a value in the upper 50 per cent of the normal operating SOC range;
(b) All protection devices, which would affect the function of the tested- device and which are relevant to the outcome of the test shall be operational.
General test conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the removed REESS at the start of the test:
General test conditions. All the provisions specified in Annex 5, Part (A), Paragraph 3. “General test conditions” and its subparagraphs apply except for paragraph 3.4. “Replacement of reference tyres”. The paragraph 2.3.1. of this Annex applies instead.
General test conditions. All the provisions specified in Annex 5, Part (A), Paragraph 3. “General test conditions” and its subparagraphs apply except for with the exception of paragraph 3.4. “Replacement of reference tyres”. The paragraph 2.4.1. of this Annex applies instead.
2.4.1. Replacement of reference tyres When irregular wear or damage results from tests, or when wear or aging influences the test results, the use of the reference tyre shall be discontinued.
General test conditions. Base Reference Conditions are listed in Tables 2-1 through 2-3. • The project design heat balances are provided in APPENDIX A. • The tests will be conducted in accordance with this document which is agreed upon by Gulf Power, Shell and Owner. Conflicts in test methods will be resolved using the following order of precedence.
1. Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this Exhibit 4.2
2. ASME PTC 46 • If test conditions differ from those indicated in Table 2-1, corrections will be calculated and applied to data in accordance with the methods outlined in Section 3.5. • All air, steam, water, and generator conditions which have an effect on the data collected for the determination of the corrected test results will be regulated as near as possible to the conditions indicated in the Project Heat Balances corresponding with the expected performance levels. OEM requirements for continuous and long-term operation, such as Steam Turbine inlet temperature and Combustion Turbine base load control curve, will not be exceeded. • The Plant will be operated from the control room with systems operating in automatic mode which are normally operated in automatic mode, and in a manner consistent with Prudent Generator Practices for continuous and long-term operation. • For conditions beyond the control of Owner, Shell or Gulf Power, reasonable efforts will be made to conduct the tests as close as possible to the Base Reference Conditions to minimize the magnitude of the applied correction factors, subject to the requirements of Part A of this Exhibit 4.2. • The HRSGs will be operated with zero HRSG blowdown. No corrections for blowdown will be applied. • Reasonable efforts will be made to conduct the tests with all Plant components in a clean and undamaged condition. • Evaporative coolers will be in service if ambient dry bulb temperature is 60° F or greater, and if the wet bulb depression is at least 10° F.